The BPSI Community:
Fellows, ATP Student Members, Candidate Members, Affiliate Scholars, Psychotherapist Members, Adjunct Members, Academic Members, Board Members, Psychoanalyst Members, and Partners
BPSI Leadership Team
Daniel Mollod, MD, President
Catherine Kimble, MD, Executive Director
James Barron, PhD, Chair, Board of Trustees
Jack Foehl, PhD, President-Elect
Carole A. Nathan, MBA, Managing Director
You’re Invited:
Open Conversations on Race, Diversity, and Otherness
Monday, August 10, and August 31, 2020 - 7:00 pm
“BPSI READS” is an initiative to facilitate
regular conversations within BPSI, the larger psychoanalytic community, and the public on issues of Race, Diversity, and Otherness.
Please join us for our first two BPSI READS:
Monday, August 10
7:00-8:00 pm
Facilitators: Catherine Kimble, MD,
with Jim Barron, PhD, Jack Foehl, PhD, Dan Mollod, MD
How do we talk about structural racism, as individuals, as a psychoanalytic institute, and as a profession, with each other? The ways in which implicit, unconscious, embedded racialized moments will inevitably emerge in thought, language, and action may surprise us. How do we strengthen the capacity to observe those racialized moments in ourselves and our colleagues and to share our observations in constructive dialogue with each other? How do we create space for curiosity, in the inherently difficult conversations that will emerge, and to learn from them, in the shared moment, in the classroom, and in our dialogues?
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
is Professor of History and International Studies at Boston University, and the Director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research. His NYT bestseller is actively part of many public conversations on racism. Participants are invited to read the book, but it is not required.
Dr. Beverly Stoute
is a Child and Adult Psychoanalyst in Atlanta, and a member of “Black Analysts Speak." Beverly was a plenary speaker at this June’s APsaA meetings, and presented a version of this paper at BPSI’s 2018 Conference
“Race, Racism, and Emancipation: Can We See Ourselves as We Are?” Please joins us, whether or not you have read the book; we’ll use it along with Beverly’s paper to launch our conversation.
The August 10 BPSI Reads Drop-in group is for members of the BPSI Community.
One tap mobile: +16465588656,,
Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656; Meeting ID:
971 5951 1845
Monday, August 31
7:00-8:00 pm
Facilitator: Bernard Edelstein
We will continue our dialogue by reading two psychoanalytic papers. Together, they demonstrate how race is both present and hidden, conscious and unconscious in our theory, and how our theory may reflect our own unconscious struggles with racism, our reluctance to explore or give up long held narratives about race. Each paper considers the importance of being aware of the social and cultural realities of race as it is embedded in ourselves, in our theory and in our clinical work, and the way in which race is not a sole explanatory model, and exists alongside and intertwined with other aspects of psychoanalytic theory and technique. Both Forrest Hamer and Adrienne Harris were also speakers at BPSI’s 2018 Conference on Race, Racism and Emancipation.
Details and registration link for August 31 will be sent closer to the meeting.
Each BPSI READS will be organized as a drop-in group
hosted by a BPSI member or guest, who will open and facilitate the discussion. Depending on the number of registrants, each meeting may have breakout groups to allow for more focused conversation, and then we will bring everyone back together for larger group discussion.
Some will be offered for the BPSI Community and others will be open to the public.
As another initiative to fulfill
BPSI’s Anti-Racism Commitment
Click here for Commitment Memo)
, the BPSI Resources Page is now on the web for our colleagues and the public, making available psychoanalytic and interdisciplinary scholarship resources on, Race, Diversity and Otherness.
BPSI Resources:
On Race, Diversity, and Otherness
Psychoanalytic and Interdisciplinary Voices
Thank you to everyone who has shared experiences, questions, and ideas for how BPSI can fulfill our ongoing Anti-Racism commitment. We welcome suggestions for other BPSI READS you would like to see, or other ideas for BPSI’s Anti-Racism initiatives.
You may contribute ideas here
We hope to see you for BPSI READS this summer.
Jim, Dan, Catherine, Jack, and Carole