Volume 56| August 2020
The California Consulting Community
California Consulting In Your Community
California Consulting Highlights Success with Featured Award Video
California Consulting Presents at a Grant Writing Webinar Hosted by Supervisor Kelly Long
California Consulting was honored to present at a Grant Writing Webinar hosted by Supervisor Kelly Long. CEO Steve Samuelian and Senior Project Manager Ashley Ramsey provided an in-depth presentation regarding grant location/research and best practices. Thank you Supervisor Long for a highly successful event.
California Consulting Presents a Grant Writing Workshop for the
MMASC Summer Webinar Series
California Consulting was honored to present Grant Writing 101 at the Municipal Management Association of Southern California (MMASC) Summer Webinar Series. The webinar was well attended and very successful.

California Consulting, Inc CEO Steve Samuelian and Senior Project Manager Ashley Ramsey led an informative and in depth introduction to grants demonstration and enjoyed taking questions. One highlight of the hour was the long list of grant opportunities currently available and the MMASC members were very active and astute with their questions. Thanks again Municipal Management Association of Southern California (MMASC)
Grant Awards
CC congratulates Woodlake Unified School District (a CC client) for receiving the Capital Grant Program: First 5 in the amount of $40,000.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of Woodlake USD's leadership to promote the quality of education for its students

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by Dana Leusch, CC Senior Project Manager, who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, Dana, and congratulations Woodlake USD!
CC congratulates Kern High School Distict (a CC client) for receiving the Target Soccer Grant Award for Shafter High School, Arvin High School, Bakersfield Highschool, Foothill High School, and South High School in the amount of $5,000. Each school will receive $1,000.

This achievement is another example of the commitment of Kern High School District's leadership to promote the quality of education for it's students.

It's also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Senior Project Manager Dr. Julie High, who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, Dr. High, and congratulations KHSD!

CC congratulates San Bernardino Community College District (a CC client) for receiving the California Training Initiative Recognition Award.

California Workforce Association (CWA), Training initiative has contracted with
SBCCD's Economic Development and Corporate Training Division to provide a wide variety of workforce development training courses.

CC congratulates the City of Waterford (a CC client) for receiving A Better World for Pets Award.

California Consuliting CEO Steve Samuelian Featured in Southern California Partnership for Jobs Article
California Consulitng CEO Steve Samuelian was featured in the Southern California Partnership for Jobs Tapping into Water with Marci Stanage Article on August 5th. Steve highlighted 3 grants, the Active Transportaion Grant (ATP), the Highway Safety Improvement Program, and the COVID-19 FEMA Grant.

To view the complete article, please click here.
California Consulting Inc. announces the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Equitable Parks an Green Spaces in Small adn Mid-size Cities- Planning Grant Deadline is September 9, 2020
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: Equitable Parks and Green Spaces in Small and Mid-Size Cities – Planning Grant

Deadline: September 9, 2020

Amount: One planning grant of up to $400,000

Eligibility: Preference will be given to applicants that are either public entities or 501c3 nonprofit organizations

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) seeks an organization (or up to three collaborating organizations) to plan an initiative, which, by influencing policy and systems change, rectifies the inequitable distribution of parks and green spaces in low-income communities and communities of color in urban regions, including small and midsize cities (pop. 50,000–500,000). This work will build on the Foundation’s several years of field learning. We seek applicants that have experience, expertise, and missions related to elevating equity in decisions, plans, and programs that affect the community conditions in which low income people and people of color live. This includes organizations with experience in community power building, community-led planning and programming, and community-driven decision-making.
The California COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Fund is now open.
California Consulting Announces the California COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Fund has an Ongoing Deadline. Cal OES is advising to submit as soon as possible 
CalRecycle: Reuse Grant Program
Deadline: September 10, 2020
Amount: $300,000 to $500,000
Match: No
Eligibility: Local governments, state agencies, nonprofits, private and for-profit organizations and qualifying Indian Tribes
The purpose of the grant is to further the goals of the California Global Warming Solutions Act (Assembly Bill (AB) 32) and lower overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by expanding and improving landfill diversion and recycling in California through source reduction (i.e., reuse). Each application must fall into one of the following project types:
·        Replacement of single-use containers with refillables, including, but not limited to beverage, food, or personal care product containers.
·        Replacement of single-use food service ware (plates, cups, utensils) with durable alternatives that can be reused.
·        Replacement of single-use packaging with reusable packaging used to transport or distribute goods (e.g., crates, pallets).
·        Recovery of lumber, wood flooring, or wood furniture from landfills or through deconstruction projects for reuse.
If you would like our team of grant writers to assist you with the application please contact us at [email protected] or 323-728-9002!  
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please call our Southern California Office at 323-728-9002. 

Upcoming Webinars
Client Spotlight: City of Twentynine Palms
California Consulting is pleased to spotlight our client City of Twentynine Palms in our August 2020 newsletter. The City of Twentynine Palms is the home of Joshua Tree National Park Headquarters and Main Park Entrance (aka the North Entrance) and proud host of the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, the world's largest Marine Corps training base. The City is renowned for its world class murals and artists, supportive business climate, pristine air, beautiful natural surroundings, desert and mountain vistas, and friendly family lifestyle.
Beyond the last of the traffic lights, Twentynine Palms is the gateway to the Mojave Desert, Joshua Tree National Park, the Mojave National Preserve, and the great California Outback. Be sure to experience the history, culture, lustrous starlit skies, breath-taking sunsets and sunrises in person.

To learn more about the City of Twentynine Palms, please goto their website https://www.ci.twentynine-palms.ca.us/
Team Member Spotlight:
Adel Hsu
California Consulting is pleased to highlight Adel Hsu in our August newsletter. Ms. Adelaide (Adel) Hsu is California Consulting's project manager. Adel has over 18 years of experience coordinating, managing and administering housing programs in Northern and Southern California for County, City, and non-profit agencies including the San Mateo County Housing Authority, Orange County Housing Authority, City of Pomona and partner non-profits. The programs include Housing Choice Voucher, Family Self Sufficiency, Continuum of Care, Rapid Rehousing, Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, and First Time Homebuyer Programs.

Adel is also an experienced grant writer who has successfully obtained grants from private, County, State, and Federal sources. She has also designed programs, policies and procedures that strike a balance with policy priorities, grant requirements and laws. She is committed to leveraging the strength of each agency and works with them to create realistic goal-driven plans that maximize the use of grants and grant funds to enrich communities. 

Adel by nature is curious about life, and this extends to her work. Always taking a chance to be educated she loves to learn about the programs and the impact agencies and non-profits are making to California and the community. When not busy with writing, she is spending time with her family building Legos, riding bikes and figuring out what's for dinner. 

Adel holds an MA in Public Administration from Brandman (Chapman) University, and a BA in Mass Communications from Siena College, Philippines.
Municipal Grant Opportunties
CalTrans: Active Transportation Program (ATP) Grant Statewide Cycle 5                    

Deadline: September 15, 2020 (extended from June 15, 2020)

Amount: Minimum funding request is $250,000 (Non-infrastructure projects, Safe Routes to Schools projects, Recreational Trails projects, and Planning projects are exempt from this and may apply for smaller amounts).
Match: None required

Eligibility: cities, counties, county transportation commissions, regional transportation planning agencies, MPOs, school districts, and transit districts

The Active Transportation Program was created to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. Funding from the Active Transportation Program may be used to fund the development of community wide bike, pedestrian, safe routes to schools, or active transportation plans in predominantly disadvantaged communities. The goals of the Active Transportation Program are to:
·       Increase the proportion of trips accomplished by biking and walking or Increase the safety and mobility of non-motorized users.
·       Advance the active transportation efforts of regional agencies to achieve greenhouse gas reduction
·       Enhance public health, including reduction of childhood obesity using programs including, but not limited to, projects eligible for Safe Routes to School Program funding.
·       Ensure that disadvantaged communities fully share in the benefits of the program.
·       Provide a broad spectrum of projects to benefit many types of active transportation users.
CalTrans: Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10

Deadline: September 4, 2020

Amount: $100,000 - $10 Million

Match: 10% of project cost

Eligibility: City, county, or a tribal government federally recognized within the State of California

The purpose of the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) program is to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads, including non-State-owned public roads and roads on tribal land. HSIP funds are eligible for work on any public road or publicly owned bicycle or pedestrian pathway or trail, or on tribal lands for general use of tribal members, that improves the safety for its users. All proposed projects will be evaluated based on the Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratios. 
Educational Grant Opportunties
U.S. Department of Education: Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund - Student Aid Portion

Deadline: September 30, 2020

Amount: Funding is distributed by allocation using a formula based on student enrollment

Match: No

Eligibility: US private, public, and state controlled institutions of higher education

The US Department of Education provides funding to institutions of higher education to distribute emergency financial aid grants to students impacted by the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Eligible student expenses include costs of attendance such as childcare, course materials, food, health care, and housing. Institutions of higher education may develop systems and processes to distribute funds to all students or only to students demonstrating significant need.
California Department of Education: Application for COVID-19 Disaster Relief

Deadline: The final filing date is August 31, 2020, but program operators are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible.

Amount: Reimbursement through this application is contingent on available funds. Approved COVID-19 disaster relief payments will be made from the state’s General Fund or from the Federal Trust Fund in accordance with the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, if CARES Act funds are made available to the CDE for this purpose.

Eligibility: school districts, county offices of education, charter schools, residential childcare institutions, and private schools participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Seamless Summer Option (SSO), and Summer Food Services Program (SFSP)

Summary: CDE is providing program operators, which have sites that have been temporarily closed and/or meals served have been reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic emergency, a reimbursement to offset fixed expenses, such as salaries and benefits that continue to accrue during the temporary closure.
New Clients and Renewals
California Consulitng is honored that Rossmoor Community Services District and the California Alliance for Jobs have asked us to provide grant writing services.

We look forward to collaborating with our new clients to help transform their vision into their legacy.
Thank You
California Consulting is honored that The City of Manteca and Coachella Valley Unified School District have chosen to renew their contract permitting California Consulting to continue to provide grant writing services. Thank you for your continued confidence.