The Prologue                                         Tuesday, April 2, 2019
  Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana
   Congregation founded 1949
   LGBTQ Welcoming Congregation since 1995
   Green Sanctuary since 2007
Seeking the Spirit, Building Community, Changing the World
Sunday, April  7, 2019
9:15 am and 11:15 am


Reverend Scott McNeill

Our community (or commUnity) is held together by our connections, as we attempt to bridge the gaps between different perspectives and life experiences, while also committing to better the planet and seek our own spiritual growth. Each person who is connected, in some way, to this congregation and our community needs YOU, all of you to make this the spiritual religious home that so many people seek!

Sunday, April 14, 2019
9:15 am and 11:15 am
Lectio Divina: A Palm Sunday Invitation
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin
Adam Leite
Denise Breeden-Ost
          In this worship service, you are invited into the contemplative practice of Lectio Divina, Latin for "Divine Reading." This traditional Benedictine practice invites its participants to enter into a text on several levels in order to gain a deeper understanding of its meaning. Our choir will provide music in the spirit of Palm Sunday to enhance the flow of the service.  
Blooming UU
Each year, we hold our pledge drive--a campaign that asks people to make a financial commitment to the congregation (that they pay towards, between July 1-June 30). This helps us formulate a budget and this year, we are especially paying attention to meeting Bloomington's recommended "living wage."
Watch this:
Make a Pledge Now for the Next Two Years:
This year, we are joining several other churches around the country by offering the option to make your pledge now, not just for the upcoming year, but also the same amount for the second year. First, we know that new people will join us and some folks will move from our community; so, next year, there will still be a pledge campaign, but if many people pledge this year and affirm a pledge for the following year, the pledge drive will look very different.
Everyone has different financial considerations. Some people live on a fixed income, and know that increased giving will require some planning to work around a tight budget. Some people's income varies by quarter or season or year, and they aren't sure of what they'll have for themselves, let alone be able to share with our community. We are grateful for all forms of generosity; the act of committing has ripples beyond just your gift.
The Two-year Pledge Can Take Different Forms:  
  • If you've never pledged before, think about what you are able to give that both allows you to feel like you're doing the most you can to help the ministry of this congregation, while also recognizing the things you juggle financially and consider if there's a way to work in an increase for next year's pledge.
  • If you've pledged before, make an increase in the pledge (either a % increase, or number of dollars) for 2019-20 and pledge that same amount for 2020-21.
  • If you've pledged before, make an increase in the pledge for 2019-20 AND plan for an increase in next year's pledge.
  • If you can't do either of those, we'd ask you to consider making a pledge for 19-20 with no increase but writing in an increase for next year on your pledge card.
In gratitude for all the talents and resources we bring together to make this community, and help one another "Bloom",
   Rev. Scott 
--Reverend Scott McNeill, Associate Minister
MAM's Musings
     Thanks to so many of you for the positive response to our pledge campaign kick-off, Blooming UU. As we prepare our 2019-2020 budget we ask that you consider what you are able to pledge to support the vision of this congregation, Seeking the Spirit. Building Community. Changing the World.   As I said Sunday, in a recent UUCB survey on Stewardship, to which many of you generously responded, you said that you donated to last year's successful campaign as a result of your commitment to the church and its values (so cool), also you support the social justice work and presence of the congregation that extends outward into Bloomington and beyond. 
     For many of you "Fair wages and benefits for our church and staff" was primary. This year we are preparing a budget which will increase the pay to our support staff, office and religious education assistants in order to meet the City of Bloomington's 2019 suggested Living Minimum Wage of $13/hour. And with your help we will also increase Childcare workers to $11/hour. We will also increase the hours of our media and tech crew who have been working overtime to enhance our worship, live-stream and community experiences.  
     Pledge soon! Please increase your pledge for 2019-20 by 10% if possible. Our hope is to have all pledges in by April 20th so we can celebrate our "Community/Pledge Day" in a great spirit of generosity and gratitude.

Memorial Gathering for Christchurch Victims
On Sunday, March 24 at a memorial gathering at the Bloomington Islamic Center, I offered words of healing and solidarity for the victims of the Christchurch shooting. I shared that the Maori Council in New Zealand had created a special "haka" (indigenous chant/dance) to commemorate the victims. This haka has proven to be very healing for many people of New Zealand. "I am not all surprised to see this," says Donna Hall, a fellow member of the Maori Council. "It's a spiritual response to what has happened and it really is intended to tap the spiritual depth of people."
With proper tribute paid, I shared the English translation at the memorial, and it was graciously received. May these words tap your spiritual depth in these challenging times.

Haka Koiora - Haka for life

Paiahaha, Paiahaha (Attention! Attention!)
He aha ra ka tapaea nga mahi kikino (Why do we wait for something bad to happen)
Ki te kukutia tatou katoa e? (To eventually come together?)
E oho, kia tika ra (Wake up, be true!)
Unuhia nga here o te kino, (Strip away bad things like)
Whakatake, whakaparahako e (Negativity and belittling others)
Ko te putake o te whakaaro, he kaikir (because the underlining factor is racism)
Takatakahia Hi (Stomp on it)
Wherawherahia Hi (Get rid of it)
Kia tu te tangata koia anake (So all that remains is your true person)
Ko au, Ko koe, ko koe, ko au, ko tāua e (I am you, you are me, this is us)
Ko te mea nui o te ao (The greatest thing in this world)
He tangata, He Tangata, He Tangata e ('Tis people, 'Tis people, 'Tis people)
May all that remains be your true person,
Love, MAM
Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, Senior Minister
Our Folks...
     Best wishes for quick healing to Lois Holl, who is recovering from hip replacement surgery. Care cards are welcome, mailed to Lois at home.
     Our sympathy and prayers to Melinda Swenson and Carol McCord and their family upon the passing this week of Melinda's mother, Ruth Swenson, in Buffalo, New York.
     Our sympathy also to the family and friends of long-time member 
Jean Knowlton, who died on March 23. A memorial service for Jean will be held here on Thursday, April 11 at 1:00 pm.
  Seeking the Spirit  
Religious Education for Adults
Shambhala Meditation Meets Mondays at 12 noon
Join us at 12 noon every Monday in the Library for an hour of Shambhala Meditation, walking meditation, and Shamatha yoga with Sarah Flint. Beginners welcome to participate in this 2500-year-old tradition. 
For more info:  Contact Sarah.
Gentle Hatha Yoga Class on Tuesdays 
with Kate Mulligan
5:30-7pm Tuesdays, through April 30 in the Library
A gentle hatha yoga practice to balance the mind, body, and spirit.  This 90-minute practice welcomes anyone interested in a gentle, relaxing experience.  Includes: warm up and gentle asanas (yoga poses) for strength, flexibility, and relaxation along with breath work and guided meditation. Please bring a yoga mat or large size bath towel. The class is free and you may join at any time, but please register by calling or emailing the church office: or 812-332-3695. 
Traditional Taiji on Tuesdays
Brian Flaherty leads "Wu (Hao)" style Taiji in Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays at 7:15 pm. All are welcome, even those with no previous Taiji experience. Please wear loose-fitting clothing. 
For more i nfo: Contact Brian.
Open Mind Zen Meets Thursdays at 7:00 pm
Join Frank Seisho Diaz for meditation, talks, and discussions on Zen Buddhism, Thursdays 7:00-8:30 pm, in Room 112 here at the church. All are welcome regardless of faith or experience. 
For more info: Contact Open Mind Zen or visit  
UU Humanist Forum Meets April 7,  12:45 pm
On Sunday, April 7, at 12:45 pm the UU Humanist Forum will meet in Room 208, after children's Religious Education classes end. Sandy Dolby will facilitate a discussion on "Which to teach? Relativism or kindness?"  The Humanist Forum meets every other Sunday, with a different  discussion topic .
UU Freethinkers Meet April 14 , 12:45 pm
The UU Freethinkers bi-weekly meeting creates the opportunity for participants to raise questions and engage in open and non-structured discussion of issues of social, political, and theological/religious concern. UU Freethinkers meet on every other Sunday in Room 208 at 12:45 pm, after children's Religious Education classes end.
  Building Community 

Why We Pledge
Both of our children have attended Religious Education (RE) at our church from the moment they were old enough to do so.  We have found this to be a valuable and positive experience on every level.  The curriculum aligns with and reflects our values, is well-organized, developmentally appropriate, and is full of creative and thought-provoking exercises.  Of course the teachers are at the heart of RE.  It is wonderful to have friends, neighbors and other familiar faces working with our children.  They become critical role models for our congregation's youth. The teachers are without fail well-trained, compassionate, and energetic.  Having served as a teacher for many years, I can assure you the teachers are supported by the extremely dedicated UU Religious Education staff.  They spend long hours planning and implementing RE activities that utilize a child's innate curiosity to learn more about the world around them.  In my mind, those who plan and implement the RE curriculum at UU are among those illustrious leaders. The importance of UU RE to the spiritual life of our family--and to the just causes in the larger world--cannot be overstated.
--Mary Beth O'Brien and Matt Zink 
Welcome to Our Newest Members
On March 24 we welcomed five new members into our congregation.  They are Ruth Albright, John and Paula Bunde, Joanna Cichocka, and Sarah Flint.  Please give them a warm welcome when you see them.  Here are a few of their bios to help you get to know them.

Ruth Albright grew up in Indianapolis, graduated from IU Bloomington with a degree in journalism, and then she left the state for 35 years. She spent those years working as a writer and editor. For 22 years, she lived in New York City, where she worked for Scholastic Inc. She then married an IU classmate, David Albright, and they moved to Montgomery, Alabama, where Ruth worked for the local newspaper. In 1993 they decided to move back to Bloomington and she considers this the perfect place to live. She lost David in 2010 and knew the day he died that she had to reinvent herself. She has always been an involved volunteer in Bloomington, but she became even more so after her husband died. And she found the UU Church! 

John and Paula Bunde moved to Bloomington with their family in 2012 and began searching for various aspects of the community which were a good fit.  In addition to jobs and kids activities (Cutters and the Down Syndrome Family Connection), a place for faith took a place on the list.  After some searching, the fall of 2016 brought them to the UU community.  It has been a natural fit for both of them.  

Originally from Poland, Joanna Cichocka moved to Bloomington from Toronto 4 years ago. Joanna is a preschool teacher and is interested in linguistic diversity in early childhood education. In her free time she enjoys hiking, boxing and reading. She has two children, Mila and Witold, and they are very excited to become part of the UU community.
Upcoming Children's Choir Schedule
Sunday, Apr 7: Rehearse 10:30-11:00 am
(No rehearsal 4/14 & 4/21)
Thursday, April 25: Rehearse 7:00-7:30 pm
Sunday, Apr 28: Sing at end of 1st Service and start of 2nd Service, Multigenerational Earth Day Services -  meet at 9:45 am, done by approx. 11:30 am
It's always helpful to know if your children are coming - let them know they can invite friends to join too! Contact Jill here.
Are you new here?  Take your " First   Steps"  this Sunday April 7   Join us to discuss the basics of Unitarian Universalism and this congregation, and watch a short video about Unitarian Universalism. This Sunday in Room 112 at 10:35-11:00 AM and 12:35-1:00 PM (after each service). Free childcare is available in Room 108. Just stop in, no registration is required.  --Ann LeDuc, Connections Coordinator   
Gardeners Meet this Sunday, April 7
UUs interested in gardening will meet this Sunday, April 7, at 10:30 AM in the church library.  If you would like to talk with other gardeners and share gardening information and ideas, join us!  If you would like to be added to the Gardeners email list, email Ann LeDuc at 
Women's Alliance Meets April 4 
Kristin Bishay of Court Appointed Special Advocates to Speak    Kristin Bishay, Executive Director of Monroe County Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), will speak about what's happening at the agency and with kids in our community at the Women's Alliance program from 12:00-12:30 pm on Thursday, April 4. Join us at 11:30 am in Fellowship Hall with a brown bag lunch. The presentation begins at noon, followed by a brief business meeting. The hostesses for the month, Karen Cassidy and Katherine Hopkins, will provide drinks and dessert. Everyone is welcome, including women, men, and gender non-binary persons.
Kinder Gardening this Saturday, April 6
Saturday, April 6th! Drop in between 9am and 12pm to help us garden.  Work alongside our children and their families to prepare ground for a small "Kinder Garden" along the south side of the courtyard that our children and their families can watch grow, tend and harvest.  We will have healthy snacks and dirt sundaes. Find this event on Facebook:

UU Hikers at Pate Hollow
Come Hike with Us April 13
On April 13, a hike is planned at the Dilcher-Turner Canyon Forest. Dr. David Dilcher, Paleobotanist and UU member, will join us for this hike. Please email, so we know to expect you. We will meet at the west side K-mart parking lot at 1:30 PM to car pool to the trail head. This is a 1.6 mile "moderate"  hike. Click here for more information: :   We will reschedule if it rains.  
--Ann LeDuc, Connections Coordinator

Join us for an IU baseball game April 14
Help us represent the UU Church on April 14th (1:05p) at the 3rd annual Faith & Family Day at Bart Kaufman Field. Everyone is welcome to attend (as everyone is part of a family!). T he church is purchasing the tickets in advance. If you'd like to purchase a food voucher ($5 for an entree and a drink), that is the only thing you would need to pay for.  Please email Reverend McNeill at before April 11 to let us know how many tickets and food vouchers you and/or your family would want.  

Fiber Arts Enthusiasts Unite April 14!
On Sunday, April 14, in the Fellowship Hall during Coffee Hour, all fiber arts enthusiasts are invited to gather at the Birds of a Feather Common Interest table. This will be a great chance to meet and share ideas with other knitters, crocheters, quilters, fabric dyers, and more!  
Ann LeDuc, Connections Coordinator 
Honoring Our Leaders and Volunteers at
Community/Pledge Day 
April 20
All leaders and volunteers are invited to enjoy a breakfast in your honor on April 20 at 9:00 AM as part of our Community/Pledge Day celebration.  We will have pastries, breakfast casseroles, and fruit salad for you to enjoy, and a free plant to take home. The Leadership Cultivation Committee is looking forward to hosting the breakfast and honoring all you do.  Ann LeDuc, Connections Coordinator

Honoring Our Long Time Members on April 20
Over the next couple of months we are looking forward to honoring our 30+, 40+, and 50+ year members, and one 61-year member.  Our ministers and staff will be arranging to visit with our 50+ and 61-year members in their homes.  We will honor our 30+ and 40+ year members during the Community/Pledge Day potluck supper at 5:30 pm on April 20.  If you have been a member of the church for 30+ or 40+ years, please let us know if you plan to attend by calling (812) 332-3695.  

We need YOU to Come Help Out on April 20!
Our fun filled Community/Pledge Day wouldn't be possible without you!  On April 20, stop by and enjoy everything the day has to offer, and stay to help out. There are opportunities to help by cooking ahead of time, or pitching in on April 20.  Sign up here to let us know how you will help-- Volunteer:   Donate Food:   If you have questions about volunteering or donating food, contact Ann LeDuc at 
UU Seder April 19
Would You Like to Help?
The UU Seder will be held Friday April 19 at 6:00 pm. This important Jewish festival tells the story of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. We will celebrate with a UU-influenced retelling. This child-friendly event includes traditional Seder foods as well as a full dinner. Tickets will be on sale during April. Adults (vegetarian or omnivore) $9, children $4, or $25 per family. We need some help with clean up--those who sign up to help can attend for free.  Contact Ruellen Fessenbecker via email or 812-837-9550 for details.
2019 UU Goods & Services Auction  May 5 
Now Accepting Donations!
     Our fabulous goods & services auction is Sunday, May 5th. There be will a luncheon right after 2nd service, with the doors opening for auction item browsing by 1:45 and the auction beginning at 2:00 pm. We are excited to be offering a silent auction table just for items appealing to children and families. Childcare will be provided, as well. 
     Consider donating your talents, services, or gently-used goods to this year's UU Auction. Previous items have ranged from themed meals, small artwork, and voice lessons to home baked bread, babysitting, and handmade socks. Your generosity is appreciated!
Please complete this form to make a donation:   2019 UU Auction Donation Form 
April 14: Donation Forms due You can give the form to any steering committee member, or place it in the Auction mailbox in the office. You may also use this handy Online Auction Donation Form.
April 28: Donated objects due. Objects for the silent auction may be brought to the church on April 28.
     For more information, contact Debbie Fish:,  317-431-8071     2019 Auction Steering Committee: Debbie Fish, Ann Kamman, Ann LeDuc, 
Linda Hall, Joan Caulton, Rich Slabach
Ramadan Iftar Dinner 
Friday, May 17, 2019
     Each year our congregation hosts an Iftar Ramadan dinner for Bloomington's Islamic Community during the holy month of Ramadan. We provide a welcoming, safe place for us to join with members of the Muslim faith as they break their fast at sundown. The food is plentiful and delicious, and conviviality abounds. The Islamic community provides most of the food, and we host and provide desserts. Look for opportunities to help, coming soon!  --Judy Berkshire
  Changing the World 
Easter Fundraising Breakfast for Habitat April 21
The Habitat Task Force will hold an Easter fundraising breakfast on April 21, between services. Full breakfast of casseroles, scrambled eggs, potatoes, fruit, baked goods and juice ($10 for adults, $5 for children 12 and under, $25 for families of four or more). A la carte items will also be sold, if you just want one or two items. If any bakers want to donate a casserole or baked goods, we could use a few more, too. Please help us celebrate and raise funds for our community members who need decent, safe and affordable housing. We are hoping to co-sponsor a house in the future! -Barb Berggoetz 
View "Wasted! The Story of Food Waste"
3rd Sunday Social Justice Film Series April 21
Did you know that 40% of food produced for human consumption in the US goes to waste? And over 90% of that ends up in a landfill, where it produces methane gas?  Join us April 21st at 5:00 p.m. for the Third Sunday Social Justice Film Series to recognize Earth Day:
  • 5:10: showing of documentary "Wasted! The Story of Food Waste"
  • 6:40: vegan dinner prepared by members of the Green Sanctuary Task Force
  • 7:00: talk "Zero waste kitchen" and discussion led by IU Professor Nikki Pohl.
  • Before you leave: compost any leftovers, to be collected by EarthKeepers Community Compost*
Free childcare is available if requested by April 14th. Please click here or email 
*Learn more about EarthKeepers -and sign up to participate- at the GSTF table between services starting on April 28th. 
Dance and Drag Show April 24 to 
Support Reproductive Justice
Join the UU Reproductive Justice Task Force as we celebrate the monthlong Hoosier Abortion Fund campaign for All Options. Dance and party on April 24 at the Back Door, 1014 S Walnut St ( via the alley next to the entrance to the 4th St parking garage) Wednesday April 24th 8-9:30. Drag show and door prizes!! Let's celebrate! $5-$15 pay what you think you should.
Green Sanctuary Task Force Spring Clothing Swap April 27
Each spring and fall, we hold a Clothing Swap to offer an alternative to buying new clothes. This spring's Swap will be held on Saturday, April 27, from 9:30 a.m. until noon. Clothing may be brought beginning at 9:00 a.m. that day.  Mark your calendars and start cleaning out your closets! If it would be helpful to you to have childcare provided for this event, please email Stephanie Kimball as soon as possible.
The Green Sanctuary Task Force encourages all of us to examine our habits of consumption.  What do we buy? Where does it come from? What happens to it later?
Habitat Task Force Building on 
Third Saturdays
The Habitat Task Force is organizing monthly builds on the third Saturday of the month, so that a group of UUs can work together with other community members at different Habitat build sites. Our next one is scheduled on the fourth Saturday, April 27, due to the third Saturday being on Easter weekend. We are expecting to work on siding and insulation. On May 18, we expect to be painting. You don't need experience or tools or to donate any money to help. To register, click here
Habitat Women Build on Saturday, May 3
We will build two homes on the southwest side of town during this two-week building blitz with women from all over the community. Our 40-member team will be doing siding, insulation and shingles. We have 25 members, so we encourage other women who are interested to sign up at . Search for the May 3 date, with co-leaders Barb Berggoetz, Lauren Bryant and Sarah Menefee. A requirement for this build is to donate or fundraise a minimum of $250. No experience is needed--instruction provided. Questions,  email Barb Berggoetz
Reproductive Justice Task Force Encourages 
Your Support of  the Hoosier Abortion Fund
The Reproductive Justice Task Force asks you to donate to our team for the Hoosier Abortion Fund during the month of April! This fund helps women have access to the care they need via abortion funding, ride support, bus tickets and more.  We will contribute from our own task force funds if we meet our $2500 goal. Donations so far are over $1300--won't you help us make  our match? Click here to help. --Nan McKinley
Hoosier Days of Action--
April 11 Planned Parenthood Event
Join the Reproductive Justice Task Force on Thursday, April 11 for this Planned Parenthood event; parking and lunch provided along with training on how to lobby and help with visiting our state representatives. Choice of morning or afternoon session. A carpool is forming for the afternoon session. Contact Nan McKinley,
UU Reproductive Justice 
April  Diaper Drive is now Online! 
The Reproductive Justice Task Force is requesting ONLINE donations in April of diapers and other items to All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center via a purchase from the All Options Amazon wish list. Consider a monthly recurring donation of diapers to keep giving all year via the link here: 
25% of Sunday Non-Pledge Plate 
Recipient Nominations Open--
Deadline April 30
     The nominating process for choosing our next local non-profit agency to receive 25% of Sunday non-pledge plate collection during the coming fiscal year (July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020) began March 22. The application deadline is April 30th, after which the Social Justice Funds Committee will choose three nominee finalists for the members of the congregation to vote on at the annual congregational meeting on June 10th.   Our contributions to the current recipient, Spencer Pride, so far total $5,114 for the first three quarters of this year. The total donated to All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center in 2017-18 was $8,507!
      Click here for an application in pdf. To download a Word version of the application, click here and go to the bottom of that page for the link.
      Contact Steve Mascari, Social Justice Funds Committee Chair, at for further questions.
Changing the world and reaching out to our larger community:
Refugee and Immigration Support
On Wednesday, March 27th, the "Borders, Bans, and Babies:  America's War on Immigrants" event was held on the IU campus.  Debbie Fish and Barb Backler,  co-chairs of our Refugee and Immigrant Support and Education Task Force (RISE), attended the event to hear speakers and to sponsor a table at the Justice Fair.  The goal was to inform, but not to leave people feeling there was nothing they could do.  Forty campus and community organizations offered volunteer and activism opportunities.  BUT, the surprising part, reported by Debbie, was that everyone who stopped at the UU table knew of us, where we were located, and six people indicated they had been wanting to visit our church.  People from several other churches in Bloomington paused at the table and expressed their appreciation for how many marginalized people we were supporting through our social justice task forces. It was encouraging to see how many young people on campus were engaged in this justice work. -- Debbie Fish
UUs Changing the World
Many UUs were recognized as Shalom Community Center volunteers and supporters at the recent Shalom Supporter and Volunteer Appreciation event.  If you hear of UUs volunteering with other community organizations, we'd like to know about it. 
- Ann LeDuc, Connections Coordinator 
Reaching out to the larger Bloomington community: Stone Belt
Stone Belt has asked Bloomington area churches to host a couple hours of activities, called Gym Jam, at Stone Belt for their clients with disabilities during the summer months.  Our church has volunteered to host a "Gym Jam" on June 22, 1-3 PM at Stone Belt. Stone Belt staff will be present to help care for the clients. If you are willing to work with a small group of other UUs in fun activities with clients at Stone Belt on June 22, please let Ann LeDuc know at .   Additionally, there is also a need for volunteers to accompany Stone Belt residents to our church on Sundays. 
UU History for You
Harriet Martineau and the Power of the Pen  
      Harriet Martineau (1802-1876) was born in Norwich, England. Her father was a wealthy textile manufacturer. She was the 6th of 8 children and found her mother cold and demanding. She thus shielded her younger siblings by giving them the love and encouragement she lacked. She had a gift for writing and wrote several books and over 1600 articles for newspapers. Her book on Household Education stressed positive relations in bringing up children "Teach a child that nature is evil, and you will make him evil." 
     She visited the U.S. for two years and in her 1837 book Society in America, she deplored the corruptions of capitalism which trampled the rights of workers and competitors. She felt American women should organize women's movements, following the example of Mary Wollstonecraft. She knew if she condemned slavery, doors would be closed by publishers, but she felt truth should prevail and supported the abolitionist movement. She remained a Unitarian all her life, but felt that "service to her fellow man was superior" to adherence to a specific religious denomination.
     Most of her life, Martineau suffered from poor hearing and from ovarian cysts which could be agonizingly painful. She invested her earnings in property in the English Lake District, with Woodsworth and Matthew Arnold as neighbors, and wrote children's books from her home.
--Elof Carlson, UUCB historian
Community Connections: Our Faith in Action

A Panel Discussion on April 6 in Honor of Bernstein's Mass
Powered by Music: Civil Rights, Peace, and Justice
Join panelists Reverend Bill Breeden (UU minister emeritus), Constance Cook Glen, and Marietta Simpson in a discussion at the Musical Arts Center on Saturday, April 6 at 2:00 pm. The discussion is co-sponsored by our Racial Justice Task Force, and will be moderated by UU member Stuart Yoak. Click here for poster. Free and open to the public.

Benefit Dinner for Made Up Mind, Inc. at FARMbloomington 
May 14   Made Up Mind, Inc., whose mission is "To develop the capabilities of ex-offenders who have made up their mind to stay out through our transitional life training and hands-on work experience thus breaking the cycle of homelessness, addiction, and incarceration," is hosting a benefit dinner at FARMbloomington on May 14. More info here:
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Click here for a semi-comprehensive list of which UUCB Staff Member to call for various kinds of questions. A staff email directory is included. --Carol Marks, Church Administrator, 812-332-3695, ext 200

New Deadlines for Order of Service and Friday Update Info
Thursdays at 9:00 am
Because we have shifted the rhythm of our work week to hold our weekly staff meeting on Thursdays now, we ask everyone to please send us information for the order of service by 9:00 am on Thursdays. Deadline for info to be included in the Friday Update is also now due by 9:00 am on Thursdays. Please send info to 
admin (at)
Contact a Minister

Reverend Mary Ann Macklin, our Senior Minister,
can be reached at 812-332-3695 (ext. 201) and is available by appointment on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons.
Email: macklin (at)

Reverend Scott McNeill, our Associate Minister,  
can be reached at 812-332-3695 (ext. 209) and is available by appointment on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. 
For pastoral emergencies, please call Scott at 812-727-0919.

Reverend Emily Manvel Leite our Minister of Religious Education,  can be reached at  812-332 -3695 (ext. 207)  on Wednesday and Friday mornings. 
Email: mre (at)


Member Mary Goetze was named Bloomington's Woman of the Year for 2019. Pictured here with friends from the Kids with Absent Parents Program, a project of our Hope for Prisoners Task Force.
Our Covenant of Right Relations
In June 2017, our members affirmed a Covenant of Right Relations. 
Pertinent Details:
Office hours : M-F, 10 am-4 pm
Calendar: A link to our full church calendar of events can be found on our website.
Facebook: Many church events are also posted on our  Facebook page
Prologue  Publication Schedule:  
The deadline for articles is 10 a.m. on the date of publication, which is 
the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. 
Send articles about church matters to Carol Marks   
Upcoming  issues:  April 16, May 7, May 21, June 4, June 18.
Livestreaming Our Sunday Services  
You can view the livestream of our Sunday services and view archived video from the last few months at this link. If you have a problem viewing or hearing the service, please email Andy Beargie and Ned Joyner.

Links to Archived Videos of Services to View Online
Each Friday, we'll post the direct URL link for the previous Sunday's archived video of the service at the end of the Friday UU Update, as well as posting the links on the Livestream page of our website. Video of recent services is also found on  Facebook.
Click here to view the most recent Sunday services:  March 24   March 31
Membership: 533 certified members; 538 current members.
Sunday, March 24            9:15 - 112     11:15 -  165   RE: 61  TOTAL: 277     
Sunday, March 31            9:15 - 120     11:15 -  187   RE: 63  TOTAL: 307     
Non-Pledge Offering:    March 24 : $479     March 31: $575  
   Total to be donated (25%) to Spencer Pride: $263.54
Grocery Card Sales:   (Bloomingfoods, Lucky's Market, or Fresh Thyme)  
March 24: $625      March 31 : $0      Total income to UUCB: $33.75
D uring the last quarter (October thru December 2018) we received $494.85 from Kroger, with 118 households participating.
Masthead photo from the interwebs, Chicago Botanical Garden.

Blooming UU 2019 Stewardship logo created by Mandy Skinner.
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Unitarian Universalist Church