We have one last quick newsletter for you before the holidays this year! There are some deadlines to be aware of in early January, so we wanted to be sure these opportunities were on your radar.
We hope you have a lovely and safe holiday season!
Calling all Graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career HQP!
A unique paid experience mentoring undergraduates during an (Un)Hackathon Event in 2022.
We are reaching out to all graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and other early career HQP in the astroparticle physics network to offer a paid leadership opportunity. This opportunity has at least three (3) openings for mentors to assist in guiding undergraduate students through a complex, multistep, cross-disciplinary problem to assess downstream consequences and propose solutions.
The time commitment for mentors would be between 16 and 18 hours in total; 2 hours of training 1-2 weeks before the event and up to 16 hours during the event to attend workshops, meet with the teams, and participate in judging the solutions. You will be paid for your time preparing and participating in the event as a mentor through an honorarium of $325, and you will receive a certificate of leadership that you may add to your professional development portfolio.
To apply to be a mentor, please email CJ at [email protected] by January 10, 2022 with a 300-word maximum personal statement explaining why you are interested in being a mentor and highlighting any skills or relevant previous experience in similar mentoring scenarios. Before applying, please ensure that you will be available to participate remotely for all days between Feb 22 and Mar 3 2022.
Neutrino candidates at LHC
For the first time, neutrino candidates have been detected at the Large Hadron Collider. The FASER collaboration’s FASER𝜈 pilot detector has reported neutrino-like interactions using emulsion films, with a background-only result disfavoured at 2.7𝜎. This result inspires optimism for the larger FASER detector and FASER𝜈 neutrino subdetector, which are currently being installed and which will take data during the 2022-2024 LHC Run-3.
Want to see your research featured on our website? Have ideas for future articles? Contact CJ at [email protected] with your suggestions, and we will work with you to create the content you want to see.
TeV Particle Astrophysics (TeVPA 2022) will take place at Queen's University, August 8-12 2022. TeVPA is a major international conference bringing together expertise around the terascale including cosmic rays, cosmology, dark matter, galactic and extragalactic sources, gamma rays, neutrinos and multimessenger physics.
The scientific programme will be announced soon, and call for abstracts and registration will open in early 2022.
Join the next Professional Development Opportunities!
Version Control (pt. 3 of 3)
Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at 2:30 pm-4:00 pm EST
Science is always about reproducibility and is continually becoming more collaboration-focused. But how can we effectively store past and present versions of files, manuscripts, software, plotting scripts etc. while also allowing multiple members of a collaboration to simultaneously work together on these files? The answer is version control.
Version Control is now required by all aspects of scientific research, manuscript writing, and software development, and so if you aren't familiar with it, or are a bit rusty, then this Professional Development Opportunity series is for you. Over three sessions, Dr. Mark Richardson will use the Software Carpentry workshop on Version Control along with some of his experiences to give an in-depth overview of using version control (specifically the software git) in your own professional work.
The first two sessions, held in 2021, will be recorded and made available remotely. In the final session, I will focus on the ideas of open science, licensing, and where do go next with your file repositories.
Self-Guided Professional Development and Learning EDII Series
A reminder that the self-guided modules for enhancing your equity, diversity, inclusion and Indigenization (EDII) competencies are now available. These opportunities are open to students, staff, and faculty affiliated with the McDonald Institute. We thank our partners at the Human Rights and Equity Office (Queen’s University) for providing this training to the network!
The Canadian Astroparticle Physics Summer School (CAPSS) is an intensive week-long undergraduate school that will introduce students to the current topics in the field of astroparticle physics at Queen’s University and SNOLAB. Please share this poster with students at your institution.
Cross-Disciplinary Internship (CDI) 2022 Application Open!
The Cross-Disciplinary Internship (CDI) program provides a ($12,000 CAN) salary reimbursement for full- or part-time students registered in non-physics majors to participate in astroparticle physics research. Student applicants can be enrolled in any post-secondary level. This program links students with leading astroparticle physics researchers in Canada for opportunities to expand research collaborations, knowledge, and research-based skills. This year, we are also broadening the definition of “supervisor” to include opportunities for postdoctoral researchers to apply as supervisors to host a cross-disciplinary intern.
There are two new facets of the program this year we would like to highlight. First, postdoctoral scholars can apply as supervisors to host a CDI student. This is a named opportunity for postdocs to develop and demonstrate supervisory skills that are evaluated in other grants (I.e., Discovery Grants for NSERC). Second, in addition to undergraduate and graduate students, CDI student applicants can come from the college-level (again, non-physics diploma programs) to add value and skills typically not seen in astroparticle physics research. We hope these new features of the program will inspire new types of research and collaborations!
Potential applicants and their supervisors must contact Dr. Alexandra Pedersen, the McDonald Institute’s Business Development Officer, at [email protected] prior to submitting an application to discuss the project. Please use “CDI Program – [LAST NAME]” as the subject line when reaching out.
The deadline to apply is January 7, 2022.
Thank you for your support. If you would like to view past newsletters from the McDonald Institute, please visit the: Newsletter Archive.
Do you have a recent result or publication that you would like shared with the Canadian Astroparticle Physics network and beyond? Send your work to CJ ([email protected]) to have it featured in our Science News series!
Science News is intended for students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and research associates actively working in astroparticle physics to quickly digest updates and progress in areas that are not directly connected to their specific project(s).
The McDonald Institute at Queen’s University is situated in the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe & Haudenosaunee First Nations. The Institute is part of a national network of institutions and research centres, which operate in other traditional Indigenous territories. Visit www.whose.land to learn the traditional territories where astroparticle physicists are grateful to live and work across Canada.
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