You are ready to vaccinate- what if your clients don't want it?
How are you addressing vaccine hesitancy with your pregnant clients?

Here are some suggestions from
the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs:
The KFF Vaccine Monitor reports vaccine confidence is increasing more and more as people see friends and family members vaccinated.

Can your client identify a pregnant family member or friend who has been vaccinated? If not- can you identify a trusted staff member or doctor in the clinic who is or was pregnant and has been vaccinated?
The CIVIQS Survey (4/20/21) reports 47% of women of childbearing age who have a college education have already been vaccinated- While only 38% of non college grads are vaccinated.
Why are the numbers of already vaccinated lower for non college grads?

The top concerns reported can be addressed with information, and support to find the right vaccination location:

  • Worry about missing work related to Covid side effects
  • Concerns regarding contracting Covid from the vaccine
  • Fear of needing to pay out of pocket for the vaccine
  • Taking time off work to get the vaccine
  • Lack of transportation to get the vaccine
According to the National Medical Association Trust for America's Health report, the principles for building trust and equitable access within communities of color and tribal communities include Agency, Transparency, Relevancy and Accountability.

Make sure messaging is accurate, customized, clear and consistent; and appropriate for all levels of literacy.

Utilize trusted staff who have positive patient relationships as spokespersons. CPSP staff who spend a lot of time with clients are some of the most trusted educators. CPHWs and Home Visitors are also often authentic and welcomed messengers.
Use these words More:

The Benefits of taking it

Getting the vaccine will keep you safe

A Return to Normal

Your Family

Medical Experts


Medical Researchers
Use these words Less:

The Consequences of not taking it

Getting the vaccine is the "right thing to do".

Predictability/ Certainty

Your Community

Scientists/ Health Experts

Discover/ Create/ Invent

Drug Companies
Much of the above information was gleaned from the 4/16/21 presentation by the Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs webinar Earning Trust, Building Vaccine Confidence: Lessons Learned from Global and Local Initiatives. Here is a recording of the Webinar.
Liz George, RN, PHN, Perinatal Services Coordinator,
Sonoma County Department of Public Health.
Sonoma County Department of Public Health | Website