2023 Fundholder Annual Meeting

Building Community, Fostering Belonging, and Sharing Prosperity

Wednesday, October 25 from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

DC's Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library

Hello GWCF,

You are cordially invited to the 2023 Annual Fundholders Meeting to celebrate a record-breaking year of generosity and community impact, as we recognize our donors and community partners!

Together, we will reflect on our first 50 years and what we hope to accomplish in our next 50 years to build a thriving region where every person prospers.

Save the date and stay tuned! We'll be revealing our distinguished speakers and exciting program topics very soon.

Community Foundation fundholders, donors, and funding partners are invited to join us for breakfast, networking, and the live program. Limited seats are available, so we suggest that you register soon.

Register Now

2022 Annual Meeting Photos

www.thecommunityfoundation.org | 202-955-5890

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