Learn More about Proposed New Initiatives
for Needham Schools TONIGHT!
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Tonight at 7:00 pm in the Broadmeadow Performance Center, CNS is hosting an informational event about the Innovation and Extended Learning proposal that would bring changes to Needham's schools beginning in September. Please join us! 


Superintendent Gutekanst and a panel of Needham educators will present important information about the proposed new initiatives for Needham schools. For these programs to move forward, Needham voters must approve a property tax override on April 8th. Don't miss this chance to learn more and cast an informed vote in April.

2/26/14: In This Issue
Innovation and Extended Learning
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CNS Informational Event TONIGHT at 7pm

Please join us tonight at our informational event on Superintendent Gutekanst's Innovation and Extended Learning proposal. Dr. Gutekanst will speak about the proposed initiatives and will be joined by four Needham educators who will offer their perspectives on this important proposal:

  • Mitchell Principal - Mike Schwinden
  • Director of World Languages - Deb Watters
  • Instructional Technology Specialist - Kathy Martell 
  • School Committee Chair - Joe Barnes 

We hope to see you tonight! The event will take place in the Broadmeadow Performance Center (120 Broad Meadow Road) at 7:00 pm.

More Information about Innovation and Extended Learning

As part of his budget request, Superintendent Gutekanst has asked for additional monies to support the Innovation and Extended Learning proposal. This proposal addresses needs identified during reviews of Needham's curriculum, benchmarking with local communities, and parent surveys. The proposal calls for:

  • Spanish starting in 1st grade
  • New elementary programming in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM)
  • More time for teachers to work together and collaborate
  • 75 hours of additional class time in elementary school (25 minutes/day)
  • 30 additional hours for middle school students (10 minutes/day), bringing Needham's middle school instructional hours up to the MA state minimum 
The cost of this proposal is $1.5 million and will need to be funded through an operational tax override in our town election on April 8th. We urge you to make an informed vote. If you can't make it to the CNS event tonight, more information is available of the NPS website.    
Election Day is April 8th - Register to Vote!

Needham's town election will be held on April 8th this year. The last day to register to vote is March 19th. For information on how to register, click here

If you need an absentee ballot, you can print out this form or pick one up at the Town Clerk's Office at Town Hall.    

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