Youth Group Updates | May 31, 2016
You're invited to help lead worship this summer

Have you ever wondered what's really going on during church when we do Holy Eucharist? Why do we say prayers over bread and wine? 

This summer, you're invited to find out more.

The Rev. Kim Reinholz is organizing three instructed Eucharists this summer on June 12, July 10 and August 12. 

You're invited to participate.  

During these services you'll be partnered with a member of vestry who will provide voice-over commentary during the church service--answering the questions that you're invited to ask. For example, you might read...

You: What is the Gospel?

Elder: The word Gospel means "good news." The Gospels are the first 4 books of the New Testament in the Bible--Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. 

So far, we have Ella S signed up to help lead worship on June 12. Do you wish to participate? If so, please contact 

Paul:, 804.338.5779
Kim:, 757.655.1877
Mary Cay:

It's a great way to be intentional about staying connected to church over the summer months. 

Lock-In Fundraiser for Belize trip is Saturday, June 18 6:00 p.m.

On Saturday, June 18 we'll meet at church for a lock-in overnight to raise money to support our mission to Belize. Everyone is invited to participate--you don't have to be going on the trip to pitch in on our fundraising efforts. We'll have dinner and spend the evening sorting, packing and preparing art supplies and other items to send to Belize in advance of our arrival. 

Note: This is an overnight event. Meet at the church at 6:00 p.m.

Here's how the fundraising will work
We'll have a team goal of raising $1000. Each of us will ask our friends, family, fellow GHTC parishioners to pledge money to support our participation in the lock-in. It could be that we get 1 00 gifts of $10, or 50 gifts of $20. The idea is to have 100% participation! We'll bake cookies Saturday night that we'll hand out on Sunday morning to those who pledge their support to us.

We'll hand out a one-sheet with more details about the lock-in and fundraiser this Sunday at church.

Questions? Contact Paul or Mary Cay.  


Are you getting the news?

This weekly e-communique is where we'll be making all youth group updates, announcements, etc. Be sure to ask your friends if they're getting the youth group email every Tuesday. If you know someone who is not receiving the email, please send a note to Paul Evans and we'll be sure to sign him/her up!
Connect via Facebook and Flickr

Are you following the Youth Ministry page on Facebook? You can "like" the page below--we'll be regularly updating it with photos, fun links and announcements related to youth ministry at Grace and Holy Trinity. 

We've also put together a new Flickr photo page--if you've got photos you'll like to submit to it, email Paul Evans, our new youth ministry assistant.