Boys Hope Girls Hope scholars and their families enjoyed an amazing Sunday afternoon Pot Luck!

Our scholars and their families enjoyed good food, good company and fun and games. Due to COVID, BHGH families had not had the chance to get together for over a year! It was a wonderful afternoon spent reconnecting and getting to know each other. 

The children waited patiently until it was time to smash the custom made BHGH Pinata. And when it was time, they smashed it to bits spilling candy everywhere! 

We also took a moment to recognize the upcoming Dia de los Muertos holiday and remember those we have lost. Per Mexican tradition, the altar, pictured here, is filled with pictures of loved ones, food, marigolds and other items so that loved ones who have passed on may join in the celebration.

Do you know a potential BHGH scholar?
For additional information about how to refer a child CLICK HERE. Or email our Program Director, Meghann Gintz at [email protected].