CalDesal Spring Mixer!
The CalDesal Mixer is back for the ACWA Spring Conference in Sacramento! The CalDesal Mixer will be held on the evening of Wednesday, May 4, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Hyatt Regency Sacramento – Upper Pool Deck – 1st Floor. We look forward to you joining us!

Sponsorship opportunities for the CalDesal Mixer also remain available! This is a great opportunity to showcase your agency, business, or organization to the entire California desalination industry! Mixer sponsorships come with fantastic options for marketing your exposure within the industry!

Click here to sponsor the CalDesal Spring Mixer now!

 Thank You to CalDesal Mixer Sponsors!

CalDesal is greatly appreciative to the following organizations that are sponsoring the 2022 CalDesal Mixer event. Thank you for your financial support of our association!
Save the Date!
Set your alarm early, and plan to join us for our semiannual CalDesal Board of Directors meeting during the upcoming ACWA Spring Conference. The CalDesal Board of Directors will be meeting on Wednesday, May 4 at 7:00 AM in the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, Carmel AB Room.

We look forward to seeing you there! No judgment if you’re still wearing pajamas!
Calling All Volunteers!
The CalDesal organization is looking for volunteers for a range of leadership opportunities within the association. In February, the CalDesal Executive Committee approved the creation of a new Event Planning Committee that will be focusing on some of the great event opportunities that we anticipate over the next year, including the Spring and Fall Mixer events, the 2023 Annual Conference, and other events, seminars, and sessions that may emerge during the year.

We are looking for a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and Committee members to form this newly-established Event Planning Committee. We encourage you to consider this opportunity to really help the association in a meaningful way and shape the organization into the future.

If you are interested, please contact Glenn Farrel at [email protected] or at (916) 216-1747. 
Call to Action!
On May 12, 2022, Poseidon Water will go before the California Coastal Commission for its final permit necessary to allow construction to begin on the Huntington Beach Desalination Project. The Coastal Commission will allow for public comments prior to its vote. It is extremely important that your voice is heard! 

What: Coastal Commission Public Hearing
When: Thursday, May 12 – Meeting begins at 9:00 AM
How: The Coastal Commission has not released information regarding hybrid participation capabilities for the meeting yet, but we will keep you informed as more information becomes available. For now, please save the date of May 12, 2022 to speak during the public hearing.

Please email Brian Lochrie at [email protected] if you can save the date and speak in support of desalination at the May 12th hearing. 

Reach out to CalDesal’s Executive Director, Glenn Farrel – [email protected] or (916) 216-1747 – if you have any questions or need any additional information, and also please share a copy of your written support comments with CalDesal as well! Thank you!
New Member Welcome!
CalDesal is pleased to welcome a new Associate Member to the CalDesal family! Our association grows in strength, relevance, and influence as we continue to expand our membership doors and bring new perspectives, experiences, and viewpoints into our organization. Please welcome this new Associate Member when you have an opportunity!