• Program Size by Number of Graduates
  • New CAAHEP Accreditation Workshops
  • Webinar Recording Now Available
  • Register for New Webinars
  • Policy Changes Approved
  • Virtues of Accreditation
  • Number of Paramedic Programs
  • Milestones
CoAEMSP Annual Report
Program Size by Number of Graduates
Each year programs provide outcomes-related data about their program. The following data was collected based on the 2018 graduates and reported earlier this year via the CoAEMSP Annual Report.
  • Of the 677 total programs with Annual Reports for 2018, 46 or 7%% did not graduate students
  • The overall attrition was 11%
  • Most interesting is the info on programs enrolling and graduating 20 or fewer students: 50% of programs enrolled 20 or fewer, and 62% graduated 20 or fewer
  • Totaling all programs enrolling and graduating 40 or fewer students: 78% enrolled 40 or less, and 83% graduated 40 or less
  • Programs enrolling and graduating larger numbers of students are fairly similar
  • Only 22 programs enroll more than 100 students
  • Only 15 programs graduate more than 100 students

Last year we only calculated the number of students who graduated; therefore, the number of enrolled students is not available. With 623 programs in 2017, the numbers and percentage graduating in each group were fairly similar.
New Webinar Recording Now Available

Frequent Citations and How to Address Them in Advance plus other recorded webinars are now available here.

Register Now for New Webinars
Satellites and Alternate Locations, effective January 1, 2021
Wednesday, November 18
1pm Central Time

Preceptor Training Practices
Wednesday, December 2
1pm Central Time

Assessing and Documenting the Progression of Learning
Wednesday, January 27
1pm Central Time
Access the reference article here.
Policy Changes Approved
The CoAEMSP Board of Directors recently approved several new policies:

  • Application Letter of Review (LoR) Process
  • Change in Categories of Program Director Replacement
  • New Program Director Requirement

Virtues of Accreditation vs the Vices
Why is accreditation important? Accreditation provides key characteristics of accredited programs, identifying what a program should pursue and cultivate (virtues) as well as signal prohibitions (vices) that must be avoided. Regardless of the specialty or programmatic particulars, virtues and vices may be used to define a context in which general competencies may be understood and yield operational guidance upon which ultimate discussions of evaluation, remediation, and graduation may be predicated.

Accreditation assures professional competence: Graduates from a CAAHEP-accredited program have achieved the psychomotor and affective competencies to ensure patient safety.

Accreditation offers standardization, uniformity, and consistency: All CAAHEP-accredited programs prepare entry-level Paramedics, so employers can be guaranteed that the students know a given body of entry-level knowledge.

Accreditation requires external verification, review, and validation: In fulfilling the standards, CAAHEP-accredited programs submit their outcomes to CoAEMSP for an annual review and go through a comprehensive site visit review with CAAHEP every five years.

Accreditation protects resources: The CAAHEP Standards and Guidelines specify that the students and faculty have access to specific resources in order to ensure that the program can comply with the national standards.

Accreditation enhances the institution’s reputation: Institutions participating in programmatic accreditation distinguish themselves from other institutions.

Accreditation is public: CAAHEP-accredited programs are listed in a CAAHEP database for student and educator access, and CAAHEP-accredited programs post their status and outcomes.

Accreditation travels well: Employers across the country recognize the value of accreditation.

Accreditation advances the profession: The standardization, uniformity, and consistency that accreditation ensures, as well as the review of the Standards and Guidelines move the profession forward toward greater recognition in the health field.
For a current list of LoR and accredited programs, visit www.caahep.org.
Paul Ganss, EdD, NRP, NCEE, Program Director of the Paramedic Program at the University of Iowa Health Care, Iowa City, earned the Doctor of Education degree by A. T. Still University. Congratulations!
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