Welcome Back!

Happy Tuesday!!

This internal newsletter is our way of keeping you informed about the latest news and information that will help you stay informed and engaged in all things FCHC.

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In Today's Issue...


Join us in celebration next week:

Monday: 1976 Day

Tuesday: Community Partner Appreciation

Wednesday: Patient Appreciation

Thursday: Staff Appreciation

Friday: BOD Appreciation

More information to come!

Human Resources

In efforts to promote organizational engagement, starting in July, every 3rd Thursday of every month, we will have a "Town Hall Session" on different subjects such as mental health, finance, benefits, and other great topics!

The sessions will be held during lunch and locations will provide lunch.

We look forward to your participation!

Employee Referral Bonus

Our Employee Referral Policy explains important aspects of our employee referral process.

FCHC places great importance on referrals because we trust that our employees understand and value our organization. This Employee Referral Program applies to everyone who refers a candidate to FCHC.

View the BONUS Policy

Important Dates



FCHC's Birthday!

47 Years of providing quality service!



FCHC Dress Up Days

Tacky Tourist Day! In celebration of the first day of summer, dress up in your favorite Tacky Tourist outfit

Stay Connected...

FCHC 2023 Community Scholarship

The 2023 FCHC Community Scholarship Committee received a significant number of outstanding applications from a diverse pool of candidates. After making some difficult decisions, the FCHC Community Scholarship Committee recognized seven outstanding recipients who met the eligibility criteria with exceptional dedication and passion...

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Safety Training!

Lakeshore Medical Center received “Recognize and React” Safety training from Corporal Jack Nash from Okeechobee Sheriff’s Office.


Wellness comprises of eight mutually co-dependence dimensions: emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial.

A well-rounded balance of these wellness dimensions provides holistic harmony to one’s personal well-being.

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June Awareness

Photo provided by our Pahokee Team!

June is a great opportunity to promote Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness, Sickle Cell awareness, and HIV Testing!

More Information 

Human Resources Careers

Photo Library

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