
You’re invited: International Peace Prayer Day

3HO is grateful to host Vandee Crane, Pavandeep Kaur as our Keynote Speaker for International Peace Prayer Day on June 17th. Join us for a day full of kriyas, inspiration and a beautiful art project of prayer flags for inspiration as we launch our ceremonies and circle processes for the Summer Solstice Festival. Vandee teaches decolonized yoga and brings Kundalini Yoga and healing to the Lakota Nation and Pine Ridge Reservation. This year she is a recipient of the Kundalini Beyond Borders grant.

Her life mission as a childhood sex trafficking survivor, clinician and medicine woman is supporting MMIW (Missing, Murdered, Indigenous women) and to support people and organizations making the “shift”. In her journey of rematriation, she has counseled so many Kundalini Yoga friends and family to support the process of rematriation, deconstructing patriarchal norms and bringing in an Aquarian perspective that is holistic and creates a culture of safety. Learn more about Vandee here.

Peace Prayer Day is an annual event, please join us and bring your friends for the healing walk in the morning, lunch and healing activities in the afternoon. Vandee will be joined by Krishna Kaur, Dr. Japa, Guru Singh, Harnam Singh and friends as we pray for peace and bring in a festival of healing and for this world.


Kundalini Beyond Borders

Kundalini Beyond Borders is an initiative by KRI and IKYTA to support bringing Kundalini Yoga to underserved populations. We are in awe at how many amazing service projects are being done by Kundalini Yoga teachers around the world. Check out this year’s grant-winning projects by clicking here.

Finding your Bliss with Anand Sahib

Discount: If you sign up to attend both the Anand Sahib course and 3HO Summer Solstice, you can use the $50 coupon. Check your registration email for the Anand Sahib Course so that you can register for Solstice at $50 off. We want you to feel the bliss, be in the bliss and learn about the bliss with these incredible faculty.

A 3-day in-person event in Española, New Mexico, prior to Summer Solstice.

Dates: 14-16th June, 2023.

Early Bird Registration : Register by May 15th for $350

Bliss comes from living as a realized human being: elegant, radiant, and sensory. Meaning is found through the soul. Satisfaction is gained through knowledge of that soul so that when we are challenged, the psychological state of “Anand” can embrace all aspects of life.


Upcoming 3HO International Events

40-Day Meditation for Self Love - May 12 - June 20, 2023

Summer Solstice in New Mexico - June 15-21, 2023

White Tantric Yoga in New Mexico - June 22, 2023

Level 1 Bali Immersion - September 17 - October 7, 2023


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3HO International | (505) 629-0267 | [email protected] | 3ho.org