Funds often flow to your unit because of community relationships established by your fellow Civil Air Patrol members.

Step 1: At a CAP meeting, ask members to take a moment and jot down two people they know in your local Rotary Clubs, Veterans Organizations, Property and Real Estate Management Companies, Fire and Police Stations, Airport Managers, Flying Clubs, City/County Council or other local businesses.

Step 2: Ask members to make a point the next time they see one of the persons listed above to share their most recent CAP success or personal experience and what makes CAP meaningful. (It's also a great answer when anyone says, "what's new with you" to answer with your CAP experience.)

Step 3: It's much easier to inquire about available funding or support, or send a letter of request, to someone who knows the impact of Civil Air Patrol. (Make sure the member with the local relationship is involved in the ask!)

Individuals and businesses give because they see and know about Civil Air Patrol. The more awareness and firsthand knowledge a potential donor has, the more they want to be part of making things better in our communities. 

Our greatest opportunity is to include others in what we do.