Dear Friends,
As 2021 draws to a close, we all find ourselves at an intersection, both bittersweet and exciting.
2022 is the Griffin Museum’s 30th year, and as we look back at the last year, we have much to be grateful for, and much to look forward to.
This year as the art community was in flux, we kept our doors open physically and virtually to welcome you, engaging with our creative community. Our programs, events, exhibitions all gave us a moment to be immersed in photography, art and conversation. We showed the work of 446 photographers in 29 exhibitions. We hosted over 60 online programs and welcomed people back to events in the galleries. We tried new things, like Member Project(ions), our outdoor slideshow of Griffin members' photographs projected onto the Griffin Museum's outside building while accompanied by music composed, performed and curated by Winchester Community Music School faculty member Glenn Dickson.  
Our Executive Director and Curator, Paula Tognarelli is retiring this year, leaving a legacy that is unmatched in the photography community. Paula is the bedrock of the Griffin and it is because of her leadership and creativity that we have reached so many artists and photography aficionados around the world. Her dedication and passion is evident in everything we do. She will leave a long-lasting impression on all of us.
We start 2022 with new leadership and a continuation of the quality and excellence in our programs and exhibitions you have come to expect from the Griffin. Associate Director, Crista Dix, will step into the role of Executive Director, ushering in a new era in our 30th year.
We can’t be who we are without you. Our Griffin community has gotten us through the good times pre-pandemic, supported us as we navigated a new normal over the last two years and now as we emerge from the shadows of the pandemic, we look to the future. We cannot look to a bright future without you at our side.
Your engagement and financial support is the foundation for our rich and varied programming, including lectures, exhibitions and events. Your support helps us keep our lights on and keep our educational and museum staff employed.
As we look back at this very full year and forward to the next, as we continue to grow and innovate in the field of photography, we ask you to join us, support us and help us maintain our financial footing so we can continue to bring you the exhibitions, programs and events that bring us together as a creative community.

Can we count on you this year to participate in our programs, to attend our exhibitions, to volunteer, to join our membership and support our efforts in our yearly appeal? We know the answer is yes as you have been there all along.
December 31 is the deadline for gifts to be eligible for 2021 tax deductions. Your donations can be made through our website, by calling the museum at 781.729.1158 or mail your gift to us in Winchester.

Thank you again for your generosity and being part of the Griffin community.

Drew Epstein
Board President
Griffin Museum of Photography
The Griffin Museum of Photography is a nonprofit organization dedicated solely to the art of photography. Through our many exhibitions, programs and lectures, we strive to encourage a broader understanding and appreciation of the visual, emotional and social impact of photographic art.

As an institution, we are committed to insuring that our mindset, our practice, our outreach, our programming and our exhibitions set a framework with priorities for building programs and exhibitions that consider diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion through our mission that is centered around the photograph.
photo below by Lisa Ryan,"Becoming Light," from Once Upon a Time