Dear Encore Learning Member,
Welcome to The Inside Scoop, our electronic newsletter for members only. Please enjoy this issue, and share your feedback by email. We always look forward to hearing from you. This is the April edition of The Inside Scoop.
Letter from President Tom Adams
As we approach the end of the Spring Semester, I want to remind members of two important events key to the smooth operations and continuation of Encore Learning: the Annual Meeting on May 26 and the election of Officers and Committee Chairs.
You will soon receive a list of proposed candidates with short biographies and asked to cast your ballot electronically before the May 26 meeting. Our bylaws require a quorum of our members to cast ballots in order for the results to be official. So please vote, even if you cannot attend the annual meeting. My thanks go to the Nominations Committee for its work putting the slate of candidates together as well as those members who volunteered to serve on the Board.
I encourage you to attend the annual meeting which will be held virtually beginning at 10:00 AM on Thursday, May 26. It is an important part of our renewal and will be the chance for you to learn about our operations and outlook, ask questions, and make suggestions.
As I approach the end of my term as President, I want to express my gratitude to all who have made the past year a success in the face of the challenges of the pandemic, particularly our great staff, led by Executive Director Lora Pollari-Welbes. She has assembled the nicest, most competent and patient team possible and it is a pleasure to deal with them.
I also want to thank our many volunteers who serve on the Board, as Class Aides, Instructors, and as Committee Members. There is an enormous amount of work that has to be done to keep Encore Learning going, far too much for the staff alone to take on, and our volunteers fill this gap, enabling us to keep our costs low while providing a valuable and much appreciated continuing education experience. I encourage all our members to consider volunteering.
Over the past year, we have heard from many members about their highlights of the year: a terrific class or special event. Also mentioned is the return to in-person classes and special events. We hope to continue expanding our in-person offerings while also maintaining a healthy quantity of virtual courses and other events.
2022 marks our 20th year of operation, and thanks to the great work of the 20th Anniversary Committee, we will have some terrific events to celebrate that milestone this fall. Please come to the Annual Meeting to learn more about these plans, as well as to get a preview of our Fall course lineup.
Another significant effort this year has been the strengthening of our membership efforts by staff and those on the Membership Committee. COVID-19 caused us and other continuing education organizations to lose membership and we want to build ours up to pre-pandemic levels. I am appreciative of the planning and energy going into this. Every member is encouraged to let their friends and neighbors know about Encore Learning. To maintain the high level and quality of courses, events and clubs we need more members.
And finally, I want to thank all of our members for their continuing support, which has been key to a successful year of operations. It is this membership that makes everything possible.
In-Person Versus Virtual Class Aides: What's the Difference?
We are already preparing for the Fall 2022 semester here at Encore Learning and we are always looking for new volunteers! A member asked about the difference between being an in-person or virtual Class Aide.
All classes have two Class Aides who divide the following responsibilities between them. Here are the differences between each of our Class Aide positions:
- You will be the Co-Host of the Zoom meeting alongside an Encore Learning staff member who will be the Host.
- You are there to assist the instructor by introducing them to the class and explaining Encore Learning’s Zoom setup for that class.
- You may be asked to help share slide presentations or videos, only if you are comfortable with providing that support.
You will be in charge of admitting students into the Zoom classroom, once the staff Host has left the class.
You assist class members as needed with any Zoom issues or refer them to
- You manage the Chat to facilitate questions and answers, if desired by the instructor.
- You remind students to take their class evaluation surveys on the last day of class.
If you decide to become a virtual Class Aide, you will receive a complimentary class registration for the following semester.
- You arrive early at your classroom at George Mason University, Van Metre Hall to get the room ready for class. You turn on the audio visual equipment needed by the instructor and help them load their Power Point presentation. Encore Learning will teach you how to use the equipment before the class begins.
- You will help Encore Learning staff ensure that students comply with current GMU and Encore Learning COVID protocols including verifying vaccination status.
- You are in charge of introducing the instructors, notifying class members of schedule changes or breakes. As well as helping them set up, that being either helping them pull up a PowerPoint presentation, movie, use the doc cam etc. Encore Learning will teach you how to use the equipment before the class begins.
- If you are assisting with an in-person class that is not at Mason, you will receive instructions about COVID protocols before the class begins.
- Remind students to take their class evaluation surveys on the last day of class.
If you decide to become an in-person Class Aide at George Mason University you will receive free parking in the garage.
We conduct both in-person and virtual Class Aide training sessions before the semester begins. We are here to help you and answer any questions you may have. Email if you are interested in becoming a Class Aide and you will be sent information in August.
In-Person Class Aide Training
Affordable Housing Class Field Trip
What to Look for this Fall Semester
As our Spring semester is coming to an end we are starting to organize courses for the upcoming Fall semester. Here are two new exciting courses we are offering this Fall:
Fairy Tales for Grown Ups - In Person
This course will be taught by Iska Alter and will focus on your childhood favorite folklores and returning to their origin in which you will find much darker, more problematic and modern sounding narratives within these classic folklores. Over the six-week course you will focus on three different texts. Including the Bloody Chamber, Boys, Snow Bird, and the True Story of Hansel and Gretel.
What Kind of Curious Are You? - In Person
This course will be instructed by Lynn Borton and will focus on what kind of curious you are and what we actually know about curiosity. Through this interactive class you will learn more about human curiosity, if we can build our curiosity, what do we understand about curiosity. Guest speakers will also be joining this class.
Two returning favorites courses we are offering this Fall:
American Women Writers - Virtual via Zoom
This returning Encore Learning course will be taught by Janet Auten and will focus on the lives and works of American women writers during the Gilded ages from 1870-1900. Throughout the class you'll focus on fiction and the way women's novels and stories responded to this expansive and experimental era of the new woman, Regional realism, and Progressive reform. Throughout the course you will talk about a multitude of writers, some including Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edith Wharton, and Rose Terry Cooke.
Numbers in the News - Format to be determined
This is the sixth session of Numbers in the News taught by Steven Shapiro and Charlie Hallahan. Throughout the course they will focus on current news topics that involve quantitative analysis. They will be looking at the 2021 Virginia election and the upcoming midterm election but also examining economics, demographics, COVID-19, and climate change.
Want to find out more about this course? Make sure to keep your eye out for our catalog in August. We are planning a mix of in-person and Zoom classes for Fall 2022.
In-Person Classes: Instructor Perspective
We asked two instructors about why they love teaching in-person and here is what they had to say:
"I love teaching in person because it’s so much easier for the class to learn from each other. While I may be the “expert” there is so much wisdom in the room. You can’t get that with Zoom. We learn from each other, and doing that in person, face-to-face, engages us in ways the screen never can. We get to talk before class starts and after it is over."- Kate McCauley
"I thrive on the energy of a classroom... on the interaction and the excitement that the students and I are experiencing together." - Jim Grefer
In-Person Classes: Student Feedback
We’re so happy to have the opportunity to see 175 Encore Learning members face to face this semester at our 14 in-person classes. We recently surveyed these members about their experiences with in-person classes this semester and we thank everyone for the thoughtful responses. All respondents were pleased with their in-person experience and felt safe coming to campus and in the classroom. We’re happy to see so many participants enjoying the in-person learning experience after two years at home, reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances, and making new connections. Check out these quotes from current in-person participants:
“The great benefit for in-person classes is the connections that are formed between and among the instructor and students. We are able to ask questions or make comments that build on the previous discussion rather than wait for a moderator to recognize that we have our hands raised. In my case, the in-person class enabled me to reconnect to someone I had not seen for several years.”
“I really enjoyed the in person class. After having been virtually isolated for 2 years it felt good to be able to talk with others in the class and share the learning experience.”
“Great to have increased, spontaneous interaction between students and instructor. The magnificent art work is enhanced with the large screen presentation.”
The New Mason Square
The Arlington campus of George Mason University is now called Mason Square.
Mason Square is actively programming events and use of the plaza; including more seating space as well as a game stand. Encore Learning members are welcome to engage with activities at Mason Square. Why not meetup with some other members for coffee and have a game of scrabble on the plaza? There are events every weekday sponsored by university life as well as programs offered by the various schools at Mason Square. Check out upcoming University Life events and a full schedule of events.
Art Museums at Home with Special Events Virtual Tours
In April Encore Learning Special Events Committee sponsored three virtual tours. First Lee Rubenstein, a favorite Encore Learning presenter and a Getty Museum docent, shared the second part of her Art 101 series: An Exploration of Color. Tour participants explored some of the many different ways in which artists use color in their compositions, examining works of art from the Getty Museum Collection as examples.
Secondly, 40 Encore Learning members had the opportunity to view several Japanese Woodcut prints that are part of the spectacular collection housed at the San Diego Museum of Art. Participants learned how such art work is produced as well as discussing some of the style attributes that one finds when looking at these works of art.
Lastly, participants will travel once again (virtually) to the San Diego Museum of Art on Thursday, April 28 where Elaine Pierce, museum docent, will introduce them to several examples of Early Buddhist Art, another wonderful collection at the museum.- Michelle Trahan
20th Anniversary at Mason Square
What has more than 70 classes, nine clubs, offers nearly 40 special events per year and is 20 years old this year? Encore Learning! How do we mark that achievement? We celebrate! Please hold open Monday afternoon, September 12th, 2022 for a festive 20th anniversary event at George Mason University's Mason Square. Details to come. - Mildred Patterson
Zoom Tips and Tricks
Having issues with Zoom? Recently they changed their security settings for meetings and webinars. On occasion, accessing meetings or webinars will be easier if you have your own personal Zoom account. A big plus is that they are free.
Here's how to create your own personal free Zoom account.
First go to and click on “Sign up, Its free” in the top right hand corner
- Next verify your birth date
- Then enter your email address
- You will then receive an email from Zoom confirming your email address
- Then click on the “Activate Account” button within the email from Zoom
- You will then be brought to Zoom and they will ask if you “Are you signing up on behalf of a school”, you will click “No” and continue
- Then you will add your name and create your own password for your account
- That's it! Now you have your own personal Zoom account, you can access your account through your web browser or even download the app on your phone or computer and zoom on the go!
Having your own account ensures that you will be able to get into any class, meeting, webinar, or hang out on Zoom! You also will be able to host your own brief Zoom meetings or practice your Zoom skills. Be assured that creating your own Zoom account is not required to be a participant of Encore Learning classes, clubs or special events. If you have any questions please email us at
Civil War Battlefield Tour
On Saturday, April 23 Instructor Robert Stone led many students on a battlefield tour. In one day they visited Third Winchester, Kernstown, Fisher’s Hill, and Cedar Creek battlefields. As part of Bob's Civil War course series he incorporates a field-trip to the related battlefield. Bob will be teaching a course this Fall semester called 1865: The Year of Surrenders.
Staff Corner
April is Volunteer Recognition Month and at a recent staff meeting we shared our mutual appreciation for the wonderful volunteers who make Encore Learning possible. We all are grateful to work with such enthusiastic, loyal, supportive and insightful people. Many of our committees are seeking volunteers, please be sure to check out our volunteer information and let us know if you want to join a committee.
Pictured, above, are the Encore Learning staff: Vivian, Francesca, Patty, Kerry and Lora. This was our first in-person meetup since August.
Be sure to submit your ballot and attend our Annual Meeting. Tell your friends about Encore Learning and invite them to the Annual Meeting. If you have any questions about membership or registration, please be sure to contact us at and we will respond promptly.
~ Lora
Lora Pollari-Welbes, Executive Director
Calendar Announcements
- Member Annual Meeting, Thursday, May 26 at 10:00 AM on Zoom
Welcome New Members
In March 2022, the following new members joined Encore Learning. Please be sure to give these folks a warm welcome.
- Carol Bursik
- Sandra Heijl
- Sarah Horsey
- Barbara Moore
- Scot Renn
- Richard Robinson
- Joyce Wilcox
THANK YOU to all of you who kindly refer friends. Thank you to the Membership Committee for their efforts to spread the word about Encore Learning. Tell a friend about Encore Learning so you can see your name here!
Remember that many of our virtual Encore Learning Presents events are recorded and may be found on our YouTube channel.
We hope you enjoyed this edition of The Inside Scoop. If you would like to submit an article or share some photos of members participating in Encore Learning activities, please email us at
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Lifelong Learning For Those Over 50