Underground Plumbing Repairs
G3 Construction Group was engaged by the Board at this Condominium Association in Chicago's Gold Coast to manage a critical underground plumbing repair project. G3 felt that the best approach to the repair solution would be to partner up with a plumbing contractor that has the capabilities to perform the necessary repairs in a design-build fashion and include the required engineering. This approach provided the most economical solution, while keeping the best interest of the Association in mind.
Challenges regarding excavating and undermining the footings and foundations of the building to gain access to the existing underground waste pipes was a great concern. Historically, it has been known that the underground fill utilized to create the Streeterville area has proven to be inconsistent and challenging. To help alleviate these concerns, G3 partnered up with Werner Nugent Plumbing to propose a conceptual approach that re-routed the underground waste pipe overhead with the help of strategically placed sump pits. This also eliminated major areas of excavation through common hallways of the building as well as re-routed the exterior surface drains to prevent storm water run-off from entering the building, thus reducing the potential for flooding in the lower levels. Converting to an overhead sewer system also provides easier future maintenance and repair, should it be required.
In addition to this scope, G3 also assessed the condition of the existing domestic water booster pump system. During a site visit while working on the underground plumbing project feasibility G3 was informed that there were concerns with the domestic water consumption and there may be issues with the booster pump system. An initial cursory investigation noted that there appeared to be a large amount of water draining from the booster pump drain. Prior to G3's involvement, board members contacted a pump repair company and a site visit from them revealed that one of the pumps was not working and that the pressure settings were not correct. G3 partnered with Werner Nugent Plumbing to assess the existing pump and devise a plan to replace the existing with a new system. The approach allows for both the new and the old system to work simultaneously and also minimized interruption to the building water service to only one day.