
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

I love how the LORD uses little people, like you and me. On a repentance zoom call to Malawi the other day, our dear brother Joseph Kazembe was led to speak and pray during the call while he traveled by car through the poorest section of Lilongwe, Malawi's capitol. There, children were eating from a garbage dump.

We started to pray and repent. The times of repentance opened up Holy Spirit Fruit. LOVE poured out. We received two words: worship center. The Holy Spirit gave us the vision to create a worship center to minister directly to the children in the garbage dump. 

If we were doing a booklet, perhaps this would be a title: REPENTANCE REPLACES "RUBBISH"; RESCUED INTO ROYALTY.

We wrote to you and you responded with donations exceeding the budget! This shows the LOVE of CHRIST at CHRISTMAS!

Here is Joseph's latest account:
He came to become the poor to restore rejected and neglected souls  
He was born as a poor in order to make rich in both spirit and body,
This morning l was at dumping site chating with. Ezekiel, Chikondi , Luke .
Friday we will be there having first service 
They call me uncle K for first time we are already connected they shared with me there tough situations ,
But Jesus came so in obedient to his revelation worship center will be born on birthday of Jesus Christ

This is great, thank you! Brothers this is holy spirit spirit inttervation in our prayers just led by him that we pray on that day while driving since l have no personal car l requested my Christian brother to drive me on that day, and it just happened we used the road that passes through the dumping site that was 5:30 if l remember well  
While praying my eyes were opened in away that l saw the  dumping site as a mission field seeing those precious souls eating gabbage and the song came to me the Christ compassion hit me and tears start coming and then this song Joy to the world came in and words from brother from South Africa mention something that strike my heart which talks about love and that these precious people know nothing about that great love of God and l felt the hollyspirit like saying to me show them that someone in heaven cares and he loves them.
This dumping site is located in Area 38 of Lilongwe city East where we first launched Out international on 15 June 2020.
The plan with the holy spirit is to open worship center where by Out graduates from area 38 will keep the fire burning at dumping site ,
l have in mind few youths who are active sometimes l go with them in my out international trips these are 
1 Luka Kalima,
2 Blessings Chakana
3 Emmanuel Kazembe they will be incharge of this dumping site worship center 
Friday is when we will visit them and bless with Christmas gifts and on 25th December we will have first worship service with them and on 1 January 2022 we will publically launch dampsite Out worship center and elect some among them to work with Our Out graduates on the affairs of that church .
We will involve the mayor of Lilongwe city to allow us have shelter there which will be used for sustainbility we will approach churches around that dumping site our passion for those people .
Lastly we will put followup mechanism to visit their homes .,
Who knows that Godly giants will come out from.this initiative and that once a dumping site will be Training site of Soldiers of Christ .
Tomorrow lam.meeting.with area 38 graduates to start spiritual warfare for the site , l will be posting the developments of this movement, Obedience to the holy spirit will open many doors that many dumping sites of the world will become training camps for Christ ,Yes yes No place left we have to do right thing in right time and win more young people to Christ As they come Out from dumping site to go Out and bring others Out for Christ sake 


Do you see repentance as vital in our personal lives? In our nations? That is NDR's sole purpose for ministry. We depend on your individual support, whatever the amount, to cover our costs and requests for food from pastors all over the planet who are awakening to the gift of repentance and need food for themselves and their flocks.
As you give, whatever the amount, you'll receive His fruit that will abound to your account!

God bless you!

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance

Please join us every Wednesday, at 11 AM Pacific, 2 PM Eastern, 5 AM Eastern Australia , Thursday, for our one hour repentance focus and FELLOWSHIP. Here is the Zoom link: Direct Zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87050808691?pwd=ZkMvM3VtTDF6TUFCKytDdE9vZ0V0UT09 password 1221
National Day of Repentance | www.repentday.com