You're Invited

to Break Bread (bagels)

With Our State Legislators!

Please join the Jewish Community Relations Council

and members of the 2024 Nebraska State Legislature

for our second annual

Jewish Day of Action

on Thursday, February 29

Breakfast (Kosher) at 7:30 AM

in the Conference Room of the Roman L. Hruska Law Center, 635 South 14th Street

Lobbying begins at 9:00 AM

in the Capital Rotunda

We will speak with senators about LB 887 and its importance to our community

and the state of Nebraska as well as other areas of concern.

Getting to know our State Senators is vitally important.

They are very appreciative when we share breakfast and casual conversation with them.

Many of them have no Jews in their districts and this allows them to ask us questions

and learn a little about our faith and concerns.

After breakfast, we will cross the street to the Capital, be recognized by Speak Arch, and continue to have conversations with senators as floor debate is taking place.

You may come and go as you please, but we will end our Jewish Day of Action

activities when the senators adjourn for lunch at Noon.

Will you join us?


The Roman L. Hruska Law Center, 635 South 14th Street (across from the Capital)


02/29/24 7:15am - 02/29/24 12:00pm US/Central
Jewish Day of Action 2024
I'll Be There!
I Can't Make It

We will have two training meetings to familiarize our citizen advocates with the issues we are watching and guidance on how to speak with State Senators.

Information about and invitations to those trainings will be sent

when RSVPs for Jewish Day of Action have been received.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Call Sharon Brodkey. 402.334.6582 or email [email protected]