Young Israelight 5783/2023


5-6 Shevat/January 27-28

Friday, January 27

7:00am/8:10am Shacharit

7:30am Shiur & Breakfast

4:47pm Candlelighting

4:55pm Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat

YIS Eruv is up.

Shabbat, January 28

8:15am Hashkama Minyan

9:00am Main Sanctuary, Sephardic Minyan, Tent Minyan

9:45am Teen Minyan

9:40am Latest Kriat Shema

4:50pm Mincha

5:51pm Shabbat Ends

Youth Programming Schedule

9:00am: Breakfast and Games K-6

9:50am: Age appropriate Tefillah and Parsha activities

Sunday, January 29

7:00am/8:30am Shacharit

9:15am Teen Minyan

5:00pm Mincha

Weekly Schedule M-Th

7:00am/8:00am Shacharit

5:00pm Mincha/Maariv T-Th

Sponsor Kiddush
Sponsor Shalosh Seudot


Collective Conversation

Daf Yomi @ YIS

Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein

via livestream

7:30am Sunday

6:15am Monday-Friday

Web Yeshiva Daf Yomi YIS Classes Streamed Live & Archived
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l Weekly Family Edition Parsha
Sponsor a Day of Learning or Weekend of Learning in honor/memory of someone or a special occasion.
Host Our Bnei Akiva Shlichot for a Shabbat meal

Torah Reader

Jeff Bernstein

Kiddush Sponsors

Howard Aubrey

to express Hakarat HaTov

to his children, grandchildren,

and the entire YIS Community

Hashkama Minyan Sponsors

Barbara and Ken Chorzewski


Jessica and Michael Chorzewski

in loving memory of Ken's father and Michael's grandfather,

Henry Chorzewski z"l

Elchanon ben Gedalia

in commemoration of his 10th yahrzeit

Shalosh Seudot Sponsors

Howard Aubrey

in loving memory of his father,

Ralph Aubrey, רפאל בן ברוך הכהן

Teen Kiddush Sponsors

Galia and Josh Rosenbaum

in honor of the anniversary of Aiden's Bar Mitzvah


Adam Schair on the passing of his mother, Fern Schair

Mazal Tov

Ellen and David Goldschmidt

on the birth of a granddaughter, Elisheva Tova, Olivia Thelma,

 and to the parents, Daniel and Rachel Goldschmidt

Richie and Lily Langer

on the birth of their grandson and to the parents,

Alyssa and Aryeh Frager

We wish Emily Nachmani and the 12th grade students at the Leffell School safe travels as they embark on a program of study for two months in Poland and Israel.

Important Note About Shul Cloud Payments 

If you receive an error message, the server is very slow and the page hasn't loaded yet. Wait for the next page to load and then submit payment. Please do not submit more than once; doing so may result in multiple charges to your account.


We would like to ensure our Shul Cloud Membership Directory is accurate, please make sure that your membership information is up to date with your current cell phone number, email address and home address. You can either log into your account and change the information yourself or contact the shul office.

Click on the flyer to place your Mishloach Manot order.

Notice of Annual Meeting of the Members of Young Israel of Scarsdale - January 31, 2023 9:00pm

Executive Committee Members / Officers:

1.     Ari Weinberger, President

2.     Melissa Schwechter, Executive Vice President

3.    Miriam Loren, Vice President/Secretary

4.     Pamela Lauchheimer, Treasurer 

5.    Susan Schneider, Vice President 

6.     Daniel Essner, Vice President

7.    Jeffrey Berger, Vice President

8.    Jacob Goldstein, Vice President 

9.    Daniel Gewanter, Vice President


Board of Trustees Class of 2026:

1.    Jordan Bryk

2.    Dan Fiskus

3.    Adeena Rosen

4.    Rachel Luxenberg

5.    Andrew Duell

6.    Eitan Hoffman

7.    Leora Kessler

8.    Noah Gorsky

The Annual Meeting (“Congregational Meeting”) of the Members of Young Israel of Scarsdale will take place on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. at the Shul, 1313 Weaver Street, Scarsdale, New York, in the Clingman Social Hall. The purpose of the meeting is:


           (1) to elect officers for one-year terms beginning February 1, 2023;

           (2) to elect trustees for the Class of 2026; and

        (3) to consider other such business which may properly be

         brought before the membership.                

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT no nominations by petition have been made pursuant to Article XI, Sections 2 and 3 of the Amended and Restated Constitution and By-Laws of the Young Israel of Scarsdale effective as of December 18, 2014. Accordingly, the only candidates for office are those set out in the previously announced Nominating Committee Slate and set forth in the ballot below.


                      Absentee Voting Procedure


PLEASE FURTHER NOTE that if you are not able to attend the meeting, but would like to vote, you may do so by one of the following methods:

1. Absentee Ballot

Beginning on January 25th, there will be a voting station with ballots/envelopes set up by the side doors of the shul. The voting station will be open each day from the beginning of morning minyan services through the completion of Mincha/Maariv services in the evening.

To vote via an Absentee Ballot, please fill out the Voting Ballot included in the link below. Place the completed Voting Ballot in an unmarked envelope and then seal the envelope. Place the unmarked sealed envelope in a second envelope on which you must write your first and last name. Please note that spouses are entitled to one vote each, however, both unmarked envelopes may be placed in one envelope on which names of both spouses should appear. You may hand deliver the envelope with your name to the YIS office. All Absentee Ballots must be received in the office on or before 5:15pm Monday, January 31, 2023;



2. Voting by Proxy

To vote by granting a voting proxy, please fill out the Voting Proxy form included in the link below and provide the form to the member that you are granting the right to vote on your behalf.  A copy of the completed Voting Proxy form or other acceptable written evidence of proxy must be presented to one of the co-Presidents at or prior to the Congregational Meeting. Please note that no Member shall be permitted to act as a voting proxy for more than five (5) other Members. 





Thank you,


Ari Weinberger and Stu Zisholtz


Please click here to RSVP to Israeli Cooking Workshop.

YIS WHATSAPP GROUPS: COMMUNITY CHESED - Access timely announcements and messages from the Rabbis & Shul leadership; CONNECTING PARENTS AND TEEN BABYSITTERS - Connects our community's teens and parents looking for babysitters. Parents post in the group with their babysitting needs, and teens can respond that they are available. To join this group, click here.


The Young Israel of Scarsdale maintains a dedicated section at Beth El Cemetery, Paramus for members and their families. If you are interested in purchasing burial plots please complete the ShulCloud Form or contact Marsha Lustig at If you wish to obtain information about Beth El Cemetery, please click here Beth El Cemetery.

Access YIS Zoom Meeting Room
Add Your Mazal Tov to the Young Israelight:


Our community is honored to have the following young men and women affiliated with YIS families serving as IDF Soldiers. Please keep them in your prayers always: Simcha Bryks, Yaakov Eyal, Cfir Feinberg, Ori Feinberg, Shlomo Fried, Yehuda Gannon, Mara Hochheiser, Miki Hill, Josh Hyman, Michael Kesselman, Jacob Rivkin, Eden Shmuel and Liam Shmuel.

MISHEBEIRACH PRAYERS - Click here to include anyone in need of a Refuah, due to illness. The names will be added to the weekly women's Tehillim group, which recites Tehillim in the merit of people who are in challenging circumstances.

YIS MIKVEH - YIS has had an operational Mikveh for more than 40 years. Please support our Mikveh which is open every evening by appointment for women. All are welcome. The Mikveh number is 914-472-0946.

 Westchester Yoetzet Halacha: Lisa Septumus

Lisa Septumus is available to answer women's questions regarding Mikveh,

Taharat Hamishpacha, family planning and other intimacy-related matters. 


"YIS ASSISTS " Lends available Shabbat compliant electric scooter, wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, etc. to Shul members.


Established by the Aspis and Bryks families in memory of Israel Friedrich, Yisroel Meir ben Mordechai and Thelma Herskowitz, Tova Leah bat Yitzchak Tzvi Hacohen


Donations go to: Kupath Ezrah of Rockland County. All items should be clean and in good condition. Contact Scott Greenbaum: 914.723.1797 May your efforts be a z'chus for the Refua Shelaimah of Aharon ben Henya Hadassah

SAFETY REFLECTOR VESTS - Help us keep your family safe when walking to/from Shul at night. Please pick up at the Shul office. Courtesy of Sandra and Ira Greenstein.

Send Acknowledgement In Honor Of/In Memory Of or Make a Dedication
YAHRZEITS PLAQUES will be illuminated every year on the yahrzeit. Cost $750. Contact Ken Chorzewski: 914-235-0860
YAHRZEIT NOTIFICATION INFORMATION click here. For further assistance in annual yahrzeit reminders contact Marsha Lustig at the shul office: 914.636.8686
Add Yahrzeit Notification Information Here
SHUL CUBBIES - Reserve your shul cubby today to store your Tallit and other weekly shul-related items. Cost is $50/yr, custom nameplate included. Contact Ken Chorzewski 914-235-0860

Community Calendar

To place a tribute, purchase 50/50 tickets, register or make a donation toward the Gala, please go to

Join UJA-Federation for a panel of experts on “Confronting Antisemitism Today” on Thursday, February 2 at 7:30 pm at Temple Israel Center of White Plains. Panelists include Mitch Silber, executive director of the Community Security Initiative, Rabbi Bob Kaplan of the JCRC-NY, a member of the FBI Civil Rights and Domestic Terrorism squad, and Daniella Greenbaum Davis, a producer and columnist, with moderator Hindy Poupko, UJA’s deputy chief planning officer. They will help us understand how to confront the dramatic resurgence in antisemitism. Register at


Lawyers Division Annual Event

honoring Jon Katz

Tuesday, February 28th