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Happy Holidays. As a token of our appreciation for your continued support, we will be offering our newsletter subscribers 20% off the Ranger Medic handbook. The promo code will arrive in your inboxes next week so be sure to check your email. We hope your holiday season is festive and safe.We look forward to catching up with all of you in 2024.


Michelle DuGuay Landers, MBA, BSN, RN

Breakaway Media, LLC


Journal of Special Operations Medicine (JSOM)

Lt Col, USAF/NC (Ret)

[email protected]


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Journal of Special Operations Medicine Featured Abstracts

Social Fitness and the Social Domain: A Holistic Approach Based on Total Force Fitness

McCarthy RPark GHBarczak-Scarboro NEBarrientos SChamberlin RHansom Messina LA. 23(3). 85 - 90. (Journal Article)


The Total Force Fitness (TFF) framework was envisioned as a holistic framework of interrelated domains, whereby impact in one domain could have cascading implications for the others. For this reason, definitional clarity surrounding how to achieve fitness in the various domains is crucial. Social fitness definitions tend to focus on individual efforts and overlook the powerful impact of the social group and the social environment on the individual. In this article, various definitions of social fitness are analyzed in an effort to broaden the current understanding of the social domain. Some of the knowledge gaps in understanding social fitness and the resulting challenges are addressed before reviewing a few existing social fitness interventions. Finally, this study offers recommendations for improvement, along with future directions for the increased integration of the social domain into the TFF framework.

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Mobility Solutions After a Lower Extremity Fracture and Applicability to Battlefield and Wilderness Medicine

Childers WAlderete JFEliason TDGoldman SMNicolella DPPierrie SNStark GE, Studer NM, Wenke JCWilson JBDearth CL. 23(3). 91 - 100. (Journal Article)


The potential for delayed evacuation of injured Service members from austere environments highlights the need to develop solutions that can stabilize a wound and enable mobility during these prolonged casualty care (PCC) scenarios. Lower extremity fractures have traditionally been treated by immobilization (splinting) followed by air evacuation - a paradigm not practical in PCC scenarios. In the civilian sector, treatment of extremity injuries sustained during remote recreational activities have similar challenges, particularly when adverse weather or terrain precludes early ground or air rescue. This review examines currently available fracture treatment solutions to include splinting, orthotic devices, and biological interventions and evaluates their feasibility: 1) for prolonged use in austere environments and 2) to enable patient mobilization. This review returned three common types of splints to include: a simple box splint, pneumatic splints, and traction splints. None of these splinting techniques allowed for ambulation. However, fixed facility-based orthotic interventions that include weight-bearing features may be combined with common splinting techniques to improve mobility. Biologically-focused technologies to stabilize a long bone fracture are still in their infancy. Integrating design features across these technologies could generate advanced treatments which would enable mobility, thus maximizing survivability until patient evacuation is feasible.

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December 2023 Featured Article

Phosphorus Burn Management with Multimodal Analgesia

Saint-jean L, Corcostegui S, Galant J, Derkenne C. 23(3). 82 - 84. (Case Reports)


We report the case of a patient suffering from a chemical burn caused by white phosphorus, for whom initial management required decontamination using multimodal analgesia. This case report should be familiar to other military emergency physicians and Tactical Emergency Medical Support for two reasons: 1) A phosphorus burn occurs from a chemical agent rarely encountered, with minimal research available in the medical literature, despite the use of this weapon in the recent Ukrainian conflict, and 2) We discuss the use of multimodal analgesia, combining loco-regional anesthesia (LRA) and an intranasal pathway, which can be used in a remote and austere environment.

Keywords: phosphorus burn; analgesia; intranasal

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The Journal of Special Operations Medicine Podcast

The JSOM podcast digs deeper into the articles and subjects that matter to our readers. Our podcast hosts, Captains Alex Merkle and Josh Randles, tackle articles from the journal based on merit, interest, and application for operators in the field. THE FALL 23 EPISODE IS HERE!

Current Episode

The Fall 2023 episode of the JSOM podcast is our most recent recording and is now available on our website and wherever you listen to podcasts.

JSOM Guest Medic EditorTechnical Sergeant Derek Fyksen will be reviewing Pain Control and Point-of-Care Ultrasound: An Approach to Rib Fractures for the Austere Provider. TSgt Fyksen is currently an Air Force PJ. He enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 2011 and served three years at 1st Marine Raider Battalion before transferring to the Air Force to pursue becoming a Pararescueman in 2017. After his separation from the Air Force, Derek intends to pursue a joint MD/MPH program.

JSOM Guest Author Interview

Dr. Luc Saint-Jean is affiliated with the 1st Specialized Medical Unit, Versailles, France. He will be reviewing his article, Phosphorus Burn Management with Multimodal Analgesia.

Josh Randles will review Slow Intravenous Infusion of a Novel Damage Control Cocktail Decreases Blood Loss in a Pig Polytrauma Model.

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If your institution is not on the list and you want more information about our institutional access, contact our subscriptions manager, Dr. Scott Graverson.

Contact Dr. Graverson

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Photograph by DJ Struntz. All Rights Reserved.

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