Class of 2024



Thursday, November 16

6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Front Circle


S'mores, hot chocolate, and fire pits

Dress warmly!

Hey, Seniors!

As your grade deans, we could not ask for a "s'more" amazing group of students.

We know the first couple of months of senior year are A LOT. Between classes, athletics, rehearsals, performances, community time, and preparing your first round of college applications (phew!), you've been working hard. (So hard!)

And we are SO proud of you.

We know there's "s'more" ahead and that you'll continue to be "s'more" and "s'more" amazing, but we also want to celebrate how far you've come and have some fun as a community ... RIGHT NOW!

To help mark the end of the first term, we'd love for you to join us for a special senior event on Thursday, November 16, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the Front Circle. We will have fire pits, s'mores, hot chocolate, a few surprises, and most of all, we'll have a chance to celebrate youβ€”the class of 2024!

We hope to see you there! (No "s'more" puns, promise.)

Mx. Weinberger and Mr. Robinson 

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