14 - 15 Adar || Ki Tisa/Shushan Purim || March 14 - 15, 2025 | |
Friday, 3/14
6:45am Shacharit/Megillah
8:10am Shacharit/Megillah
10:00am Megillah Only
4:45pm Mincha*
6:42pm Candle Lighting
6:50pm Regular Mincha*
7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat
YIS Eruv is up
*See Halachic Note
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Shabbat, 3/15
Shushan Purim
8:15am Hashkama Minyan
9:00am Main Shul
9:00am Sephardic Minyan
9:30am Teen Minyan
6:45pm Mincha
7:43pm Havdalah
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Sunday, 3/16
7:00am Shacharit
8:30am Shacharit
6:50pm Mincha/Maariv
Monday, 3/17
6:45am Shacharit
8:00am Shacharit
6:50pm Mincha/Maariv
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Tue - Wed, 3/18 -3/19
7:00am Shacharit
8:00am Shacharit
6:50pm Mincha/Maariv
Thursday, 3/20
6:45am Shacharit
8:00am Shacharit
6:50pm Mincha/Maariv
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Friday, 3/21
7:00am Shacharit
8:10am Shacharit
6:50pm Candle Lighting
6:55pm Mincha
YIS Eruv is up
| | Halachic Note for Purim 5785 | |
Torah Reader
Jason Ingerman
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Kiddush Sponsor
Diane and Sam Katz
in honor of the Aufruf and upcoming wedding of their son,
Andy to Ilana Knoll,
daughter of Sharon and Avi Knoll of Teaneck, NJ
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Hashkama Kiddush Sponsor
Diane and Sam Katz
in honor of the Aufruf and upcoming wedding of their son,
Andy to Ilana Knoll,
daughter of Sharon and Avi Knoll of Teaneck, NJ
Shoshana and David Noble
in memory of David's father
Sol Noble "Solipop", z"l
Shlomo Zaanvil ben Yaakov Asher
in commemoration of his Yahrzeit
Raquel and David Zeitz
in honor of the births of their Grandchildren:
Shiloh Nash Zeitz,
Shiloh Nachum,
Riley Harper Wolkowitcz,
Adirah Chana
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Shalosh Seudot Sponsor
Diane & Sam Katz & Family
in memory of Diane's beloved father,
Judah Gottlieb z"l,
Yehuda Leib Ben Chaim Shlomo Yosef, HaLevi
in commemoration of his 1st Yahrzeit
Lynn and Eli Moore
in memory of Eli's beloved parents,
Elaine Moore, z"l
Hadassah bat Shmuel Tzvi
Melvin Moore, z"l
Mordechai ben Elimelech
in commemoration of their Yahrzeit
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Mazal Tov
Diane and Sam Katz
on the Aufruf and upcoming wedding of their son,
Andy to Ilana Knoll,
and to Sharon and Avi Knoll of Teaneck, NJ
and to the extended Katz and Gottlieb families
Chanie and Howie Bryks
on the marriage of their granddaughter,
Tamar Bryks, daughter of Rabbi Tully & Hindy Bryks,
to Avraham Yitzchak Greenwald, son of Rabbi Dovid & Devora Greenwald of Ramat Beit Shemesh
Sandra and Ira Greenstein
on the engagement of their son,
Ike to Miriam Applbaum,
daughter of Hilda and Yitz Applbaum of Oakland, California
Elayne Miller Matityahu
on the birth of her grandson,
and to parents Ari and Alexandra Matityahu,
and to big brother Matan and to big sister Ava
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Mazal Tov to all Our Honorees for the 53rd Annual Gala
Manhigei Yisrael Award - Robyn and Ari Raskas
Am Yisrael Chai Award - Rifkie and Alex Goldberger
Chazak V'Ematz Award - Dovrat and Adiel Biton
Dinner Chairs
Raffle Committee
Alexandra Bernstein, Dana Jason, Lisi Mandel, Liora Schulman, Mia Weiss
Scroll of Honor Committee
Harold Aspis, Elisha Blechner, Lauren Ganz, Steven Herbst, Matthew Luxenberg, Michelle Nachmani & Nancy Weinberger
Video Committee
Danny Berger, Noah Gorsky, Harris Lukashok, Jordana Morgenstern, Elisheva Sokoloff, Jessica Wender, Ilan Weitzman & Yaron Weitzman
Thank you for a SUCCESSFUL & FUN Evening!
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YIS Capital Campaign - Parlor Meeting Sign Ups
In an effort to provide additional information regarding the expansion plan, we will be hosting parlor meetings at homes of Young Israel of Scarsdale families. These parlor meetings will be hosted over the coming weeks and will give you an opportunity to ask any questions and provide other feedback. The following parlor meeting dates are scheduled prior to Pesach.
Please note we are limiting each parlor meeting to a fixed number of congregant families to facilitate dialogue. As a result, we will follow-up with you to confirm the date of the parlor meeting you will be attending.
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Support the YIS Kiddush Fund
Each week, YIS caters a full community-wide kiddush for the Hashkama and Main minyanim. Thank you to the many families who have contributed to the Kiddush Fund in support of this tasty initiative.*
To keep this weekly initiative active, we need more help from the community. Please consider participating if you haven’t already donated to the Kiddush Fund this year.
*If you have chosen to opt into the Kiddush Fund, please log into your ShulCloud Account to submit payment.
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A Note from the Office...
Please remember to settle any outstanding commitments as your support ensures that YIS can continue to provide the wonderful programming that you enjoy.
Please reach out to Marsha for wiring instructions to Wells Fargo Advisors if you are transferring stock. We are no longer using Wedbush.
You can contact Marsha, at mlustig@yisny.org if you have any questions or need assistance processing a payment.
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Add Your Checking/Bank Account to Your ShulCloud Account!
The simplest way to pay your bill is to pay online via eCheck (automatic debits from your checking account.)
eCheck is easy and efficient, and there is NO FEE. It is time-saving for you (no need to write a check and mail it) and very efficient for YIS (no handling necessary). Credit cards are accepted, but please note there is a 2.9% processing fee. To use your Checking account, please click on the button below for instructions on setting up eCheck.
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Watch By the Numbers @ YIS
From Elul to Tevet
| | | Introducing the YIS Professional Network | |
We are launching an initiative to create a vibrant professional networking and mentorship platform within our synagogue. Our goal is to connect those seeking career guidance, job opportunities, or internships with experienced professionals who are willing to share their knowledge and insights.
By working together, we can create a powerful network that nurtures professional growth, facilitates job opportunities, and empowers our members to achieve their career aspirations.
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Rabbi Sacks, zt"l Weekly Parsha | |
Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein via livestream
7:30am Sunday
6:15am Monday-Friday
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Support Israel with YIS
Pray for the Peace of Israel, its citizens & the IDF
| | Click below to view our December YIS Solidarity Mission 2.0 to Israel | | |
Our community is honored to have the following young men and women affiliated with YIS families serving as IDF Soldiers. Please click the link below to our YIS WhatsApp Group to daven for our community and all of the brave IDF soldiers in Israel
| | Please keep them in your prayers always: | |
Miriam Emunah Bienenfeld
Simcha Bryks,
Yehuda Meir Bryks,
Yaakov Eyal,
Cfir Feinberg,
Eitan Feinberg,
Ori Feinberg,
Zohar Feinberg,
Ahron Finkel,
Asher Fredman,
Shlomo Fried,
Gedaliah Freund,
Yaakov Freund,
Yehuda Freund,
Yishai Freund,
Yehuda Gannon,
Ariela Guigui,
Miki Hill,
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Mara Hochheiser,
Michael Kesselman,
Ronen Kesselman,
Liam Lourie,
Netzach Lourie,
Kliel Nidam,
Daniel Mestel,
Eitan Mestel,
Gaby Mestel,
Jacob Rivkin,
Zach Schwarzbaum,
Natanel Saker,
Eden Shmuel,
Liam Shmuel,
Raquel Schnall,
Benjamin Sipzner,
Yitz Taragin
| | Academy of Jewish Studies | | |
The Sunday Morning Halacha Shiur - w/ Rabbi Klinger 7:45am
Women’s Tehillim - Mondays 9:30am | @ Home of Vicki Bienenfeld (15 Reyna Lane, New Rochelle)
Torat Rav Kook: Insights on Talmudic Tales of Jewish Life and the Jewish Soul w/ Rabbi Morgenstern - Tuesdays 7:40am (following 7am Shacharit)
Daf HaShavuah w/ Reb Ariel Schneider - Wednesdays 7:45am (following 7am Shacharit)
"This Week's Parsha": Uncovering the Hidden Dimension of the Parsha w/ Rabbi Morgenstern - Fridays after the 7am Shacharit w/ Full Breakfast
Daf Yomi Shiur - w/ Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein - Sunday 7:30am; Monday-Thursday 6:15am
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Help Us Welcome and Host Our Benot Sherut!
Please help YIS welcome Nitzan and Meitav by hosting them for a Shabbat/Chag meal! Your hospitality will have a significant positive impact on their experience and our community.
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YIS Sisterhood
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YIS WhatsApp Groups
Stay Connected!
| Click above to access timely announcements and messages from the Rabbis and Shul leadership | Click above to learn the weekly Parsha with the YIS Community! | Connects our community's teens and parents looking for babysitters. Parents post in the group with their babysitting needs, and teens can respond that they are available. | |
YIS Mikveh
YIS has had an operational Mikveh for more than 40 years. Please support our Mikveh which is open every evening by appointment for women. All are welcome.
To make an appointment, call: 914-472-0946.
Lisa Septimus is available to answer women's questions regarding Mikveh,
Taharat Hamishpacha, family planning and other intimacy-related matters.
YIS Shidduch Initiative:
The YIS Singles Network Live (SNL) - WhatsApp Group Forum
A resource for singles and shadchans alike to see what singles events are being offered in the Tri-State area, in particular, and in other geographic areas, as well - for those singles who may be traveling outside of the Tri-State area.
Singles can also private message us anytime:
Vicki Bienenfeld 917-405-0273 | Sharon Freudenstein 914-715-9193
| | Click above to add your Mazal Tov to next week's Young Israelight! | For anyone in need of a Refuah. The names will be added to the weekly Tehillim list. | Send an email acknowledgement In Honor Of/In Memory of or Make a Dedication | To add to our records and receive notifications. | YIS maintains a dedicated section @ Beth El Cemetery, Paramus, NJ for members and their families. Click above if interested in purchasing burial plots. If you wish to obtain information about Beth El Cemetery, please click here - Beth El Cemetery. | |
Lends available Shabbat compliant electric scooter, wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, etc. to Shul members.
Established by the Aspis and Bryks families in memory of Israel Friedrich, Yisroel Meir ben Mordechai and Thelma Herskowitz, Tova Leah bat Yitzchak Tzvi Hacohen
Safety Reflector Vests Available
Help us keep your family safe when walking to/from Shul at night. Please pick up at the Shul office.
Courtesy of Sandra and Ira Greenstein
| | | To store your Tallit and other weekly shul-related items. Cost is $50/yr custom nameplate included. Contact Ken Chorzewski @ 914-235-0860 | | | | | |