Thanks again for signing up for the Aggression Consult Sessions with Michael Shikashio. We start today!
The course starts on today, February 20 at 7 pm Eastern time on my website.
If you're planning on attending live, please log in now to test your connection and plan for about an hour and a half.
Between now and the course:
- Log into my site to make sure you remember the password and user name you created. There's a login on every page, or you can go directly to
- Visit the course materials page. That's the same page as the registration page, but it changes when you log in. You may need to refresh the page after signing in. It has the dog bios and also the links to the live videos.
- Locate the link for the live video. The upcoming live video is always linked at the top of the page, and is also available in the list of all videos on that same page. Read the page there about getting CEUs and Troubleshooting. It may help to have headphones ready.
- Add the course dates to your calendar. Course dates are 2/20, 2/27, 3/12, and 3/26 7 pm Eastern time. Note they are not consecutive. This time converter will convert to your time zone, or it should also have the right time in the live video for the course. You should be able to make a comment already in the chat box underneath the video.
- Read the Course Overview in the course materials - link reads GETTING STARTED and is in the list of course materials. Test your sound and other settings.
- Mark yourself as going in the Facebook event to get a reminder right before the first session. It won't remind you about the others, though.
- To be part of the group discussion outside of the live video, join the Animal Building Blocks Academy Facebook group. As a student in this course, you're eligible to join. This is a safe space to discuss. I've made a thread for the course but you can also write other posts.
If you have any questions about your account or accessing this course, please reply to this email or post in the Facebook event and tag me.
If you have a question about course content, the best place to put your question is in the live video sessions or in the FB group I mentioned above, so Mike can reply.
Thanks! See you later today. If you can't make it live, the session recordings will be available only a few hours after the live session.
p.s. Please don't worry if you get emails that advertise the course, but do feel free to forward them to friends and brag that you are in! Don't unsubscribe because then you won't get course emails.
Only good things,
Grisha Stewart, M.A., CPDT-KA, KPACTP
Author of "BAT for Reactivity" and "The Official Ahimsa Dog Training Manual"
Empowered Animals, LLC