The science of the Georgia Dome implosion  NOVEMBER 2017

They say what goes up must come down, and Atlanta's Georgia Dome is no exception to the evolving landscape of Atlanta. On November 20, 2017, we're saying farewell to the Dome, a staple of Atlanta entertainment since 1992. In this episode of Things Explained, we explore the science behind demolitions and talk with a demolition expert about what it takes to bring down the Georgia Dome. 

Check out our Georgia Dome Implosion teacher toolkit for more ideas on how to incorporate this event into the classroom. 

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, we have gathered free educational resources from our partners in education, PBS and Discovery Education. Click here to explore the experiences, culture, and contributions of Native Americans who have shaped American history.

On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, major hostilities of World War I were formally ended when the Armistice of Germany went into effect. Today, we honor the brave men and women who served in the US armed forces every year on November 11th. Make sure that this year your students understand the history and importance of a holiday that recognizes these important people: Veterans Day.

Here are five classroom resources that will help make Veterans Day meaningful for your students.

Encourage storytelling and create an oral history of the United States

Storytelling and the gift of listening are critical skills for young people. The Great Thanksgiving Listen is a national movement that empowers young people-and people of all ages-to create an oral history of the contemporary United States by recording an interview with an elder using the free StoryCorps App.

Click here to learn more about this movement. 
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