Fellow Members of Luther’s Class of 1968

Hello Again!

I hope you are having an enjoyable summer. Hard to believe it’s already past the 4th of July. But you know, time flies …. or as the …. never mind. 

HOMECOMING OCTOBER 6 - 8, 2023. Our Class of 1968 55th-year reunion reception is scheduled for Saturday, October 7 at 11 a.m. in Shirley Baker Commons, Baker Village, with a luncheon to follow at 11:30 a.m. Registration is open! Early registration is encouraged. Details regarding the schedule of events at Homecoming and event registration can be accessed at Homecoming Schedule of Events | Luther College

Special notes: 

1. Congratulations Mike! Mike Ruzek will be honored with a Distinguished Service Award at Homecoming. 

2. Reunion giving link Class Reunions | Luther College. (Scroll to bottom of page.) Our 55th Reunion is a special opportunity to support current and future generations of Luther students, faculty, and staff. 

3. For anyone interested in viewing videos prepared for our 50th Reunion (a few of which have been updated), a list briefly describing each video and providing a link to each is posted on Luther’s webpage for our reunion.

4. Attached here is the “Take-Home 2nd Chance Quiz” (update of the Quiz at our 30th Reunion.) Additionally, this link provides the pictures for the Matching section of the Quiz. The Quiz is intended to “jog your memory” a bit, and get you in “The Reunion Spirit,” even if you can’t attend our 55th Reunion. Submit your answers by email to [email protected], or by U.S. mail to me at 662 Eben Ct., Stillwater, MN, 55082. The deadline is Monday, September 25th. Results, if any, will be announced at our Reunion Luncheon, with appropriate prizes awarded. You need not be present to win!

5. Pickleball is scheduled for 2 pm- 4 pm Saturday! 

6. A special “Pizza at Mabe’s” event in the Mabe’s Party Room (down one flight of stairs) is scheduled for our class (and guests) from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday. The goal is to provide an opportunity to mingle and chat. And it’s FREE!, thanks to the generosity of classmate hosts! Thanks to Russ Savre for the idea, and for organizing the event. 

Volunteers are needed for this event to:

  • Help set up the registration check-in table.
  • Arrange tables for food and displays.
  • Help set up displays.
  • Serve as greeters at the registration check-in table (two individuals for each of three 1-hour shifts).

Please email Russ Savre at [email protected] if you can help.

Anyone interested in helping with the 55th Reunion reception setup, or the luncheon program, please email me at [email protected]. Help is needed to:

  • Arrive around 10.30 a.m. at Shirley Baker Commons to help set up displays and distribute handouts at the luncheon tables before the reception.
  • Introduce special recognitions, including the “Special Recognition” video; introduce the “In Memoriam” video; provide a prayer before the luncheon; lead singing of the Luther anthem and Luther Field song; and provide a benediction at the end of the luncheon.

IN MEMORIAM I have learned of the passing of the following classmates:

Mary (Kemper) Kjeldsen

Gerald “Jerry” Wonders, originally Class of 1965, returned to Luther and graduated with our class

REMINDER! I will donate $50 to the Class of 1968 Scholarship Fund for every person who by the time of our Homecoming luncheon emails me the answer to what baseball game is being referred to in the picture below. Email address: [email protected].

I am a bit surprised that the first correct answer was from a female classmate from Minnesota. Congratulations to Jane (Hoplin) Hansen!

It seems that I have to convert this to a Multiple-Choice Question to make answering the question easier:

So … what baseball game is being referred to?

  1. 7th game of the 1969 World Series 
  2. 7th game of the 1984 World Series 
  3. 7th game of the 2003 World Series 
  4. 7th game of the 2016 World Series 
  5. 7th game of the 2023 World Series

For those still stumped, here’s “version 2.0” of the shirt, which includes a couple more clues …


Jane (Hoplin) Hansen, noting her life-long friendship with Jackie (Hanson) Kuhns, who’s passing was noted in the last letter.

“I grew up with Jackie in Glenwood, MN. We walked to kindergarten, were in band and choir, and then headed to Luther. We married men who were best friends from Glenwood and remained friends for life-until death.”

Mark Reisetter’s Question: “At UofN, did you get to know Professors Al Kamil (Biology) and Rick Bevins? As a trout guide here in MN, I had them hire me to show them our trout streams numerous times - I think Al was here six times.”

My Response: Those names are not familiar to me. I googled them and noticed that Al Kamil has a Wikipedia page, and Rick Bevins is currently Associate Vice Chancellor of Research. Quite lofty achievements! 

Hal vonBohnhoff (Tucson, AZ). “March came in like a lion here with 3 inches of snow! It was mixed with rain so it may have been more but 3 inches is what stuck. There’s something surreal about cacti in the snow.”

Steve Bakke in response to the shirt picture: “My first choice was the 1913 U.S. golf Open Championship, but it was played in the summer in New York at ‘The Country Club.’ It was a novel and a movie (‘The Greatest Game Ever Played’) about young amateur Francis Ouimet defeating well known pro golfer Harry Vardon going head-to-head in the final round. Vardon is famous for developing the Vardon Golf Grip.” (Steve did realize November is not in the summer and eventually got the correct answer about the shirt picture.)

Dick Boyum: Since my last letter, Dick has shared a bit of humor (or, like me, at least an attempt at humor). WARNING: If you like good humor, you may want to SKIP this. In the interests of time - and space - I have converted Dick’s “joke” to what I consider the “Cliff Notes Version” (anyone remember using Cliff Notes?). Dick stopped at a brew pub wearing a Luther sweatshirt and a Luther baseball cap. There was no one else in the bar except the bartender. Dick ordered a beer. After taking a sip of beer he heard a voice say, “I really like that Luther sweatshirt you're wearing.” Dick took another sip of beer and the voice said, “I really like that Luther baseball cap you're wearing.” Once again, Dick looked around and saw no one besides the bartender. After a few more sips of beer, he heard the voice say, “For someone as old as you, you still look pretty good.” Dick finally said to the bartender “I think I'm a pretty stable person in spite of being a little quirky, but I've heard a voice speak to me three times and there's nobody here.” The bartender asked what the voice said. After Dick told him, the bartender pointed to the bowl of peanuts on the bar and said, “There’s your answer, the peanuts are … COMPLIMENTARY.” (I warned you.)

More seriously. I know many (most?) of us have positive memories of our time at Luther, some even despite difficult personal issues during the transition from adolescence to early adulthood. I have come to understand, through an email exchange with Dick, that personal issues of sexual orientation and gender identity existed for some classmates, but were not widely discussed, acknowledged, or supported at Luther, or in general during the 1960s. Over the years since graduation, several classmates have shared with Dick how difficult those issues were for them during their time at Luther.

I thank Dick for his generosity in being open to conversation with any classmates who wish to take advantage of his counseling background and expertise in addressing those issues, or who just want to reconnect with Dick. Dick’s email address: [email protected].

If you have any information you would like to share with classmates, please let me know via email at [email protected].


Warnac says ….

The answer to the question in the sealed envelope is: “A bond eventually matures.” Well, that’s good for retirement! And the question in the envelope is (spoiler alert) …. at the end of this letter.


The emphasis of the Class Agent Program has changed a bit. The primary responsibilities remain the same but there is less emphasis on letter writing and more emphasis on interaction using Class Facebook Groups. While I and other classmates are members of the Luther Class of 1968 Facebook Group, I plan to continue at least annual letter writing, as I know our generation is not as active on Facebook as younger generations. I do encourage classmates to join our Facebook Group which is administered by Swenette (Forsberg) Ogle and can be accessed by clicking: Luther College - Class of 1968 | Facebook,



I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our 55th Reunion this Fall. Soli Deo Gloria!

Warren Luckner

662 Eben Ct, Stillwater, MN 55082

402-802-8809; [email protected]

P.S. The question in the envelope is: “What is the difference between a man and a bond?”

Catch up on all things Luther!

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