| Campbell's Outboard 1 Impala Court Park Hills, MO 63601 573-431-2742
Featured Investor
Welcome to our NEWLY Invested Businesses!
Chamber Office Closed Monday
Just a reminder, the Chamber office will be closed on Monday, February 18th in observance of President's Day. We will return to our normal business hours on Tuesday, February 19th. Have a great holiday!
February Investor Meeting Addresses the Importance of Social Media for Your Business
 Join us Tuesday, February 19th at Rosener's Restaurant as Bruce and Tiffany Marler from LocalTek talks to us about Social Media, Search Engine Optimization and it's importance to your small business.
Don't forget, we will be voting on the previously proposed bylaw changes at Tuesday's meeting. Contact the Chamber office if you need a copy of the proposed changes for review.
We will also be announcing the details of the upcoming Social Media Seminar sponsored by the Chamber, as well as a surprise announcement by LocalTek!
Sweetheart Trivia Receives Overwhelming Response

The Chamber's decision to revive it's Sweetheart themed trivia proved to be an excellent choice. With 14 teams, 10 Round Sponsors, 60+ door prizes and 20+ desserts, we couldn't have asked better participation!
Congratulations to our winning team: "United Brains" sponsored by United Way of St Francois County! Pictured above Mike & Tammy Bracken and Donna & Loel Hickman. Also participating, and not pictured here were Dave and Kerry Glore. The United Brains won
two of the night's round sponsor prizes, as well as the first place cash prize. They generously donated all their winnings back to the Chamber! We can't thank you all enough!
So many others are do a hearty thanks as well, including all the participants, the volunteers, Glenda Straughn & Special Memories, Jason Loughary, Our Board Members, Our Ambassadors, Our Local Media Entities, Those who Donated the Desserts, and of course, we can't forget our Round Sponsors and Door Prize Donors. What an incredible outpouring of support we received for this event! Thank you all so much!
Special thanks to our Round Sponsors!
Dale Mosier Auto Body
Home Pools & Spas
Maloney, Wright & Robbins CPAs
No Limit Shirts, Signs & Awards
O.D.A.C.S. Inc.
Mineral Area Office Supply
Farm Bureau Insurance
And to the many, many Door Prize Donors!
Stone Park Inn
Mario's Italian Eatery
St. Francois Rotary
KFMO/ B104 Radio
Main Street Grill
Daily Journal
The Coffee Grill
Park Hills River Mart
The Feminine Touch
Pharmax Pharmacy
Belgrade State Bank
Wise Grounds Coffee Shop of Belgrade State Bank
The Printing Co
Serenity HospiceCare
Three Dames Dreamin'
The United Way of St. Francois County
Parkland Health Center
Parkland Flower Girl
Mineral Area College
Mineral Area Office Supply
Farm Bureau Insurance
Country Mart
Redfield Collision Center
Proffer Produce
Representative Linda Black
Safe-T Alarms
Essentials Salon & Spa
Bow Tie Catering
Show Me Rent to Own
Crown Pointe Golf Course
Piramal Glass
Campbell's Outboard
Leadbelt Materials
Upward Smiles
Maloney, Wright & Robbins
Home Pools & Spas
Hefner's Furniture & Appliance
Heart of the Parkland
First Friday Coffee - March 1, 2013
Please join us on Friday March 1st from 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. at Belgrade State Bank in Desloge for the First Friday Coffee.
Find out all the details and register to attend by clicking here: MARCH FIRST FRIDAY COFFEE
Hump Day BBQ 22 - March 20, 2013
For those of you who are badly craving that sweet, tangy bbq flavor, or the creamy taste of the Chamber's famous hashbrown casserole, it's official... the date has been set! March 20th, the grills will be lit and the craving will be filled!
Find out all the details and even place your order by visiting the event page at: HUMP DAY BBQ 22
Investor Renewals Now Due
Thank you so much to those who have already renewed your chamber investment for 2013. We appreciate your continued support and dedication.
If you have not yet renewed, please hurry and do so, we don't want you to miss out on any of the exciting things planned for 2013 by letting your investment expire!
Invoices were mailed last week. If you have questions or concerns about your renewal, please don't hesitate to contact the Chamber office. Well be happy to address any thoughts you may have.
Include Your Press Release on the Chamber's Website
Do you have a special announcement that you'd like to share with other Chamber investors, or those who visit the Chamber's website?
As a new addition to the Chamber's new website, and offered as part of you Member Center, you can now submit your press releases through your member center to be displayed on the Chamber's "News" page.
Just go to www.chamberlogin.com, enter your username and password, then create your press release and submit. We'll double check it for you and as soon as it's approve, it will be live on the chamber's website at: http://business.phlcoc.net/news
Need help? Just give us a call and we'll walk you through it! Take advantage of this new, free, Chamber Investor benefit today!
The Daily Journal
The Keys to Success This FREE, 1-hour session is presented by a business owner, who will be sharing tips and ideas on how to build your brand and grow your market share in a digital age.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
Parkland Meet Up - Tech and Start Up Series
The Parkland Tech and Startup Meetup series has been created to help bring individuals together to help them better netw
ork with others that are interested in technology, startups, or new business ideas.
Click on the photo to the right for the date, time and more info...
Mineral Area College

Missouri Representative Kevin Engler to Address 4th Friday
State Rep. Kevin Engler, R-116th District, will address the crowd at Mineral Area College's Fourth Friday Luncheon on Feb. 22.
Click on the photo to the right to
Fun for Kids at MAC's Homecoming, Feb. 23  MAC's Homecoming is coming up Saturday, Feb. 23, and local children are sure to laugh, have fun, and make lots of memories during special activities offered just for them.
Click on the photo to the right to read more... Arts Council Bringing Oz to Farmington Dorothy still explores Oz, Glenda helps guide her and her friends through their adventures, and the Wicked Witch of the West attempts to thwart them all in an American Family Theater production of "Wizard of Oz." Click on the photo to the right to read more...
Mineral Area Regional Medical Center
Diabetes and the Link to Heart Attack and Stroke  November may be designated as Diabetes Awareness Month, but most people already know a friend or family member, or several, afflicted with the disease. To many, diabetes is simply referred to as the "sugar disease" and it ends there. But that paints too simple a picture to be aware of other health ailments to which this complex "sugar disease" contributes.
Click on the photo to the right for to read more...
Parkland Health Center
Parkland Health Center Board of Directors Welcomes New Board Members 
Parkland Health Center is pleased to announce that Scott D. Kirkley, MD and William W. Bunch have recently been appointed to the Parkland Health Center Board of Directors.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
Parkland Health Center Foundation Board Welcomes New Board Members 
John Crouch, chairman of the Parkland Health Center Foundation Board, is pleased to announce that Leanna Johnson and Donna Gallagher have recently been appointed to the Parkland Health Center Foundation Board.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
St. Francois County Rotary
Business & Professional Ice Breakers Series
Come join us at our second stop on our Business and professional Ice Breaker series. Thursday, February 21 from 5-7 p.m. at Hub's Pub. Come enjoy a evening of networking with like minded professionals.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
Annual Rotary Mouse Races  Come join us for a great night of Mouse Race fun! Doors will open at 6 with the races starting at 7.
Advance tickets are still just $15.00 a person and can be purchased at Redfield Collision or online at www.sfcrotary.org.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
SEMO Family Violence Council
Annual St. Patty's Day Trivia Night
Gather your friends for an evening of food, fun and useless information. Friday, March 15, 2013.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
Desloge Chamber of Commerce
Desloge Chamber Trivia Night Benefits Community BettermentFriday, February 22, 2013 at the MAC Elks Lodge in Desloge. Click on the photo to the right for more information...
ReMax Best Choice
Night of Superstars
Night of Superstars is a grand red carpet charity event that draws a number of celebrities, local high-profile personalities, press and hundreds of guests. All to celebrate the accomplishments of 30 of the most amazing kids in the St. Louis, St. Francois and Jefferson counties who are affected by varying types of disabling conditions yet reach far beyond their adversities and excel in academics, athletics, music or community service.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
Senate Committee Hears Bill Prohibiting Employers from Requesting Employee's Passwords
Newly proposed legislation was heard this week in the Senate General Laws committee that would prohibit a potential employer from requiring an applicant to share their social media passwords. The bill, SB 164 sponsored by Sen. Gina Walsh, states employers shall not ask or require an employee or applicant to disclose any user name for or password to any Internet site or web-based account, except for those relating to the employers' computer systems. Click on the photo to the right for more information...
Legislation Would Target Economic Development Dollars Toward Industries of Future Growth
What could be one of the session's most significant economic development bills, Senate Bill 120 was approved by the Senate Committee on Jobs, Economic Development, and Local Government this week. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Eric Schmitt, and now heads to the Senate floor for debate.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
Wage Wars: Weighing an Increase to Minimum Wage
The data is mixed, but a minimum wage increase may not be as bad for your business as you think.

The chief executive of Bridgetown Natural Foods, in Portland, Oregon, Klock thinks it's critical to pay workers a living wage, and provide them with benefits like health care, dental care, and a 401(k).
Click on the photo to the right for more information...
8 Tips to Prevent a Social-Media Meltdown
You can ignore social media, but that won't make it go away. Here's how to manage when it goes off the rails.
All publicity is good publicity? The rules on that have certainly changed in the social-media era. Companies need to take care to avoid a social-media meltdown like Applebee's experienced earlier this year.
Click on the photo to the right for more information...