Seasons Greetings
to our MUFON family and friends!
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Missouri MUFON Newsletters and meetings are NOT a part of your membership with International MUFON and are provided as a benefit to our local members.
NOTICE: We switched to a mandatory small payment for monthly meetings since we have ongoing expenses and no income coming in to cover them.
Not sure - it could have been swamp gas
State-Wide Missouri MUFON Meeting
via Zoom
December 10, 2020
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm CST
Join Zoom to participate
Guest Speakers
Margie Kay, Bill Spicer,
and Larry Tyree
The Fast Movers
New Evidence that UFOs are among us…
Prepare to be amazed at stunning proof that UFOs not only exist, but they are among us on a constant basis. In this collaborative effort, three seasoned UFO investigators share their independent investigations, experiences, and opinions, along with photographs of multiple high-speed UFOs that Kay coined "The Fast Movers." These objects are normally invisible to the naked eye, but can be captured on film, and with practice, the viewer can learn how to see them.
The reader will learn techniques for capturing these extremely fast-moving inter-dimensional craft using the Quantum UFO Observation Technique with a video or still camera, and find out how to see the craft using Quantum Telepathy or Remote Viewing with the naked eye. See photos taken by Bill Spicer and Wayne Lawrence along with other witnesses, including NASA and the U.S. Navy. The proof is undeniable, and the conclusion is clear - we are not alone, and THEY ARE HERE.
Margie Kay is a 40-year veteran UFO investigator, author, publisher, and serves as ASD for Missouri MUFON. She is a nationally acclaimed remote viewer and has helped solve 58 cases missing person and homicide cases for law enforcement and family members. Margie is a licensed private investigator in Missouri and the author of 14 books.
Bill Spicer is an aircraft engineering consultant and design and technical lead for a small aviation design Company in Wichita, Kansas. He has a degree in design from Kansas State University. Bill is also a pilot and amateur astronomer. He is the author of “Introduction to aircraft Interiors” and “Beyond Watching- A Journal of Experiences Understanding UFOs.”
Wayne Lawrence is the Chief Investigator with the Missouri chapter of the Mutual UFO Network. He has a master’s degree, and worked for 18 years as Director of International Translations for a global denomination. Larry specializes in analyzing video of UFOs and fast movers. He has published several articles in the MUFON Journal including “UFO Cases of Interest,” in a 2019 edition.
$2.99 fee
Your attendance helps cover ongoing costs for the operation of Missouri MUFON.
Stay home, stay safe, and attend a Meeting! Mark your Calendar!
Due to limited space official MUFON members have first access to the waiting room at 6:00 pm-at 6:25 pm we will open the room to others, space permitting.
- Attendees must use their real name
- Attendees must have their video on to start with
- Please be sure to have clothing on when you connect!
ZOOM is a FREE online platform similar to Skype but with more options. We are using this platform for meetings and events. Visit to sign up for free.
ZOOM Speakers for 2020 -2021:
January: Sam Maranto, SD for Illinois
The first published book to use the term “UFO” was Donald E. Keyhoe’s 1953 book, Flying Saucers from Outer Space.
- Between 1947 and 1969, 12,618 UFO sightings were reported to Project Blue Book, a UFO research agency that was headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Today, 701 of those sightings remain “unidentified.”
- UFOs were initially called “flying saucers,” but the more neutral phrase “unidentified flying objects,” or UFOs, was later coined by the U.S. Air Force in 1953 to include shapes other than “saucers” or “discs.”
- Most mainstream scientists consider UFOs (in their popular sense as extraterrestrial visitors) as so extraordinarily unlikely (though not impossible) as to deserve no investigation.
Peru’s air force is reopening an office responsible for investigating UFOs due to increased reports of anomalous aerial phenomena. The Department of Investigation of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (DIFAA), which was created in 2001, was dormant for five years until now.
Most flying objects that are listed as a UFO and later identified as an object on Earth can then be called an “IFO,” or identified flying object.
- The term "flying saucer" was coined in 1947
- The modern UFO era began in 1947 when pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine disc-shaped objects flying over Mt. Rainer, Washington. A reporter labeled them “flying saucers,” and the term entered mainstream consciousness.
- Over half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s through the 1960s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance flights (namely U-2) over the United States.
- Area 51’s nickname “Dreamland” was allegedly derived from an Edgar Allan Poe poem by the same name. It warns that “the traveler, traveling though it,/ May not—dare not openly view it;/ Never it mysteries are exposed/ To the weak human eye unclosed.”
Most alien-encounter movies fall into one of two subcategories: 1) alien-invasion movies in which humanity must fight against hostile extraterrestrials (e.g., the 1979 movie Alien) or 2) technological angel-type movies in which friendly extraterrestrials try to help humanity in some way (e.g., the 1989 movie The Abyss). A less common but not unusual third category includes films in which terrestrials help aliens.
Each month we feature one of our great MUFON Field Investigators so we can all get to know each other better.
Section director for St. Louis
Q. How did you become interested in doing investigations for MUFON?
A. I have always been interested in UFOs, so a friend of mine (Kelly) and I decided to become investigators.
Q. When did you join MUFON?
A. 2010
Q. When did you become a Field Investigator for MUFON?
A. 2010
Q. What is the most interesting case you have worked on so far? (General location, number of witnesses, any evidence, etc.)
A. Case #57046 in Oakville in 2014—witness caught a series of 16 daytime photos in quick succession of an oval object by the JB Bridge. It was chosen as one of the top 10 cases of 2014 and I wrote an article for the MUFON journal.
Case #64426 in Union in 2015—a Triangle craft sighting with two hours of missing time.
Case #90205 in St. Peters in 2018—several rotating rectangular craft. I wrote an article for the MUFON Journal in May 2019.
Q.. What do you enjoy most about being involved with Missouri MUFON?
A. I really enjoyed the monthly meetings, getting to keep up on the latest in the UFO field, and interacting with other like-minded individuals.
Q. Have you had your own sightings? If so, what did you see?
A. I have not.
The Best Time of Year for Observing Stars, Planets, or UFOs is winter, since the skies are often very clear.
Thanks to our hard-working Field Investigators -
we couldn't do it without you!
James Bair, SSD
William Chapman, SSD
Britt Faaborg, SSD
Charles Frieden, SSD
Lynne Mann, Chief Laboratory Analyst, SSD
Russell Payne, Jr., FI (Video Analysis Team)
Emmett Reary, SSD
Larry Tyree, Chief Investigator (Video Analysis Team)
Mel Van Vickle (Video Analysis Team)
Donovan Wimer, ILL (Video Analysis Team)
Jean Walker, SSD
Dana Simpson West, SSD
Chris LaCour, FI trainee
Margie Kay, Assistant State Director
Debbie Ziegelmeyer, State Director
Chief Laboratory Analyst: Lynne Mann
Chief Investigator: Larry Tyree
State Section Directors:
Emmet Reary, Dana Simpson-West, Britt Faaborg, Chuck Frieden,
Jean Walker, Lynne Mann, James Bair.
Honorary section director: Bruce Widamen
FI Meeting Coordinator: Mel Van Vickle