Gatherings to discern the future of mission and ministry in Eastern Michigan.
Diocesan Self-Study Gatherings
Discerning Mission & Ministry in Eastern Michigan
Winter 2017-Sping 2018 | Regional

The Diocese of Eastern Michigan is in the midst of a transition.

Last June, our bishop of over ten years, the Rt. Rev. Todd Ousley, resigned his jurisdiction to accept a call on the Presiding Bishop's staff. In October, the 23rd Diocesan Convention voted to elect the Rt. Rev. Catherine Waynick as Bishop Provisional of the diocese, serving as companion and pastor for the next year.

We have some work to do, Eastern Michigan!

As discussed at the diocesan convention, we are about to embark on a time of self-study. We will take a look at where we've been, who we are, and who we are called to be as the Episcopal Church in this place.

We invite you to participate in one of the following regional gatherings:

Each gathering will take place on a Saturday from 10am to 2pm and will include lunch. There is no cost to attend. Please register so we can plan for materials and lunch.

This is an exciting time to be the Church in Eastern Michigan. We are excited to begin this self-study process with you all.

Peace ,

The Standing Committee
The Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan
The Rev. Dan Scheid, President
St. Paul's, Flint

William Thewalt, Secretary
St. Christopher's, Grand Blanc

The Rev. Sue Rich
Trinity, Bay City
Stephanie King, Vice President
St. Alban's, Bay City

Beth Barkley
Trinity, Lexington

The Rev. Phil Seitz
St. Mark's, Atlanta
This notice is being sent to all clergy, senior wardens, parish secretaries, and convention delegates with current emails on file. Please share this invitation with others in your congregation that may not receive our emails.