Our Featured Investor
Thank you to all the Investors who served as Featured Investors in 2015!
They included:
- Hefner Furniture & Appliance
- Rhinehart Electric
- Claddagh Irish Dance
- Reese Financial Group - Bill Skaggs, Financial Advisor
- Inflatable Fun
- Bates Insurance
- Ozark's Modern Insulation
- The LIFE Center
- Missouri Baptist University
Keep an eye out in February of 2016 for our the next Featured Investor!
Welcome NEW Investors!!
Stay on top of all the Chamber happenings between newsletters by regularly visiting the Chamber website at www.phlcoc.net or following us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Pinterest!
Chamber Office Closed For Holidays
The Chamber office will be closed from Wednesday, December 23, 2015 until Monday, January 4, 2016 for the Christmas and New Years Holidays, as well as staff vacations. We will resume regular business hours on Monday, January 4, 2016.
We apologize for any inconvenience and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
Hefner Furniture Christmas Parade Proves to be the Biggest & Best Christmas Celebration Yet!
Now that we've had time to recoup, time to catch-up, and time to begin thinking about the next big event; it's clear that we still haven't found the most effective words to express just how incredibly pleased we are with this year's Hefner Furniture Christmas Parade!
It was our goal to make this year's event the biggest, most festive yet. In our opinion, we SUCCEEDED! It would never have happened, however, without what seems like the majority of the Park Hills and Leadington population!
First and foremost, to Hefner Furniture & Appliance and Nathan Newman... WOW!! You kick started the excitement and did nothing but gain momentum through the entire event! You contributed in ways we never dreamed, all which proved to be perfect additions! There are no words for the amount of gratitude we have for you all!
Second, to the Cities of Leadington & Park Hills... Mayors, Council & Aldermen/women, Administrator, Parks Departments, Street Departments, Police Departments, & Fire Departments. We are forever indebted to you! We are astounded and so extremely grateful to all of you for your efforts in helping us to change, upgrade, and improve the event this year. So many hands; so much help... all eager to do more, happy to be involved, and nothing but positive thoughts and ideas. Two incredible groups of people, working together to create one massively beautiful community event... There's nothing more "festive" than this!
Third, how can we host an event without thinkers and doers? The Chamber's Christmas Parade Committee Members; the Chamber Ambassadors; the Chamber Board Members, and volunteers such as Jamie Moser & Vicky Kennard who so beautifully painted the new Santa house! Thank you all for the ideas, the vision, and the execution! We can't envision something big without that first small thought, and we can't build on that vision without the bodies to put it all into motion. Thank you all for jumping in, both feet, not only with this event, but with every other event, meeting, ribbon cutting, or anything Chamber related, all year long!
Fourth, to Tia Propst, the Mineral Area College Cheerleaders, Teresa Bauman, and the local businesses, children, parents, and community members who participated in the first Annual Master & Miss Contest... OH - MY - CHRISTMAS!! Can you say more than TWELVE-THOUSAND food items for the local food pantries?!? What a mind-blowing accomplishment! Along with the drive, they contributed to the event by participating in the parade. Each of the 12 Master & Miss couples were recognized at the "after celebration" at the Sports Complex where the couple whose sponsoring business, (Koppeis Heating & Cooling), collected the most of those 12,000 food items (2,380), was crowned this year's Master & Miss Christmas. It was truly a heartwarming event, with the real spirit of "giving" shining bright! Thank you to everyone who participated in this facet of the event!
Next, if you were looking for holiday entertainment to bump you into the Christmas spirit, the place to look was at this year's Christmas parade! With performances by the Central 1st Graders, the Central Rebel Clefs Honor Choir, the Central High School Swing Choir, the Central High School Marching Band, the Claddagh Irish Dancers; hands-on entertainment with the Petting Zoo (thanks to Dick & Donna Cash and Dave & Lori Dickerson) and the Nativity Scene staffed by The First Baptist Church of Leadwood; the vendor booths, who provided games, treats, and various Christmas goodies and gifts for purchase; the Fresh Christmas Tree lot, hosted by Beck's Tree Farm, which added a true classic feel and smell to the event; and of course the jolly entertainment provided by the obvious superstars of this annual event, Santa & Mrs. Claus, entertainment was definitely one of the best aspect of this event. Thank you to each and every one who participated!
Finally, to one of the most expanded aspects of the event... the parade participants. Parade entries nearly tripled this year thanks to the local businesses & organizations who spent so much time, money and effort, to provide our community with the most beautiful, holiday show of lights and sounds yet! Having so many members of our community join together to celebrate one of the most blessed times of the year is probably one of our most favorite gifts of all. Congratulations to the top three float winners: First Place: The First Baptist Church of Leadwood with their Nativity Display; Second Place: Mid St. Francois Head Start with their adorable Gingerbread House; and in Third Place: Parkland Pregnancy Resource Center with their depiction of "HOME", a perfect Christmas for sure! Choosing only three to win was certainly a challenge for our judges, but that's a good challenge! Each entry perfectly represented a "Perfect Christmas" and having so many to choose from was a delight! Thank you all for your contributions to this incredible tradition!
In conclusion, words will never have the ability to express the gratitude we have for each and every individual who participated in this year's Hefner Furniture Christmas Parade. At the Chamber, we are simply honored to see our communities take charge and make history with this event! Wishing you all the Merriest Christmas and the Happiest of New Years!
2nd Annual Chamber Cares: Tushies & Toes Drive Brings New Record
We officially broke last year's record! More than 200 packages of undies & socks were collected during this year's Tushies & Toes Drive! 205 to be exact! Thank you to everyone who donated, and to the Chamber businesses who served as drop-off locations for the drive. They included:
It's always heartwarming to see our communities step up when asked, no matter how great or small the cause! Donations from the drive went to Central Schools for use throughout the holidays, winter months, and the next year! Thank you again to all who participated!
Ribbon Cutting For The Average Joe's Bar & Grill
Did you know that yesterday was "National Day of Giving"? What is "National Day of Giving"? "National Day of Giving" is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and is a day in which charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give. I'm not sure if The Average Joes Bar and Grill owner, Mark Barton knew it, but they they celebrated "National Giving Day" in a huge way!
The Chambe
r celebrated the opening of The Average Joes Bar and Grill on Tuesday, December 1st with a ribbon cutting. Following the ribbon cutting, Mark "gave" all those in attendance for the ribbon cutting a FREE LUNCH! What's more impressive, they volunteered to do this just minutes before the ribbon cutting ceremony, and still managed to snap the photo and feed nearly 20 Chamber Board Members, Ambassadors, and Investors in under an hour! This was a definite "National Day of Giving" win!!
I'm sure those who attended would tell you that the food was delicious and the customer service was delightful! Thank you Mark for your generosity!!!
The Average Joe's Bar & Grill offers:
- A Full Menu with Daily Meal Specials
- A Full Bar with Daily Drink Specials
- Happy Hour Monday - Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Weekly Entertainment including Local Bands, Karaoke, & DJs
- Thursday Night is Ladies Night!
- And Much More!
The Average Joe's Bar & Grill is located at 5089 Flat River Road. The highway 67 north bound outer road, between Leadington & Farmington.
Be sure to "like" them on Facebook, and stop by to welcome Mark and the entire Average Joe's Bar & Grill Staff to the Chamber & the Community! I recommend grabbing a bite while you're there... I know you'll enjoy it!!
Ribbon Cutting For Continental Title Co.
The Park- Hills Leadington Chamber of Commerce &
Farmington Regional Chamber of Commerce joined forces recently, to show some excitement to our friends at
Continental Title of Missouri! Tammie Collier, (holding the scissors) and the whole crew at Continental Title recently relocated from Park Hills to 1337 Maple Street in Farmington. Their beautiful new building is much larger and much "brighter" (especially at 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon)
wink emoticon!
Continental Title Co
mpany has been providing outstanding search, examination, and closing services for the real estate industry since 2001. They work with a variety of clients including realtors, financial institutions, real estate brokers, home builders, attorneys, and home buyers and sellers.
Continental Title Company has assembled a staff that brings you many years of combined experience from the title and real estate industries. This experience and dedication will give you and your clients the absolute highest levels of customer service. Underwritten by three of the premier underwriters in the title industry, Continental Title Company gives each and every one of their customers the peace of mind knowing that the company is backed by experienced and financially stable companies.
Be sure to "like" them on Facebook, and stop by to congratulate them on their new location! Visit them at 1337 Maple Street in Farmington; Call them at (573) 664-144; or find out more on the Chamber's website at
Ribbon Cutting - January 8, 2016
Please join us for a Ribbon Cutting at the new home of
LaChance, Inc
LaChance, Inc., the home of LaChance Locksmith & Carolyn's Tax Service, is now open at 22 Crane Street in Park Hills and we want to congratulate them on their new location!
We'll cut the ribbon on Friday, January 8, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Please plan to celebrate with us!
Please plan to celebrate with us! Register you attendance now:
Ribbon Cutting at LaChance, Inc.
No First Friday Coffee Event in December or January
Please note. Due to the holiday season, there are no First Friday Coffee Events scheduled for December 2015 or January 2016 .
We will resume our First Friday Coffee Schedule in February 2016 with the first event on February 5, hosted by Parkland Health Mart Pharmacy in Desloge!
Installation Banquet Tickets on Sale Now!
The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. with social hour; dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with entertainment by "Vocal Edge" to follow!
Vocal Edge is the premier professional men's a cappella group in St. Louis, performing all a cappella music (voices only, no instruments) ranging from classic pop songs of the 50s and 60s, to current pop songs, jazz, doo-wop and holiday favorites. The group performs regularly in St. Louis for various occasions, including benefits (galas, fundraisers, dinner auctions), weddings, cocktails hours, corporate events, holiday parties, birthdays, festivals and more! Find out more about Vocal Edge at
As always, we will install the 2016 Board of Directors and Officers at the banquet, and there will again be a number of awards presented to various chamber investors and deserving individuals. Awards include the Chamber's "Friend" and "Lifetime Achievement Award", the KFMO/B104 "Sweat Equity", the KREI/KTJJ "110% Award" and the Daily Journal's "Citizen of the Year Award".
Reserve your tickets now. The cost is $25.00 per person in advance and $30.00 per person at the door.
For more information, or to reserve your tickets, call the Chamber office at 573-431-1051.
Reserve Your Tickets Here:
2016 Installation Banquet
It's Membership Renewal Time
Invoices were mailed earlier this week! If you did not receive one, let us know!
Please note! We now have the ability to pay ONLINE by CREDIT CARD! Just login to your Member Center and click pay in the upper right hand corner!
Don't let your membership lapse! The deadline for renewal is January 31, 2016!
Share your News, Events, Job Openings and Deals with us and we'll share them with others! Login to your member center and add as many as you'd like! In a hurry? Email your announcements to info@phlcoc.net or drop the information off at the Chamber office, and we'll help put it in front of thousands!
Investor News
Here's what's happening with your fellow Chamber Investors!
Click the headline to read the story!
Read these stories and others now listed on the
Chamber's News Page within our website!
Investor Events
How often do you check the Chamber Events Calendar?
Looking for something to do? One of the best places to get you event fix is on the Chamber's website. Click the event link to find out more about some of the great events coming soon:
And this is only a few of several events coming in August! See the entire list on the
Chamber's Online Event's Calendar!
Investor Job Listings
Your fellow Chamber Investors have Employment Opportunities available now!
Are you, or is someone you know, looking for employment? We've got the low-down on some of the area's current job openings! Look who's hiring right now:
- There are currently no job postings listed on the Chamber's website. To have you openings posted to our website & social media pages, send the information to info@phlcoc.net.
Find out what other local companies are in need of employees on the Chamber's Job Listings page!
Investor Deals
Have you checked out this month's Hot Deals on the Chamber's website yet?
Don't miss out on these Chamber Investor's "Hot Deals" available on the Chamber's Website!
Check our
Hot Deals page often - New Deals Added Regularly!!
Seminars, Training & Workshops
Are you looking for opportunities to improve on something old or learn something new? We have several learning opportunities, business and personal interests, for you and your employees listed on the Chamber's Event Calendar!
Various training opportunities are offered by Chamber Investors and the St. Louis SCORE (
St. Louis SCORE offers free business counseling and resources, low-cost workshops, and free business scan services.) See what benefits YOU
Find out more about these and other upcoming seminars, training opportunities and workshops on the Chamber's
Seminars, Training, and Workshops page!
Interesting business related articles to help exercise your brain, peek your curiosity, increase your knowledge, or simply to make you smile; all intended for finding ways to enhance your business.
6 Easy Habits that Will Make You Better in Conversation
By: Quora
Image Credit: Getty Images
How can I become more talkative? originally appeared on Quora - the knowledge sharing network where compelling questions are answered by people with unique insights..
Answer by Dan Chang, former shy guy, founder of TheFriendFormula.com, on Quora:
We all have a filter in our brains. Kinda like a coffee filter.
The stuff that goes into the filter, the grounds and water, represents our thoughts,and the stuff that comes out, the coffee, represents our words. When a thought enters our mind, our filter decides yes it's okay to say, let it through, or no, don't say it.
But here's the thing. You probably have an overactive filter. And because of that, nothing gets through. It's like having a coffee filter that makes no coffee. You filter too many thoughts.
This is a quote from Brad Blanton and his book Radical Honesty. And this is what he has to say about filtering: "Withholding from people, not telling them about how we feel or think, keeps us locked in jail. The longer we remain in that jail the quicker we decline."
In other words, filtering ourselves keeps us locked in jail.
And what happens over the long run is that you filter yourself so much that you don't trust what you have to say anymore.
So what can you do about it? Say what comes to mind. (NO DUH, you're thinking. But keep reading!)
Continue reading here: Better In Conversation
Two Words That Will Change Everything About New Year's Resolutions
By: Chuck Blakeman Founder, Crankset Group
Image Credit: Getty Images
First the bad news on New Year's resolutions - Only 8% of people who make a New Year's resolution keep the commitment.
Worse yet, if you're making a dieting resolution, you have a 5% chance of keeping the weight off, but an 83% or higher chance of gaining back more than you lost. Research shows that resolving to lose weight is actually an indicator you are going to GAIN weight!
Now the good news. You get what you intend, not what you hope for. Change can be real and lasting.
The Random Hope Strategy
Most New Year's resolutions are built on the random hope strategy of life--if I think and feel something, who knows, I might get motivated enough to do something about it. A very few resolutions, 5-8% are built on something very different than random hope--intention. Intention is different than expectation. Intention assumes I'm going to have to work my ass off, but if I do, I'm very likely to get what I am chasing.
There are two words that describe why 92% of people don't keep their resolutions and why the 8% do. First, if you really want to keep your resolution, you'll learn and embrace the word "conation".
Continue reading here:
New Year's Resolutions