Volume 55| July 2020
The California Consulting Community
California Consulting In Your Community
California Consulting has secured over $6.9 Million for our Clients in the last 90 days
California Consulting has secured $6,907,615 in funding for our clients over the last 90 days. This wonderful accomplishment could not have been actualized without the efforts of our highly specialized grant writers.

Dan Rodriguez, Director of Operations, stated: "During this unprecedented and challenging time for our clients, our dedicated grant writing team continues to rise to the ocassion and has identified COVID19 relief funds and are actively writing several cylical state and federal applications for our municipal and school district clients."

The following applications have been written by California Consulting grant writers and awarded for our clients over the last 90 days.
San Bernardino Community College District Receives $736,757 from the California Workforce Development Board
CC congratulates the San Bernardino Community College District (a CC client) for receiving the HRCC: SB1 Program Award Announcement: Region 4 in the amount of $736,757.40 from the California Workforce Development Board.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of SBCCD's leadership to promote the quality of life for its students.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager Sigfrido Rivera who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, Sig, and congratulations SBCCD!
Grant Awards
CC congratulates the City of Baldwin Park (a CC client) for receiving the State Housing and Community Development - SB2 Planning Grant application in the amount of $360,000.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of City's leadership to protect and promote the quality of life for its residents.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager, David Marquez, who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, David, and congratulations City of Baldwin Park!
CC congratulates the City of Jurupa Valley (a CC client) for receiving the California COVID-19 Pandemic in the amount of $65,809 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of the City's leadership to protect and promote the quality of life for its residents.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager Ashley Ramsey who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, Ashley, and congratulations City of Jurupa Valley!
CC congratulates the City of Alhambra for receiving the Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Grant in the amount of $36,679 from the United States Department of Justice.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of the City's leadership to protect and promote the quality of life for its residents.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager, Danielle Sotelo, who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, Danielle, and congratulations City of Alhambra!
CC congratulates the City of Parlier(a CC client) for receiving the Alcohol Policing Partnership Program in the amount of $22,028 from the California Alcoholic Beverage Control.

This latest achievement is another example of the commitment of The City of Parlier's leadership to protect and promote the quality of life for its residents.

It’s also a reflection of the dedication and hard work by CC Project Manager Ashley Ramsey who ensured a successful grant application.

Thank you, Ashley, and congratulations City of Parlier!
Upcoming Webinars
MMASC Members will be given priority seating, however all are encourated to RSVP for this Grant Writing Workshop
The California COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Fund is now open.
California Consulting Announces the California COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Fund has an Ongoing Deadline. Cal OES is advising to submit as soon as possible
California COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Fund
Deadline: The deadline to submit your RPA for the FEMA-4482-DR-CA event is 30-days past the date that the incident period for this event closes; the incident period is currently open, therefore the deadline is undetermined at this time, however, FEMA is encouraging that eligible entities submit ASAP.

Cost Share : FEDERAL: 75% of eligible damages    STATE: Not yet approved      LOCAL/SUBRECIPIENT: 25% of eligible damages

Eligibility: State Agencies, Counties, cities, Local public authorities, School districts, Special Districts established under State law

Summary: This application is a reimbursement process for expenses incurred as a response to COVID-19, not all of the expenses may be covered and documentation is critical. FEMA/CalOES is asking for timesheets, invoices, hiring policies, contracts, etc. It is helpful if the client has documented COVID related expenses separately from other typical expenses (as non-recurring) on its ledger sheet. 
If you or your entity would like California Consulting to write this application, please call our Southern California Office at 323-728-9002. 

National Science Foundation: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI Program)
National Science Foundation: Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI Program)

Deadline: 9/20/20

Track 1: Building Capacity
Funding Amount: Up to $2,500,000
Performance Period: Up to 5 years

  • Priority Area 1 (Critical Transitions) supports projects that address the retention of undergraduate students in STEM programs.
  • Priority Area 2 (Innovative Cross-Sector Partnerships) supports projects that develop cross-sector partnerships that lead to increased student engagement with STEM research and learning experiences while also generating knowledge about how cross-sector partnerships contribute to STEM teaching and learning, and workforce development.
  • Priority Area 3 (Teaching and Learning in STEM) supports efforts that generate new knowledge about teaching and learning strategies and curricular models that improve undergraduate STEM education for a culturally diverse student population.

Track 2: HSIs New to NSF
Funding Amount: Up to $300,000
Performance Period: Up to 3 years

This track seeks to build capacity in undergraduate STEM education at HSIs that either have never received NSF funding or have not received funding from NSF in the five years prior to the proposal date. This track is designed to stimulate implementation, adaptation, and innovation in one or more of the three priority areas identified in Track 1, and to increase the number of HSIs participating in NSF programs.

Due Date: 9/20/20 
Client Spotlight: City of Vacaville
California Consulting is pleased to spotlight our client City of Vacaville in our July newsletter. The City’s leadership has an amazing vision. In partnership with that vison, California Consulting has secured the following funds:
With a total award of $480,875 which i s a 339% return on investment.
California Consulting congratulates the leadership team's vision to promote a quality life for its city.
Team Member Spotlight:
Dr. Julie High, Senior Project Manager
California Consulting is pleased to hightlight Dr. Julie High in our July newsletter.

Dr. Julie High is a Senior Project Manager for California Consulting. Julie has over twenty-five years experience in grant writing for education. She has secured more than $35 million in educational grant funding, with over $29 million for one school district.

Julie has experience working in many roles in public education: high school teacher, staff development specialist, middle school instructional coach, preschool director, after school program director, elementary principal, and director of program evaluation and IT. Throughout all of these primary roles Julie focused on improving education for traditionally underserved populations with successful Federal and State grant funding. In 1994 Julie organized a community collaborative of private businesses and social service agencies to improve services to the outlying community. This collaborative continues to meet and promote community health through its current family resource center base.

Julie earned her Bachelor’s degree from UCLA, Master’s degree from San Jose State University, Professional Administrative Credential from the University of Santa Clara, and her Doctorate in Education from Fielding Graduate University.

When she’s not writing grants, Julie can be found riding and competing in upper level dressage with her Lusitano gelding, Cefiro do Ceu.
Municipal Grant Opportunties
CalTrans: Active Transportation Program (ATP) Grant Statewide Cycle 5                     

Deadline: September 15, 2020 (extended from June 15, 2020)

Amount: Minimum funding request is $250,000 (Non-infrastructure projects, Safe Routes to Schools projects, Recreational Trails projects, and Planning projects are exempt from this and may apply for smaller amounts).

Match: None required

Eligibility:  cities, counties, county transportation commissions, regional transportation planning agencies, MPOs, school districts, and transit districts

CalTrans: Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10

Deadline: September 4, 2020

Amount: $100,000 - $10 Million

Match: 10% of project cost

Eligibility: City, county, or a tribal government federally recognized within the State of California

California Natural Resources Agency: Urban Greening Program (Round 4)
Deadline: July 15, 2020 
Application: The California Natural Resources Agency will be accepting proposals for the Urban Greening Grant Program via the System for Online Application Review (SOAR). 
Amount: 28.5 million in awards will be funded by this program. Applicants submitting the most competitive proposals will be invited to participate in the next level of the competitive process. 
Eligible: city, county, special district, nonprofit organization, or an agency or entity formed pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act [Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7 of Title 1] if at least one of the parties to the joint powers agreement qualifies as an eligible applicant, notwithstanding the Joint Exercise of Powers Act. 
Educational Grant Opportunties
San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District: Electric School Bus Incentive Program

Deadline: Continuous

Amount: Up to $400,000

Match: Not specified

Eligibility: Must be in SJVAPCD eligible counties. The applicant must be the school bus owner that is a public school district, Joint Power Authorities (JPA), or private company that is contracted with a public school to transport public school children to and from school.

U.S. Department of Education Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

Deadline: September 30, 2020

Amount: $12.56 billion for entire program to be distributed by allocation formula

Eligibility: IHEs

CalTrans. Active Transportation Program (ATP) Grant Statewide Cycle 5

Deadline: September 15, 2020

Grant Minimum Amount: $250,000

New Clients and Renewals
California Consulting is honored to welcome the City of El Monte, the City of Eastvale, as our newest clients. We are excited for the opportunity to help turn their vision into their legacy.
Thank You
California Consulting is honored that The City of Stockton, Azusa Unified School District, Whittier City School District, and City of Bell have chosen to renew their contract permitting California Consulting to continue to provide grant writing services . Thank you for your continued confidence.