We are rebooting our monthly RSVP lunches in June. Manna has graciously agreed to be our host this month. They will provide an overview of food insecurity in our area and a tour of their facility at 3030 North "E" Street.
This drop-in-when-you-can event will be at 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Join us for fellowship, food, fun, information and service. The lunch and program will be at 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. There will be an optional hour of community service before and after this main event.
Our service project will be making "Cute Critter" table favors. We will decorate small plastic eggs with pipe cleaners, ribbon, felt, self-stick foam, etc. These critters will be distributed to youth, seniors and veterans at UWWF Partner Agencies. RSVP volunteers are also welcome to take a critter or two home for their grandchildren or other favorite children in their lives.
All current and potential RSVP members are welcome. Please invite a loved one or friend who is 55 or better to attend with you.
Reservations are requested to ensure there is enough food.
Click on one of the buttons at the bottom to reserve your spot.