April 16, 2019. A public information newsletter published by Cochise County. Vol.2, No. 8
County wins top award for community health program
Cochise County has been recognized for its efforts to not only become a healthier workplace, but for expanding that philosophy into the community.
Healthy Arizona Worksites awarded its top honor to the County – Platinum status – for the impact it has made both within and beyond its walls and for addressing a local health challenge.
Volunteer Cochise was launched on National Rural Health Day in November 2018 by Cochise County Health & Social Services with the goal of encouraging both employees and residents to give back to their communities.
Local training will help give a voice to neglected children
Applicants are being sought for this year's Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) training in July. A CASA volunteer acts on behalf of children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. The training, normally held in Tucson or Phoenix, will take place in Sierra Vista. Learn more. Click here to read the April CASA newsletter.
County association looking to improve internet connections
The National Association of Counties (NACo) has partnered with the Local Initiatives Support Corporation and the Rural Community Assistance Partnership to develop a mobile app designed to identify areas with low or no broadband connectivity. With the press of a button users can test their broadband speed from anywhere, and compare it to the national average. No personal information is collected.
The data collected through TestIT (available through your mobile app store) will help NACo identify areas where broadband service is overstated and underfunded. Learn more.
Benson golf course to host country music festival
Tickets are now on sale for the Benson Country Music Festival at San Pedro Golf Course on May 18. Enjoy vendors, food & drink, kids' activities, and music. Learn more .
Even superheroes need to stay in top condition
The County and Cochise College held its annual Fit Cochise 5K last weekend. The superhero-themed event was open to employees, families, and friends, and is just one of many ways they are encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle. Watch video.
Connecting the unconnected
Cochise County branch libraries continue to connect their communities with resources and services that go above and beyond what many believe a library provides. In Elfrida 36 people received help with their taxes last month, while hundreds of patrons took advantage of computer and wi-fi sessions across the county. There were 990 visits to Sunsites Library in March, and Portal circulated 461 items. The library system is also getting ready to launch its new One County One Card program in May - watch the video to learn more.
News and views from
the Sheriff's Office
First Watch , the Cochise County Sheriff's Office's weekly radio program, has moved to a new time slot - Friday at 7 a.m. on KTAN 1420AM. Hear the latest updates from the County's first responders. You can also find out about what's going on within the CCSO in Sheriff Dannel's latest newsletter .
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Who are your representatives on the Board of Supervisors?
District 1 - Tom Borer
District 2 - Ann English (Vice Chair)
District 3 - Peggy Judd (Chair)
Not sure which District you are in? Click here to find out and click on the map.