206.367.4081  |   info@cairseattle.orgwww.cairseattle.org

   CAIR-WA 10th Anniversary Banquet and Awards Celebration

Speakers Announced. Online and Phone Registration Now Open!

CAIR-WA is proud to announce an exciting list of speakers for our 10th Anniversary Banquet & Awards Celebration, to be held on Friday, June 1, 2012!    


There are less than 3 weeks left until our biggest event of the year! Time is running out. To purchase tickets, please visit: www.cairseattle.org/banquet2012 You can also purchase tickets by calling CAIR-WA at (206) 367-4081 

Dean Obeidallah

Comedy by Dean Obeidallah

Wajahat Ali
Keynote speech by Wajahat Ali


Imam Siraj Wahhaj  


Motivational speech by Imam Siraj Wahhaj 

        • Religious Director of At-Taqwa Mosque in New York
        • Leader of Muslim Alliance in North America



You Are Invited    

 RSVP Now 


CAIR-WA cordially invites you to our 10th Anniversary Banquet and Awards Celebration!

What:  CAIR-WA's 10th Anniversary Banquet and Awards Celebration

When:  Friday, June 1, 2012. 6pm: Catered reception with speakers. 6:30pm Dinner and Program.

Where:  Bellevue Hilton, 300 112th Avenue SE, Bellevue, WA, 425.455.1300

Tickets:  $30 per person (over 9 years) if purchased before May 27. $60 after May 27.

Childcare:  $15
per child (9 years or below) if purchased before May 27. $30 after May 27

Free Parking.

Your support is necessary to help uphold our civil rights. Show your support by attending this event!


CAIR-Washington State, a chapter of America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy group, works tirelessly to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, and empower American Muslims.      


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