Friday, June 17th
When my kids were little, they loved swimming and playing in the pool.  One of their favorite things to do was to jump from the side into their dad’s arms; they would do it over and over again, giggling and splashing as they landed, knowing each time that their father would catch them. The first time, however, they stood on the wall…almost jumping, but then stopping. Was it safe? Would Dad really catch them? They finally took their first leaps of faith, and then each time it was easier, until there were even times they would yell out, “Catch me!” and jump without even checking to see if he was ready. That’s how sure they were of what would happen if they trusted him to catch them. 

As children of God, why aren’t we like this? After He “catches” us time and time again, we still wake up some days filled with doubt about one thing or another. Will we get through this crisis? Will my loved ones be safe? Will we be okay financially? There is never an assurance that things will turn out exactly the way WE think they should (and in hindsight that’s more times than not, a really good thing). However much we love our own children and are always there for them, our Father in Heaven loves us even more. He doesn’t promise that things will always be easy. He does promise to give us strength when we don’t have it, peace when it seems impossible to feel peace, and joy even in the most sorrowful times. Time after time God has rescued me, loved me, held me, given me peace, comfort and joy. Why should I ever waste a single minute on doubt? 

God wants us to believe Him, trust Him, and not let doubt steal our joy from today.  Each time we take that leap of faith into our Father’s arms, we realize that He is there for us again, and He will be there for us always.  

Sheila A.
Chapin, SC