Candidates for AZ Congressional District 4, Candidates for State Senate, District 13:
- Dr. David Brill - Confirmed (candidate for Congressional District 4)
- Rep. Paul Gosar - Invited (candidate for Congressional District 4)
- Michelle Harris - Confirmed (candidate for State Senate, District 13)
- Sine Kerr - Invited (candidate for State Senate, District 13)
- Thomas Tzitzura - Invited (candidate for State House, District 13)
- Tim Dunn - Invited (candidate for State House, District 13)
- Joanne Osborne - Invited (candidate for State House, District 13)
The discussion will be moderated by Nancy LaPlaca.
Solar Debate with Congressional and State Legislative Candidates for Districts 4 and 13. This event is open to the public.
Arizona Western College, Schoening Conference Center, North Wing
2020 South Avenue 8E
Yuma AZ 85365
Friday, October 5, 2018
6 p.m.
There are now five states (CA, NV, HA, MA, VT) in the U.S. that get over 10% of electricity from solar, but sunny Arizona isn't one of them. Why? Come learn from the candidates about their plans for solar in Arizona — and why Yuma has been a solar leader since the early days of solar in our state.