As the landscape in Afghanistan rapidly changes, different emotions arise for everyone, but they are especially poignant for those who served.
We are all still trying to comprehend and understand the complexities of recent events. Twenty years of conflict, blood, sweat, and tears are a lot to process, especially with something of this speed and magnitude. It likely brings up an array of emotions, thoughts, and ideas for many of us, including our Vietnam Veterans who’ve experienced a similar situation 46 years ago. Whatever you’re feeling, it’s okay! The frustration, disappointment, anger, sadness, and so much more are real and ok. Regardless of the politician's opinions and pundit's perspectives, what matters most was your willingness to serve, not what is happening or being said about it now.
You answered the call to serve your country. You provided security for the vulnerable, stability for the unstable, purpose for those without one, hope for the hopeless. The rest is out of our control. What mattered most in uniform AND matters in this moment right now… is ensuring you have the back of the men and women you served alongside. We never went on patrol alone, do not go at this alone. Stay strong, stay healthy, and take care of one another.
Please reach out to your battle buddies. Stay connected to your family and friends. And, remember our team at VBH is always here. We are standing by ready to assist you. We’ve included other great resources in the links below.
Our community is stronger because of your service.
Welcome Home and Be The Bridge!
Vet Centers - Discuss how you feel with other Veterans in these community-based counseling centers. 70% of Vet Center staff are Veterans. Call 1-877-927-8387 or find one near you. - information, resources, and Veteran to Veteran videos for challenging life events and experiences with mental health issues.
Download VA's self-help apps - Tools to help deal with common reactions like stress, sadness, and anxiety. You can also track your symptoms over time.
VA Women Veterans Call Center - Call or text 1-855-829-6636 (M-F 8AM - 10PM & SAT 8AM - 6:30PM ET)
VA Caregiver Support Line - Call 1-855-260-3274 (M-F 8AM - 10PM & SAT 8AM - 5PM ET)