Grand Opening of Dreamchaser Too
As you may already know, we moved from Arizona to Missouri in 2015. Over the past two years, we have spent countless hours modifying the main facility on Kincheloe Drive so it meets the needs of our sanctuary residents.
What you may not know is that, last year, we purchased an additional 39 acres just over a mile northwest of the main property, hoping some day to fence its beautiful grassland.
In mid-August we divided the property into three large and lush green pastures. This allows us to rotate our residents between facilities, ensuring healthy and sustainable pasture land.
Today 16 very happy horses graze these plentiful pastures.
Their sanctuary made possible through donations.
Featured Residents -
Memphis & Beauty
We call Memphis our Spirit Burro. His color makes him look like a ghost at night and he seems to appear out of nowhere.
His previous owner had him in with six quarter horses who relentlessly picked on him. The owner felt bad for him and wanted him on a sanctuary where he would be loved and cared for.
Memphis now has his own family of burros-two BLM rescues, three minis and his best buddies, Jimmy & Daisy.
He is a truly happy burro.
Our little welsh cob beauty is well into her senior years at 29 and age is catching up. She is Dreamchaser's best ambassador. She has participated in petting zoos, birthday parties, Lean on Me programs and educational events.
Beauty is always good natured and willing to be surrounded by children and volunteers, especially when they have grooming tools in hand.
We tend to her every need, giving her extra doses of love, as she approaches the rainbow bridge.
Sanctuary Insider -
Your donation dollars at work
Sparing No Expense
When it comes to the health and well-being of our sanctuary residents, we spare no expense. For The Love of The Horse offers an exhaustive list of Chinese herbal blends for individual equine ailments and conditions.
We individualize care and treatment for every animal at Dreamchaser. Feed, grain, pasture usage and medications, whether short or long term are determined by the status of each animal. We do not wish to further complicate the health of any animal by using medications that can create secondary problems.
Daisy, a 14 year old burro, trekked 800 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail, breaking down with a severe laminitic attack. She wears special boots and is no longer on antibiotics and pain killers. Daisy is on two herbal supplements. (Cost: $310 per month)
Classy, an insulin resistant quarter horse, suffered a laminitic attack after grazing on frosty grass. She will be on hoof ailment and IR supplements for the rest of her life. (Cost: $284 per month)
Beauty is a 29 year old welsh pony and has developed uveitis, a condition that can lead to blindness. Along with pharmaceuticals for dilation and pain, she is on herbals for overall eye health, pain and inflammation. (Cost: $264 per month)
Get a jump on Giving Tuesday. Donate today.
Well, well, well what have we here? Well, it's new a well!
This summer we ran into some issues with our existing well. While the animals never went without water, we had to time the use of the well in order to keep up with demand.
This new well was drilled next to our main barn and enables us to get water directly and immediately to our sanctuary residents. The old well was pulling double duty by providing water to the animals and the humans.
CALL TO ACTION: Tell every woman and doctor you know!
Help us turn their tragedy into triumph.
Want 100% put to use at the sanctuary? Use one of the above links to donate or by mail.
About Us
Our dream was for the rescued horses to live a more natural life where they would be on grass and roam the pastures freely. In late 2014 we made that dream a reality and loaded 30 sanctuary horses and moved them from New River, Arizona to Falcon, Missouri.
Goldrush was the first Premarin mare we saved. 30,000 mares were headed to slaughter in 2004 when Premarin sales dived after the WHI study showed the dangers of Premarin to women. Cimmaron was born at our ranch in New River.
Starvation to Salvation
All six of our orphaned foals were born in South Dakota and became unwilling participants in what is now being called the "largest equine rescue in our country's history".
Learn the truth of what happened and the insurmountable odds these horses had to endure.