Hi Kelly,

When you think of road safety in your community what is one thing you would like to see improved? If you answered speed, you are not alone. Sadly, speeding has become a big problem, and it is not unusual to see news stories about motorists driving over the speed limit in residential zones

A behavioural change is needed amongst motorists. We need to slow down and obey posted speed limits. We all have places to go, and we all deserve to get there safely. Speeding is not worth the loss of human life.

How will you Support Making All Road Travel Safe? Think of your children, your neighbour's children or your grandchildren. Let's make our roads safe for them so they can cross the street to visit a friend's house and cycle to the park without having to worry about being hit by a speeder.

The Ottawa Safety Council

PS - Do you know someone who would benefit from the road safety information we share? If so, forward this newsletter and encourage them to sign up by clicking here.

Feel the need to speed? Don’t. More and more motorists feel they can push the speed limits to get where they need to go faster. This may seem fine, but is speeding worth a human life? Speed matters and reducing speed is one simple way drivers can make roads safer for everyone.

In the image above, created by the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals (CARSP), you can see the correlation between speed and the chances of fatality if a pedestrian is hit.

There's no doubt - speeding causes accidents. Speeding or driving too fast for the conditions present on the roads, can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicle, prevent the car from stopping in time, and cause fatalities.

Learn what is being done to slow down cars

and what you can do as a motorist.

Looking for a job? If so, mark your calendars and join us at the following Ottawa job fairs:

Tuesday, October 4th

Algonquin College, 1385 Woodroffe Ave.

(Student Commons Lobby)

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Tuesday, October 4th

The Holiday Inn & Suites, Kanata,

101 Kanata Ave. for the Kanata Central BIA Job Fair

12:00 – 8:00 pm

Thursday, October 6th

Carleton University (Official), 1125 Colonel By Dr.

(University Center Galleria)

10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Click here to learn about our current Employment Opportunities here.

Are you looking for a part-time job with a purpose? We're adding Crossing Guards to our remarkable team of Guards! Enjoy the great outdoors, meet new people and make a difference in your community.

Learn how you can work in your community or for more information on this rewarding employment opportunity, visit: https://www.ottawasafetycouncil.ca/crossing-guard-program/  

or reach out to Stephanie, our Recruiter!

Visit the Employment Section of our website for more information.

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