AAUW Honolulu Undergraduate Scholarships
AAUW Honolulu is currently accepting undergraduate scholarship applications for the 2022-23 cycle!

To learn more about undergraduate scholarship eligibility and how to apply, use the button below.
Meet a current (2021-22) AAUW Honolulu undergraduate scholarship recipient: Justina Bui

Justina is a first-generation college student, raised in Kalihi on O’ahu. She is a senior pursuing a quintuple BBA degree in Finance, Entrepreneurship, Human Resources Management, International Business, and Management Information Systems at UH Mānoa’s Shidler College of Business.

Receiving an undergraduate scholarship from AAUW Honolulu helped Justina cover her tuition costs and allowed her to participate in a study abroad exchange program in Seoul, South Korea for the Fall 2021 semester.
“I would not be able to afford my school-related expenses without them,” Justina said of AAUW Honolulu. “I am so appreciative of the support towards my goals.”

After graduating, her goals include attending graduate school, traveling the world, and giving back to the Kalihi community. She aspires to become a certified financial planner (CFP) or work in the financial services industry.

Justina’s advice to AAUW Honolulu undergraduate scholarship applicants is “to be confident and your true self,” especially during the interview process.
Hawaii Community Foundation Scholarships
Attention graduate students:
Don't forget to apply for Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF) Scholarships by January 31, 2022!

AAUW Honolulu provides funding to HCF for graduate student scholarships.
AAUW Hawaii Forum on 2022 Legislative Session
AAUW Hawaii Forum on 2022 Legislative Session

Tuesday, January 11, 2022
5:00pm to 6:00pm HST
via Zoom

RSVP using the button below
This online event is for anyone who wishes to talk story with Rep. Ichiyama, Rep. Kapela, and Rep. Perruso about legislations they introduced such as Title IX, campus safety, paid family leave, and diversity on boards. The AAUW of Hawaii Public Policy team will train those interested in submitting testimony after the forum. 
Please email publicpolicy-hi@aauw.net.
February Talk Story Tuesday Event
Talk Story Tuesday with AAUW American Fellowship Recipient J. Uluwehi Hopkins

Tuesday, February 8, 2022
12:00pm - 1:00pm HST via Zoom

RSVP using the button below
Ms. J. Uluwehi Hopkins, the recipient of AAUW’s 2021-2022 American Fellowship, is currently pursuing her PhD in Hawaiian history at UH Mānoa’s Department of History. Her studies focus on the lands and waters of the UH Mānoa area, and the role of prominent Kanaka Maoli women like Emma Metcalf Beckley Nakuina, who served as water commissioner during the kingdom era and the first several years of the Territory of Hawaiʻi. Her work definitely relates to the AAUW's mission of empowering women in university settings and beyond.

AAUW American Fellowships support women scholars who are pursuing full-time study to complete dissertations, conducting postdoctoral research full time, or preparing research for publication for eight consecutive weeks.
"The Hunting Ground" Film Screening
and Talk Story with Annie E. Clark
Join the AAUW Honolulu Branch for a special film screening of The Hunting Ground, followed by a talk story with one of its main subjects, Annie E. Clark.

February 12, 2022
4:00pm HST
Location TBD
Pupus will be provided.

Presented in partnership with the UH Mānoa Office of Civic & Community Engagement and AAUW at UH Mānoa.
Feel free to invite others who may be interested and ask them to RSVP!
The Hunting Ground is an exposé of rape crimes on U.S. college campuses, their institutional cover-ups and the devastating toll they take on students and their families. Annie E. Clark is a co-founder of End Rape on Campus and a lead complainant in the Title IX and Clery complaints against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. After directly working with New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, she helped write the Bi-Partisan Campus Safety and Accountability Act.
AAUW at UH Mānoa Event: Where Do We Live? Parenting Through Exploring Our ʻĀina
Saturday, February 26, 2022
9:00am - 11:30am
Location TBD

RSVP using the button below
Where Do We Live? Parenting Through Exploring Our ʻĀina is presented by AAUW at UH Mānoa, in partnership with the Office of Civic & Community Engagement (OCCE) and Student Parents at Mānoa (SPAM).
The second part in this "Where Do We Live?" series will engage parents and caregivers in a tangible experience of ʻāina as a community. ʻĀina’s influence cannot remain in the realm of theory, but must also be experienced through the senses. Join AAUW at UH Mānoa, the OCCE, and SPAM to explore ʻāina together in Mānoa Valley! The whole ʻohana is welcome and lunch bentos will be provided.
New Year, New Look!
AAUW Honolulu is excited to announce the launch of our new website! After several months in the works, we’re happy to officially share it with all of you. 

Our main goal in launching this new website is to provide our visitors with a more intuitive and user-friendly experience that clearly states who we are, what we stand for, and what we can achieve for women in Hawaii. The website features a refreshed look, improved navigation and a handful of features which will make the overall experience more impactful on desktop, mobile, and tablet. 

We sincerely hope that you enjoy the new website and all that it has to offer! Use the button below to check it out. 
Happy New Year from AAUW Honolulu!
According to Chinese astrology, 2022 is the year the water tiger promises a year of positive changes. 
We wish you a happy new year!
AAUW Honolulu
info@aauwhonolulu.org | PO Box 22331 | Honolulu | HI | 96823