Reimagine Magnolia Village is Rocking and Rolling
The Reimagine Magnolia Beautification Project is in full swing. When you are in Magnolia Village, you will notice more and more activity as clean up continues, new installations are going in, and construction may make for a bit of noise, dust, and well, ... some relatively pesky, yet minor disruptions. But, the results will be astounding. This newsletter provides cheery thanks and recognition to all of our intrepid volunteers, encourages you to
donate again
, and keeps you posted on what next to expect as the beautification project is in mojo mode!
The first phase of the Reimagine Magnolia beautification project is now a beehive of activities and more improvements will be apparent before the ides of March are upon us. Thanks to supporters and volunteers,
the Neighborhood Matching Fund from the
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.
and donors like you, steady progress is being made in time for the celebration of the first phase completion, which will take place in Magnolia Village on June 6th.
We ask you to
donate now
to help ensure the coverage of any unforeseen challenges that may come up as digging begins to install poles for hanging baskets, reinstalling benches and anchoring tables and chairs safely to the sidewalk.
Please donate today by clicking
For those who might need extra incentive to donate to the beautification of Magnolia Village, please note that the Magnolia Chamber is currently seeking charity status under the auspices of a 501(c)3 non-profit. We will keep you posted on progress.
And a reminder: Note that all of your donations to the Reimagine Magnolia beautification project are cumulative. All capital campaign donations of $2500 or more will be permanently recognized in the Village through an attractive display that will celebrate those who have invested in making Magnolia Village a wonderful place to visit, dine, shop, and live. If you gave earlier to the project, give again (and again) to reach the $2500 threshold. We deeply appreciate your investment in the Magnolia Village.
A Big Round of Thanks to Amazing Volunteers
Over the last several weeks, work in earnest has started to refresh Magnolia Village’s comfortable green benches that will be replaced over the next several weeks. Special kudos to the benches’ memorial plaque cleaners:
John Maynard, Lisa Fitch and her son, and Mardi Leslie.
The plaques are a special acknowledgement to the generous donors of the benches that provide seating in the heart of Village. The refurbished plaques will look just like new and thanks to the intrepid volunteers, each plaque will sport newly lacquered finishes to preserve them into the future.
Thanks also to the amazing
Bob Culley, Jeremy Kelley, Jason Thibeaux, Ben Edlan, Chuck Flaherty, Will Bailey, Jim Napolitano and Don Gilmore
for volunteering their Saturday morning on February 1st to unbolt the benches so they could be transported to Seattle Powder Coating for clean-up and repainting.
A shout out of appreciation to
Rainbow of Magnolia
for removing and storing the flowerpots from the block between 32nd and 33rd Avenue West. Each will be repositioned in other sections of Magnolia and two have already been placed in front of Seven Hills Running Shop on West Government Way. If you have a business outside of the Village and would enjoy some flower pots to welcome customers and add beauty to the neighborhood, please contact or
Hearty applause and kudos to
Nadine Archambault, Manager of our local Staples
for storing the incoming poles and the new bistro tables and chairs in their warehouse until all can be assembled and positioned in the Magnolia Village.
And, in the category of making Magnolia beautiful, a special acknowledgement of appreciation to
Charles Packard
. He is an amazing volunteer for our community. He can be seen in the Village picking up strewn papers, cups, and other refuse and rubbish up and down West McGraw Street. If you run into Charles, be sure to thank him for what he does to keep our Village clean and the Reimagine Magnolia beautification project alive and moving forward.
Beautification Project Installations – minor disruptions, great results
Starting the week of February 24th, the new attractive anchor poles that hold flowering baskets and signage will be installed in the heart of the Magnolia Village business district. Like any activity that includes boring into concrete and the use of heavy equipment, plan on some noise, dust, and general disruption for the duration of the installations. Members of the MBC, with experience in project management, architecture, and construction, have been meeting regularly with the Seattle Department of Transportation. The contractor is meeting with local merchants to ensure full compliance with the permits and preparations for short-term impacts are taken in advance of the installations. The final results in improving the look and ambiance of the Magnolia Village are aimed at attracting more customers and boosting sales for all merchants once the first phase of the beautification project is completed in time for the start of the summer season.
Please join us in reimagining Magnolia Village –
to the Magnolia Village Beautification Project today.
This digital document has been funded in part by the Neighborhood Matching Fund Program of the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. The information contained herein does not necessarily reflect the policies, plans, beliefs, conclusions, or ideas, of the City of Seattle.
To donate by check, make payable to “MCC/MBC”
and send to MBC #51 / 3213 W Wheeler St / Seattle WA 98199
To make a monthly/quarterly pledge by check, contact:
Jason Thibeaux
(206) 618-1589
Please share this newsletter with other neighbors, family and friends
Questions? Please contact
Cheryl McQuiston
, Chair of the Magnolia Beautification Committee at, or
Jason Thibeaux
, Magnolia Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, at