Greetings! Directors, how many times have we faced a ringing engagement and our ringers have been fearful of failing? Ringers, how many times have we faced a ringing engagement and we, ourselves, have been fearful of failing? Johnny Cash said, "You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone." When my students are in class and they make mistakes as we are rehearsing, they sometimes flinch and yell out “sorry!” My common response is, “Let’s fix it…this is the place for mistakes so we can learn from them.” We all have been there. We all have rehearsed and rehearsed so that we can perform with perfection and excellence, and then get to the performance and make the dreaded mistake. (editorial comment: can't you just hear the music in a minor key: duh-nuh) What do we do with it from there? Is there learning that can take place? As your chair, I will be practicing and practicing to be the best leader I can be for Area 12. I know I will make mistakes. But I believe those mistakes, those failures, will only help me be a better leader. I will use my mistakes as stepping stones to help make Area 12 a better organization. Use the mistakes (failures) in your rehearsals to strive for perfection, and when you get to your performance, you will succeed.
The Area 12 Board met on September 17 and 18. The regional coordinators are hard at work creating events for you. Our Area 12 Statement of Objectives says, “The mission of Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America is to educate, motivate and nurture fellowship, joy, and excellence in handbell and handchime music. The primary objectives of the organization are to educate and to promote the exchange of ideas relating to handbell and handchime ringing and to sponsor educational activities (excluding direct competition between choirs, ensembles and/or ringers).” Your board is dedicated to these objectives. At our recent board meeting, we voted in a new “Area XII Code of Ethics” that will help us serve our area with integrity. (click the image to read our pledge)
I want to say a special THANK YOU to Scott Leggett who just completed his chair cycle during one of the most difficult seasons of Area 12, when we think about the challenges related to COVID-19.
I also want to thank Kendra Symonds for her leadership during her time in the chair cycle. We are sad to see her leave Area 12, but wish her all the best as she and her family have relocated to Oregon (Area 10).
Finally, I want to congratulate our newly elected officers: Treasurer, Kathy Arnold; Secretary, Carol Pickford; and Chair-Elect, Michèle Sharik. I also want to welcome new board members: Fran Sanders, Vendor Coordinator and Daniel Ujifusa, Social Media. Thank you all for your willingness to serve Area 12 with your gifts and talents.
As each region plans events, I want to encourage you all to participate in as much as you can. Share with others what you are learning, and let’s spread the joy of handbell ringing.
Read more about Kathy Arnold below; look for info on our other new board members in future issues of the TwelfthTone.
Next Area 12 Board Meeting: January 21, 2023 (virtual)
Greetings Area 12 and friends,
Thank you very much to those members of Area 12 who voted in our recent area-wide election, and a big thank you to all who were willing to run for our 3 open elected positions. Michele Sharik, Kathy Arnold and I are grateful for the trust you have placed in us to keep the board moving forward over the next two years. On September 16 and 17 we had our first in-person board meeting since pre-COVID. After being on the board for nearly two years, it was nice to actually meet a few of them face-to-face for the first time. Sometimes collaboration can be easier done in person, and we definitely found that to be true in this meeting. (see picture of the hybrid meeting below)
The Board wishes to send a big thank you to our outgoing Past Chair, Scott Leggett. His service to the board for the past six years has been very much appreciated, and we will miss the historical knowledge and sound voice of reason that he brought to our meetings. We also wish to thank Kendra Symonds for her four years of service as Chair Elect and Chair, and wish her well in her new home outside Area 12.
Please take a look at our list of open board positions— we would love to have you join our board in some capacity. It’s a great way to be “in-the-know” of what is happening in the handbell community, and find resources that can benefit you and your choirs at the local level.
Area 12 has open positions
Could you be our next board member?
Past Chair - Due to our former Chair moving out of Area 12, the board may appoint a Past Chair to fill the position. The person must have previously served as a Past Chair in any of the Area Regions.
Webmaster – Responsible for updating our website with articles and information provided by the board and members of Area 12. Our current Webmaster Sandy Haynes is available for training and a smooth transition.
Historian – Looking for someone to organize and upload past files that have already been digitized. Responsible for storing a couple boxes of historical items, and our two Area 12 mascots. May be asked to help set up or help coordinate an Area 12 table at larger bell events.
Central California Regional Coordinator – Responsible for answering questions and submitting paperwork on behalf of Area 12 members in the Central California region, and organizing or helping as needed with established bell events in Central California.
Southern California Regional Coordinator – Responsible for answering questions and submitting paperwork on behalf of Area 12 members in the Southern California region (not including the LA Metro area), and organizing or helping as needed with established bell events in Southern California. Michele Sharik is currently holding this position along with her newly elected position of Chair Elect. The holder of this position has the benefit of several board members in the Southern California area that are happy to help out.
LA Metro Regional Coordinator – Responsible for answering questions and submitting paperwork on behalf of Area 12 members in the LA Metro region (roughly Ventura, LA and Orange counties), and organizing or helping as needed with established bell events in the LA Metro area. The holder of this position has the benefit of several board members in the Southern California area that are happy to help out.
The board welcomes back Kathy Arnold as treasurer. She stepped in to the interim treasurer role earlier this year, but had served as treasurer for two previous four year terms and as registrar for six area wide conferences. She plays regularly with the Sunnyvale Presbyterian Choir of Bells and occasionally substitutes elsewhere. When not playing handbells, Kathy is a volunteer driver and serves as treasurer for Handbell Ventures and for a local Amphibian Education group. For local emergency prep activities, she is a Ham Radio operator.
to submit your event
for listing! (and get a social media push!)
The National Guild has changed the way they do renewals, so be sure to check out all the membership options and benefits HERE.
Current Area 12
Member Count:
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The Redding Handbell Festival is endorsed by Handbell Musicians of America, dedicated to uniting people through the musical art of handbell and handchime ringing.
Redding Handbell Festival
October 15, 2022
CrossPointe Community Church
Redding, California
Massed Director: Barb Walsh
Registration Fee: $35.00 per participant
8:00 a.m. Red Zone Rehearsal
followed by opening bell at 9:10 a.m.
Final concert at 4:30 p.m. and is open to the public.
The day will consist of Massed Ringing and Classes and a Final Concert featuring massed ringing, solo choirs, soloists, and small ensembles.
Classes offered: Christmas on the Bell Tree, Weaving, Ensemble Ringing, Dance and Games, Reading Session, Fun with Drums, Revving up for the Red Zone Bronze Choir, and Handchimes.
**Music used in the Bell Tree class and the Reading Session may be purchased that day.**
Submitted by Nancy Schmitt, your Far Northern California Liaison
A full-service handbell store
with music and accessories:
gloves • gifts
maintenance items
mallets • binders
bell tree items
Malmark products
visit us at
7209 Morgan Ave S
Richfield, MN 55423
For information on Southern California concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
"Fall is in the air," as the saying goes, and my church bell choir is back in the swing ↓↑ of things. We were recently invited to play for another church in our area, which we did this past Sunday. Their organist was away on medical leave, so we provided almost all of the music for the service. Not bad for a group that's still working on Level 1+ and 2- music! (Can you tell I'm proud of them?) What plans do your groups have this fall?
I have two pieces of news for you this month:
As promised, I have the dates for the 2023 SoCal Spring Ring: Friday, May 26 - Saturday, May 27. Ringers who register for the "Bronze Vision" advanced choir will ring three pieces at the final concert. (Individual choirs, ensembles, or soloists will also have the opportunity to ring a solo selection.) Watch for registration materials to be available soon, and see the repertoire list below!
As announced at the top of this newsletter, I have been elected as Area 12's Chair Elect, which means for the next six years, I will be serving as part of our area's Executive Committee. We will need someone to be our new Southern California Regional Coordinator, so if you (or someone you know) are interested in filling this position, please let me know at: ChairElect.Area12@HandbellMusicians.org. Meanwhile, I will continue in an interim capacity, including monitoring the email inbox, as well as planning and running the Spring Ring. I look forward to training my replacement!
2023 Southern California Spring Ring
When: Friday, May 26 - Saturday, May 27, 2023
Where: St. Thomas More Catholic Church, 1450 South Melrose Drive, Oceanside, CA 92056
Who: Douglas Lynn, conductor
How: much fun!
Repertoire List
Massed pieces:
Three Processionals for Handbells and Handchimes, No. 2: Joyful Noise — Gail Downey, National Handbell Music NM HB416 (3-5 octaves handbells, 2 octaves handchimes), Level 2.
Fantasy on 'Hyfrydol' — Hal H. Hopson, Agape Code No. 1048 (2 octave handbells); OR Code No. 2078 (3-5 octaves handbells) Level 2+.
Laudamus — Arnold B. Sherman, Lorenz 20/1309L (3-5 octaves handbells), Level 3.
Gaudio Exsultans — Valerie W. Stephenson, AGEHR AG35208 (3-5 octaves handbells, 2 octaves handchimes), Level 2.
Free Fall — Jason W. Krug, From the Top Music FM20625-3 (2-3 octaves with optional percussion), Level 2; OR FM20625-5 (3-6 octaves with optional percussion), Level 3.
- Publisher's note: Both the 2-3 oct & 3-6 oct versions are fully stand-alone and may be performed separately or together in a massed ringing setting.
- Also available: full score (FM20625-M), percussion score (FM20625-P). Please note that the percussion part is NOT included in the handbell score. (It is included in the full score.)
Bronze Vision:
Tapestry — Robert Scott Riker, From the Top Music FM20660 (5-7 octaves handbells), Level 3+.
Contemplation on 'Ubi Caritas' — Catherine McMichael, AGEHR AG36036 (3-6 octaves handbells, 3 octaves chimes), Level 3+
Let Freedom Ring — Dan R. Edwards, From the Top Music FM20456 (3-5 octaves handbells, with optional snare drum), Level 3.
- Also available: snare drum part (FM20456-P).
My best,
For information on Southern Nevada concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
Great Intergenerational Workshop!
On September 10, Harmony Handbells hosted their annual Intro to Massed Ringing workshop in Las Vegas which was an endorsed event. It included classes on basic techniques and some more specialized techniques like 4-in-handing, as well as massed ringing of two Level 1 pieces. We had 28 ringers aged from middle school to retirees. It was a great time! If you're interested in joining in next year, reach out to Harmony Handbells at harmonyhandbells@hotmail.com or watch for postings at harmonyhandbells.com/workshop.
For information on Bay Area concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Fall!
For my church handbell choir, fall means arriving at our first rehearsal early to polish the handbells and preparing for the big Homecoming Service in two weeks. It also means colder nights and what I consider to be slightly lengthy travel plans for some of my ringers. But for me, fall means handbells are back in session! Handbells continue to be one of my favorite things, ever! And I love seeing what everyone else is doing, too.
Your Regional Coordinator,
For information on Northern Nevada concerts, events, and other opportunities, click here.
We had a great time at our Bell Jam and Bagels event on September 10th! 28 people attended. In the morning, we brushed up on our ringing and damping technique along with reviewing how to interpret and play a whole bunch of articulations. At noon, we had a brunch social with......bagels and all the toppings, of course! In the afternoon, we applied those skills and sight read several pieces. It was so much fun to reconnect with our community of ringers! We hope you can join us for our Sierra Spring Ring, date TBA!
Our National Organization (click logos to get more info!)
The Twelfth Tone is published on or around the first of each month, except July, by Area 12 of the Handbell Musicians of America (The Guild). The Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the musical art of handbell/handchime ringing through education, community, and communication. The editor of this publication reserves the right to reject or modify copy.
We have nearly 1600 contacts, a 40% open rate (17% higher than the industry average) and a 13% click rate. Book your ad NOW!
For advertising types and rates:
Payment is due prior to publication. Submission DEADLINE is the 20th of each month. No issue in July.
Please submit your ads via email to:
Teachers: Would you like the use of a three octave set of handbells or handchimes to add interest and a new dimension to your music class?
Area 12 encourages schools and other educational institutions, both public and private, to develop educational programs using handbells and handchimes.
To support the development of such programs, Area 12 has six 3-octave sets of handbells and three 3-octave sets of handchimes for loan.
To learn more about the responsibilities and procedures for participating in this program, click here.
Elected Officers
Chair Elect
Past Chair
We have an open position for
Webmaster. Looking for a behind the scenes job with a lot of impact? Have a basic understanding of drag & drop editing? This might just be the job for you! Contact Marci
if you want to know more
about this position.
Appointed Officers
Social Media
Vendor Liaison
Regional Coordinators
Central California
Far Northern California Liaison
Los Angeles Metro
Northern California
Northern Nevada
San Francisco Bay Area
Southern California
Southern Nevada