Enabling the future of autonomy
Your August AStuff news!
In this issue   
  • Polaris Ranger Platform
  • New: Smartmicro UMRR-0C
  • Update: Perception Kits
What's Happening at AStuff
  • This month's favorite: Joe Kale
  • August events
  • CES is fast approaching
  • Upcoming events
Polaris Ranger Platform
The Polaris Ranger is our off road platform of choice because of its potential for low-cost, customizable integration for our customers. The platform is powered by AStuff's PACMod and supported by our world class engineers.

Great for research and development algorithms for robotics applications including:
  • Autonomous driving
  • Vision processing
  • Obstacle avoidance
  • Object tracking and classification
  • Localization
  • Automated controls
  • Map building

Click here for more information including features, pictures and a description of the software modules.
New: Smartmicro UMRR-0C
Great news! New automotive RADAR products from Smartmicro are her e! Combined with the full range of communication, storage and other application specific features, the UMRR-0C product family redefines automotive radar performance.

Key features of this platform are:
  • Operation at the 24GHz band
  • 24GHz SiGe RFIC chip set
  • Single or dual TX (switched), 2-12 RX (simultaneous)
  • Highly precise angle measurement by monopulse, digital beam forming, super resolution
  • Best-in-class antenna technology
  • Patented high speed modulation technique
  • Dual core DSP + ARM core communication processor
  • CAN bus, 100MBit Ethernet and full duplex RS485 interface
  • 256 MByte flash storage for data logging
  • Buffered real time clock
  • 3D attitude sensor (measures pointing angle of sensor)
  • 3D acceleration sensor
  • Digital compass

Key applications of this platform are:
  • Autonomous driving
  • Forward collision warning
  • Adaptive cruise control
  • Automatic emergency braking

Click here to learn more.
Update: Perception Kits
The team at AutonomouStuff is working overtime to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information regarding our products, platforms, services and software. The most recent overhaul included major updates to our Perception Kits page.

The updates include new photos, diagrams and updated product info. And be sure to check out the tabs, especially the additional kits tab!

Click here to see the new and improved web page.
Available Now
Kaarta Contour

Previously on the "coming soon" list,
the 3D scanning system is finally here!
What's happening at AStuff
  This month's favorite: Joe Kale
We're always excited to introduce you to members of our amazing team. This month, we'd like you to meet one of our Software Engineers, Joe Kale. Joe has been with us for just about nine months and has added a lot of value to our team. He says:

"I get to work with cool stuff and great people. This job allowed me to acquire and grow skill sets that I couldn't have found anywhere else."

It's employees like Joe who make AutonomouStuff such a great place. Thanks for your hard work, Joe!!

Click here to learn more about our team.
August events
August was a busy month for us. We kicked off the month with the AutonomouStuff Quantum Workshop in Detroit. Participants were given an in-depth overview of the Quantum in-vehicle data storage system and were then able to see the system in action with our hands-on demonstrations.

We also participated in the SK hynix Symposium in Santa Clara, CA where our Silicon Valley team showed off one of our demo vehicles. Later in the month we attended NXP's FTF Connects event in Detroit as well as Autonomous Vehicles Detroit.

Our team loves getting out there and talking with our partners and customers!

Click here to see where we'll be next month!
CES is fast approaching
CES 2018 is just around the corner! If you need a car to showcase your technologies at the biggest technology event of the year, talk to us today!

We have automotive, NEV, class 8 and off road research platforms that can be customized to your exact specifications.

Click here to learn more about our platform options.
Upcoming events
September 17-21, 2017

October 18-19, 2017

October 29-November 2, 2017

November 15-19, 2017

January 9-12, 2018

May 1-3, 2018

June 6-7, 2018
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