Dear CAL-ABOTA Members,
Happy Spring and welcome to the first issue of the CAL-ABOTA E-News for 2023. It has been a busy first quarter for the association and the nine Chapters that comprise CAL-ABOTA. We are honored to welcome the Hawaii Chapter into CAL-ABOTA, effective this year.
We began the year with the first Board of Directors meeting on January 23, 2023. The meeting was held virtually and allowed everyone to engage and get the year off to a running start!
The second meeting of the year was the Annual CAL-ABOTA Board of Directors Retreat held on March 3-4, 2023 at the beautiful Rancho Valencia Resort in Rancho Santa Fe. We were very honored to have National President, Steve Quattlebaum and Foundation President, Chris Beeman attend as well as TEX-ABOTA President, Tim Newsom who was also able to join us for the lovely weekend. The Board of Directors worked hard, spent time with each other, and most importantly selected the 2023 Trial Lawyer of the Year. Congratulations to Dennis Thelen of the San Joaquin Valley Chapter as this year’s award recipient. Please be sure to join us in Hawaii as we honor Dennis during the Hawaii Conference in November at the Turtle Bay Resort on Oahu.
Foundation President, Chris Beeman, announced the start of the Foundation Final Fours Competition, the basketball themed program for this year’s fundraising efforts for the Foundation. See this E-News for further information, and please be sure to participate! We would love to see the CAL-ABOTA region win this one!
As it relates to statewide activity, CAL-ABOTA has been actively involved in the area of Judicial Independence. In response to the Judge Cara Hutson matter in Riverside County, CAL-ABOTA placed a full-page statement in the Inland Empire edition of the Los Angeles Times on Sunday, March 5, 2023. This statement, titled “Misuse of the Recall Process Poses a Threat to Judicial Independence” is available on the CAL-ABOTA website by clicking here. CAL-ABOTA vigorously opposes the misuse of the recall process as the basis for petitioning to recall Judge Cara Hutson and hope our statement was effective in communicating this message. Watch for more information as to CAL-ABOTA’s continued efforts to support the independence of the judiciary.
The local Chapters have been very busy and a recap of their activities can be found in this E-News; please make sure you support your local chapter by participating and being involved – they need you!
Finally, please peruse this issue of the E-News for more information on CAL-ABOTA activities, including the Hawaii Conference which will be held on November 6-11, 2023 at the recently renovated Turtle Bay Resort on Oahu; click here for more information. President-Elect, Greg Rizio, is working hard to compile an exciting program for you.
I welcome your feedback and comments.
Thank you,
Frank M. Pitre
President, CAL-ABOTA
In no particular order, Chapter Reports from the March CAL-ABOTA Board Meeting.
Yoshi Kubota | President
- MASTERS IN TRIAL: Continued due to a light pre-registration number.
- SPRING DINNER: April 27, 2023 at Lido House in Newport Beach, California.
- ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT: May 1, 2023, 16th Annual OC ABOTA Golf Classic at Mission Viejo Country Club -- a sold-out event. The Tournament will also conduct a silent auction and the proceeds will be given to National Foundation.
- FOUNDATION FUNDRAISER: June 8, 2023. Orange County has scheduled a Foundation Fundraiser in the spirit of the upcoming National Foundation competition amongst chapters and regionals. Our chapter will continue to be committed to raising awareness of the Foundation and will raise additional funds for National Foundation. If at the end of the year, funds are available, our chapter will work toward committing a portion of our proceeds to the National Foundation. To date, our Chapter has given National Foundation over $110,000.00.
- TEACHERS LAW SCHOOL: Orange County has committed both financial and human resources to Teachers Law School for 2022 and 2023. The Chair of our Teachers Law School program is Hon. Linda Marks. Teachers Law School includes two programs.
- CIVICS EDUCATION: April 27, 2023, Orange County Department of Education Civil Celebration. In conjunction with the OCDE, Deborah Tropp on behalf of OC ABOTA, and the Constitutional Rights Foundation have created a program which celebrates the accomplishments of students who demonstrate, even a little interest in civics, by providing awards to these individuals. OC ABOTA will be one of the featured speakers and set up a table, where we can discuss in further detail our mission and other matter.
- JUDGES’ NIGHT: October 24, 2023, at Pacific Club, Newport Beach.
- HOLIDAY PARTY: December 4, 2023, at Muldoon’s Irish Pub, Newport Beach
- COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Second Harvest Food Bank of Orange County held recently to support the dignified, equitable, and consistent access to nutritious food, creating a foundation for community health.
- CIVILITY MATTERS: Our chapter will continue to provide Civility Matters in 2023.
- RAPID JUDICIAL RESPONSE TEAM: We continue to meet with our judiciary to discuss the current status of our judiciary.
- DIVERSITY: Our chapter is committed to increase the diversity of the Chapter. This year, we will continue to commit to our out-reach program that includes sponsoring and attending bar groups that represent diverse groups. We will be offering to the diversity bars, a foursome to our May 1, 2023, annual Golf tournament.
- MEMBERSHIP: Our chapter continues to be committed to recruiting new members. Our chapter recognizes the need to outreach to a much younger demographic and diverse demographic groups.
- POST-GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM: Chair of this program is Eric Traut. Mr. Traut has led our Post-Graduate Fellowship Program, for the last 7 years. The program will continue for 2023.
- PROGRAMS AND PLANNING FOR 2024: We are hopeful and optimistic that we will develop a James Otis Lectures Series and a Voir Dire Competition.
Chris Faenza | President
Our Executive Committee had its first meeting on January 19, 2023 in which we set forth the exciting 2023 agenda and introduced new committee members.
On February 3rd we had over 240 people at the President’s Dinner Dance at the Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. Frank Pitre and Chris Beeman were nice enough to come down and share a few nice words. The event was a huge success. We had two honorees that evening, both are former ABOTA National Presidents. 2005 President, Donna Melby received the Lee B. Wenzel Civility Award. The second was awarded posthumously to Gil Jones. The award was known as the LA-ABOTA Lifetime Achievement Award, however the board unanimously agreed to rename the award the H. Gilbert Jones Lifetime Achievement Award in light of the tremendous contributions Gil made to ABOTA during his 95-year life.
The following is a brief summary of an exciting year that we have planned for the chapter.
- MIT presentation – June 23, 2023 at Southwestern which will include both experienced ABOTA attorneys, as well as actual experts that we see in our everyday practice. Having real experts makes the experience far better and makes the presentation seem “real”.
- Great things are happening with our James Otis lecture series. We have coordinated with the LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District), the largest school district in the country, to present to various schools throughout the City. We also have the Los Angeles Superior Court participating with the program.
- Our SideBar program (which was halted during the pandemic) will be held in June. The SideBar is part of our outreach for membership in which our members identify young attorneys, who are not quite ABOTA eligible, but likely will be in the not too distant future. Since its inception 10 years ago we have had many SideBar attendees become eligible and join ABOTA!
- Many other events are being finalized, including the always fun and successful joint golf tournament with our friends at the San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter on July 31st at Red Hill. You are all welcome to come and play!
Amee Mikacich | President
- Civility Matters - Our chapter had its first Civility Matters program on January 31st for the Alameda County Bar Association. The virtual program was well received. We plan to present 4-6 programs this year.
- Membership Meetings and Fellow Memberships - We had our first membership meeting on February 16th. At the meeting, our chapter enthusiastically kicked off the Fellows contest. Our next membership meeting, on April 20th, is our membership election meeting where we will discuss and vote on membership candidates.
- California Council for the Social Studies Conference - The SF Chapter managed the ABOTA booth at the CA Council for the Social Studies Conference, February 24-26, 2023 at the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel. This opportunity allowed ABOTA to connect with hundreds of social studies and government educators and introduce them to ABOTA and ABOTA resources.
- Dismissed with Prejudice - We look forward to presenting our third virtual MCLE program, Dismissed with Prejudice, on May 18th.
- Summer Event - Our members and their family and friends will enjoy an evening at the Oracle Arena to watch the Giants vs Cubs game on June 9th. The summer event strengthens member camaraderie.
- Journalist Law School - Our Chapter will continue to be a co-sponsor for the Journalist Law School in June.
- Social Media Project - We plan to establish our chapter’s social media presence to improve ABOTA’s visibility and highlight its mission statement in the community.
William M. White | President
- Annual dinner/member meeting - April in Visalia. We will have a holiday party in December, and we are also discussing a summer social event mixer. Our holiday party last December at Tosca Madera Winery was well attended.
- Executive Board Meetings: Our Executive Board Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of every month.
- Educational Events - Civics Education Literacy Program: We engaged in this program in Fresno and Kern Counties in 2022 and are discussing whether to continue in 2023.
- Civility Matters: A Civility Matters program will be held at San Joaquin College of Law and will be open to all members of the local bar associations (there are 7 counties that cover 250 miles). We are currently working on dates.
- Masters In Trial: We are either going to do a Masters in Trial in Fresno in the fall or we are going to do a three-day civil litigation program that the chapter has previously presented with excellent response.
- Membership - We continue to actively recruit new members. We are going to work on getting better publicity for our events and our organization in the local bar journals.
- Congratulations to our own Dennis Thelen, who was named the CAL-ABOTA 2023 Trial Lawyer of the Year!
Letty Litchfield | President
The Sacramento Valley Chapter had six members in attendance at the January National Board meeting in Santa Barbara. Jill Telfer and Letty Litchfield enjoyed participating as facilitators during the Leadership Conference working lunch.
On February 4, our chapter members were honored and delighted to have National President, Steve Quattlebaum, in attendance for our installation dinner! Steve delivered a very engaging speech that included an historical perspective on our government; a very fitting topic in light of our chapter’s 2023 theme of judicial independence. The evening concluded with our annual awards being presented to Shafeeq Sadiq as Chapter Trial Lawyer of the Year, and Carolee Kilduff as the recipient of our Jim Gilwee Civility award.
On February 21, several members of our chapter Executive Committee presented an orientation for our new members, Jennifer Duggan and Greg Davenport.
Educational programs: On January 26, we sponsored and co-presented The Asian/Pacific Bar Association of Sacramento’s program at the Downey Brand law firm entitled: “Civility is the Floor, Inclusion is the Goal.” On February 17, we presented a webinar entitled “Responding to Requests for Production of Documents: From Basics to the Big Leagues.” On April 18, Dominique Pollara and Rick Linkert will serve as moderators of a Civility Matters program at Cal Northern School of Law in Chico. They are also in the planning stages of a Civility Matters program to be held in early May at the Dreyer Babich law firm. In June, our chapter will be presenting another judicial independence webinar. Doug Adams is organizing our James Otis Lecture Series which will take place on September 18th since Constitution Day falls on a Sunday this year. Our educational goals for this year also include an MIT.
Diversity efforts: We are planning to sponsor and attend the second annual statewide Unity Bar Summit scheduled for June 3rd at McGeorge School of Law. Our chapter also continues to work collaboratively with the greater Sacramento area Unity Bar organizations, and we plan to sponsor and attend the annual Unity Bar dinner again this year. On March 1, we held a brainstorming meeting with McGeorge School of Law Diversity Equity and Inclusion representatives.
We are excited and proud to report that our Immediate Past President, Dan Kohls, has taken the lead on developing a chapter scholarship program for students from local law schools.
Upcoming chapter events include our annual Judicial Reception on May 24th, our annual Summer Barbecue where we honor our selected Legends of ABOTA, and our annual golf tournament on June 19th spearheaded by Karen Goodman as a fundraiser for the Albie Aware Breast Cancer Foundation. We will also hold at least two member mixers.
Peter Hughes | President
Currently we have submitted 4 new applicants and are awaiting National’s approval. We have one application that is still in the investigation stage with our chapter’s membership/screening
Our first membership dinner meeting was on March 16, 2023 at the San Diego Yacht Club.
We are working with Morse High School to schedule our next presentation to the student body on the myriad of employment opportunities connected to the practice of law and the courts. We are also working on programs to increase the visibility and diversity/inclusion of ABOTA and the San Diego Chapter. Although our chapter will do the heavy lifting, we will reach out to all of the local bar associations to jointly present MCLE approved educational programs followed by time to network and meet their members. Our past efforts of reaching out to the local bar associations fell flat a few years back so we are hopeful the free MCLE credits will entice their members to attend and see that we are dedicated to diversity and inclusion.
In addition, we are working on diversifying the local chapter board to show we are walking the talk on Diversity/Inclusion. Currently of the 5 board members, 1 is a woman and 1 is African American. Our plan going forward will be to add women and persons of color to each incoming board which will result in our board being completely diverse.
Steve Geeting | President
- Executive Committee Meetings: Our Executive Committee has met on two occasions, primarily focusing on the passing of our Secretary/Treasurer, Pauline White, and an appointment of Daniel Kruid as her replacement for the remainder of 2023. Daniel will now step in line to become President-elect in 2024, and President in 2025.
- We also held an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee to discuss the recent calls for the resignation of San Bernardino Judge Cara Hutson and apparent efforts to start a recall effort. Our Chapter had previously published a position letter regarding “Judicial Independence” supporting Judge Hutson. This letter can be found on the CAL-ABOTA website by clicking here.
- Spring Dinner: Our “Spring Annual Social” event occurred on April 6th at Bill Shapiro’s “Garage”. Our National President, Steven Quattlebaum, attended as well as President Elect La'Verne Edney and Immediate Past President, Lewis Sifford.
- Annual Golf Tournament: With the Los Angeles Chapter on July 31st, this is currently being arranged by immediate past president Judge John Pacheco.
- Foundation: On March 1, 2023, Judge Foster took over the Foundation Committee Chairmanship which happened to be the same date of his official retirement from the bench. We wish him good luck in his new career as a mediator, and for his many years of dedicated public service as a Judge of the San Bernardino Superior Court. We appreciate his efforts in bringing our Chapter back to number one in the nation as to the “percentage of members” who are Foundation members.
- Civics Education: Bryan Reid once again heads up the James Otis lecture series which is planned for August, 2023. Bryan and I are currently working on having a presentation preceding the August James Otis lecture series that would relate to each other. Our Summer meeting is July 13th.
- Civility Matters: We thank and congratulate Steve Goldstein who has taken over Civility Matters for 2023.The chair vacated as a result of Daniel Kruid taking over the Secretary-Treasurer’s position. We’re in the process right now of setting a minimum of three Civility Matters presentations including the low desert Palm Springs.
- Judicial Response Team: As a direct result of the issue regarding Judicial Independence involving San Bernardino Judge Cara Hutson, we discovered that we did not have a Judicial Response Team. To that end we immediately established a judicial response team. The team’s responsibility is to address unfair attacks on Judicial Officers. Therefore, we formed the judicial response team. The team members who have volunteered to help are Greg Rizio, Bill Shapiro, John Lowenthal and me.
- Membership: We currently have 78 members with 71 actives. It still has become our goal to increase our numbers within the next two years to 90, which includes particular attention to increase diversity membership. We are very saddened at the recent passing of longtime member, Andre Rekte.
Brian O'Connor | President
On February 13, 2023, we put on our first Civility Program at Pepperdine University in Malibu which was highly successful due to the efforts of Hon. Ben Coats, Dan Carobini and Greg Ramirez. Our first dinner meeting was held on April 4th with guest speaker John Rice, Esq. known as the lien doctor. We have chosen the Bacara as the location for our Holiday party.
Jeff Portnoy | President
The Hawaii Chapter is excited to join forces with CAL-ABOTA and looks forward to seeing everyone in Hawaii in November.
On March 4, 2023, the CAL-ABOTA Board selected from among the great candidates, Dennis Thelen of the San Joaquin Valley Chapter as the 2023 Trial Lawyer of the Year. The candidates from each chapter were as follows:
San Joaquin Valley
Dennis Thelen
Los Angeles
Linda Miller Savitt
Orange County
Eric V. Traut
San Bernardino/Riverside
Michael J. Marlatt
San Diego
Kimberly S. Oberrecht
San Francisco
Joseph McMonigle
Sacramento Valley
Dominique Pollara
The following chapters did not submit a nominee: California Coast and Hawaii.
June 19, 2023
Valley Hi Country Club | Elk Grove
July 31, 2023
Red Hill Country Club | Rancho Cucamonga
San Diego
TBD 2023
Fairbanks Ranch Country Club | Rancho Santa Fe
The ABOTA Foundation Final Four Fellows Competition is well underway, and we have Chapters that are active on the leaderboard! The regular season is in its early stages and the winners are still up for grabs!
Each Chapter’s score will be calculated based on the percentage of their non-Fellow members who become Fellows throughout the competition. A minimum contribution of $500 OR enrollment as a Sustainer at the $25/month level or above is required to be counted as a new Fellow. Only new Fellows who are ABOTA members count toward this portion of the Final Four Fellows Competition. Chapters will be split into Small and Large Chapters with a separate bracket for each. Small Chapters are defined as those with less than 70 members; Large Chapters are defined as those with 70 or more.
Step up and make your free throws: On the leaderboard, the tabs at the bottom of the document allow you to check your Chapter's score and where you stand in your region. You will notice a new column next to your Chapter percentage titled "Free Throws." This column tells you if you have any members in your Chapter who have donated to the Foundation this year but didn't meet the threshold of $500 to count toward your total. If you have a number next to your Chapter, that means you have some easy points out there waiting to be won! Contact the ABOTA Foundation at to learn how to win from the Charity Stripe.
You have until August 16 to win the regular season, which qualifies your Chapter to advance to the playoffs!
The ABOTA Foundation relies on the support of contributions from individuals to fund the majority of our work. Those individuals—our Foundation Fellows—make it possible for the Foundation to provide complimentary education to countless teachers and students, to provide high-quality, expert level instruction to attorneys who strive to improve their advocacy skills, and information to arm our citizens with knowledge about their rights. This vitally important work could not be accomplished without these donations. We hope that you will choose to support the mission of the Foundation and make a lasting impact on the practice of law for generations to come.
A gift of any amount qualifies you as a Fellow. As you continue to support the Foundation, your Fellows level grows. We recognize our Fellows annually with commemorative items and in our annual report.
To make a payment toward your ongoing pledge, please visit your ABOTA Foundation profile and complete your payment. Visit the Foundation’s donate page by clicking here.
Thank you for your participation!
Congratulations 2022 Chapter of the Year Finalists
Our Orange County and San Bernardino/Riverside Chapters have been selected as finalists for the 2022 ABOTA Chapter of the Year - congratulations!!
The Chapter of the Year winners for Large Chapter of the Year and Small Chapter of the Year will be announced at the ABOTA National Board Meeting Awards Dinner at the Four Seasons, Whistler, BC, Canada, on Saturday, August 19, 2023. Click here for meeting information.
Recognizing the Many Philanthropic Efforts of ABOTA Members
The CAL-ABOTA Community Service Award shall be presented annually to a CAL-ABOTA member, firm or chapter that has undertaken an exemplary act or continuing acts of service to their community. While philanthropy may be a consideration for determining the annual award recipient, this award is intended to encourage, recognize and celebrate a CAL-ABOTA member or entity that has undertaken a significant commitment of time, talent, effort and/or resources so as to make a meaningful impact upon the quality of life in their community, or to support and enhance the effectiveness of existing charitable organizations. Donations of time and support to legal aid organizations qualify for consideration for the Annual Community Service Award, but emphasis will be placed upon those efforts and services dedicated to broader community needs.
As a professional organization that encourages and celebrates “Civility," this award is intended to honor CAL-ABOTA members who extend and demonstrate civility beyond the practice of law, and in ways that meaningfully impact and support the community, a consequence of which can be an elevation of the reputation and profile of our profession.
Each chapter of CAL-ABOTA will be allowed to nominate one individual, firm or the chapter itself for consideration for the award each year. If you are interested in making a nomination, please contact your Chapter’s leadership right away. Each Chapter’s nomination is due to CAL-ABOTA by July 26, 2023.
Thank you for making a difference!
Congratulations Past Award Recipients:
- 2019: Sacramento Valley Chapter for the Sharing God’s Bounty Program
2020-2021: Kim Valentine, Orange County Chapter, Operation Helping Hands
2022: John and Christa Ramey; Ramey Law, Los Angeles Chapter, Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Westchester
(Left to right: Bob Morgenstern, Frank Pitre and Christa Ramey)
The CAL-ABOTA Committees are comprised of current members of the Board of Directors. The Committees are working very hard on your behalf to ensure that CAL-ABOTA remains engaged and at the forefront of the legal community.
Thank you to this year’s Committee members, which are as follows:
(Per the Bylaws, Section 4):
Standing committees shall consist of at least three members, including the chair of the Committee.
“This committee shall be responsible to assist chapters in the presentation of programs throughout the state, to assist chapters in carrying forward the Youth Education Program and any other ABOTA education programs and to engage in any other activities, including school related programs and awards, as shall promote the purposes of ABOTA.”
- Bob Morgenstern – Co-Chair
- Karen Goodman – Co-Chair
Plus Chapter Vice Presidents/President-Elects:
- Brian Cardoza | CalCoast Vice President
- James Rosen | Los Angeles President-Elect
- Pamela Liosi-Traut | Orange County President Elect
- John Demas | Sacramento Valley Vice President
- Charles Mayr | San Bernardino/Riverside President Elect
- James Lance | San Diego Vice President
- J. Kevin Morrison | San Francisco Vice President
- Jason Bell | San Joaquin Valley Vice President
“This committee is responsible for monitoring proposed legislation, jury instruction proposals, the administration of civil justice, and any other issue that may affect the goals and purposes of CAL-ABOTA and to engage in such activities to preserve the purposes of ABOTA as set forth in the Constitution.”
- Joe McMonigle – Co-Chair
- Hon. Ben Coats – Co-Chair
Plus Chapter Presidents:
- Brian O'Connor | CalCoast President
- Jeffrey Portnoy | Hawaii President
- Christopher Faenza | Los Angeles President
- Yoshi Kubota | Orange County President
- Letty Litchfield | Sacramento Valley President
- Steven Geeting | San Bernardino/Riverside President
- Peter Hughes | San Diego President
- Amee Mikacich | San Francisco President
- William White | San Joaquin Valley President
“This committee shall be responsible to recommend future activities, organization, awards, Board membership, chapter engagement, and any other Board actions that shall carry out the purposes of ABOTA and CAL-ABOTA.”
- Greg Rizio, Co-Chair
- Bob Morgenstern, Co-Chair
Appointed by the Board, as necessary, to carry out its business for such terms as it shall determine.
- Karen Goodman Co-Chair
- Rhonda Mallory, Co-Chair
- Don Carlson, Co-Chair
- Chris Wesierski, Co-Chair
Plus Chapter Immediate Past Presidents:
- Roger Frederickson | Cal Coast Immediate Past President
- Deborah Chang | Los Angeles Immediate Past President
- William Haggerty | Orange County Immediate Past President
- Daniel Kohls | Sacramento Valley Immediate Past President
- Hon. John Pacheco | San Bernardino/Riverside Immediate Past President
- Stephen Grebing | San Diego Immediate Past President
- Niall McCarthy | San Francisco Immediate Past President
- David Moeck | San Joaquin Valley Immediate Past President
- Greg Rizio, Co-Chair
- Rhonda Mallory, Co-Chair
Plus Chapter Presidents:
- Brian O'Connor | CalCoast President
- Jeffrey Portnoy | Hawaii President
- Christopher Faenza | Los Angeles President
- Yoshi Kubota | Orange County President
- Letty Litchfield | Sacramento Valley President
- Steven Geeting | San Bernardino/Riverside President
- Peter Hughes | San Diego President
- Amee Mikacich | San Francisco President
- William White | San Joaquin Valley President
This committee shall be charged with producing the quarterly E-News, the official periodic publication of CAL-ABOTA. The newsletter shall also be available on the CAL-ABOTA website.
This committee shall reference the Community Service Award description and criteria approved by the Board of Directors on August 24, 2019. This committee shall also:
1. Maintain a form to have each chapter complete for possible consideration.
2. Interview the contact from each chapter about their nominees, if necessary.
3. Meet to narrow the list to three nominees only or one if there is overwhelming support for one chapter.
4. Recommend to the Executive Committee, the final three possible candidates.
- Walter Yoka, Co-Chair
- Chris Wesierski, Co-Chair
Aloha CAL-ABOTA Friends:
We are excited to bring the CAL-ABOTA Hawaii Conference back to the beautifully redesigned and thoughtfully reimagined Turtle Bay Resort on Oahu’s famous North Shore. This year’s conference is scheduled for November 6-11, 2023.
Turtle Bay Resort is a destination itself with so many activities available right onsite including hiking trails, horseback riding, kayaking with green Hawaiian sea turtles, surfing and so much more! All rooms have a view of the ocean and 5-night conference packages start at $2,730 per person, double occupancy inclusive of accommodations, daily resort fee, full daily breakfast, two special evening events including cocktails, dinner and live musical entertainment, one evening cocktail reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres and live musical entertainment and an educational program featuring a line-up of speakers you will not want to miss.
We hope you will make plans with friends and family to join us for this week of relaxed fun and famed ABOTA camaraderie.
Frank Pitre, CAL-ABOTA President
Greg Rizio, CAL-ABOTA President-Elect/Conference Chair