April 2023

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A View From Above the VGR Annual Meeting:

Guests Mingle in the Petersburg Library Rotunda

Update from the President & CEO: 

Friends of the Gateway Region,

Wow! March has been a whirlwind of activity for both business development and stakeholder relations. Our team traveled to Chicago and Amsterdam to spread the word about why locating in the Gateway Region is a smart move for business and industry. Here at home, I am still smiling from the amazing crowd turnout and energy seen at our 2023 Annual Meeting.

We continue to be encouraged about the positive response to the efforts we are undertaking to promote the region. We also appreciate the increased interest in the region by developers and prospects as they consider the Gateway Region.

I hope you will all make plans to attend our Meet Your Legislator event in May in Prince George County. Please see the link below for more information. I hope you enjoy this issue of the Gateway Connector!

Call Keith Boswell at: +1 (804) 732-8971 or Click for Email

VGR Prospects in Amsterdam at Drone Week 

Managing Director of Business Investments Tom Scott joined staff from the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, the City of Alexandria and the Virginia Innovation Partnership Corporation at Drone Week in Amsterdam last month. The Gateway Region has an exciting story to tell about our emerging unmanned systems industry underscored by DroneUp at Richard Bland College. In addition to this industry, the Virginia team also called on other European companies while overseas. 

Representing the Region at ProMat 2023

in Chicago 

VGR recently partnered with VEDP and Prince George County to attend the world’s largest trade show for manufacturing and supply chain professionals. VGR unveiled its new 10x10 exhibit display at the event.

VGR Target Industry Facts:

  • Nearly 10% of the regional workforce specializes in the logistics and distribution industry sectors
  • Proximity to several universities with related programs ensures a funnel of qualified new talent
  • The region has an ample supply of sites and proximity to major transportation hubs.

Get to Know Amy Everett

We featured a Q&A with Amy Everett, VGR Director of Customer Experience, on LinkedIn in celebration of Women’s History Month in March.

Please follow us on this growing social media channel for the latest economic development news in the region!

The VGR 2022 Annual Report Is Here!

Our 2022 Annual Report has a new look and format this year. We encourage you to read about the Top Deals, the progress being made on our 2025 Strategic Plan and many more highlights in this report.

If you would like a copy of the printed publication, please email Amy Everett

at aeverett@gatewayregion.com.

Save the Date for Meet Your Legislator

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM)

Register Here

Thank You Investors!

As a 501C3 nonprofit organization, VGR only operates through public and private investments.

Thanks to following Corporate Council investors who helped make 2022 a successful year!

More News Headlines from March

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