Northwest Baptist Church E-Bulletin / April 21th, 2013
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In This Issue

This Week!

Monday, April 22nd   
9:30 am - Ladies Bible Study  
 Tuesday, April 23rd    
10:00 am - Senior Explorers 
7:00 pm - Ladies Bible Study 
Wednesday, April 24th   
6:30 pm - Study on Romanism 
6:30 pm - Awana  
6:30 pm - ESOL 
6:30 pm - Re:Defined  (MS & HS) 
6:30 pm - DivorceCare and DivorceCare4Kids  
6:30 pm - Adult Choir Rehearsal 
Thursday, April 25th         
6:00 pm - Apples of Gold (Wright's) 
Friday, April 26th  
10:00 am - MILK and Cookies (Mom's Group 
Saturday, April 27th 
7:30 am - 8 pm - Youth Hershey Park
7:30 am - Men's Fraternity 

Nursery, Preschool and Special Buddy Teachers
Volunteers - April 21st       
9:30          Phyllis Grammer
11:00        Beth Gassman,
                 Diane Nelson
                 Amanda Larkin,
                 Holly Reed
9:30          Sharon Lauterbach
11:00        Kamesha Milton

11:00        Daniel Collins,
                 Eric Todd


next week,
April 28th              


9:30          Herling Noel


11:00        Beth Gassman,
                 Kelly Keiffer
                 Andrea Jones,        
                 Whitney Cummings 


9:30          Varda Levine-Wilson
11:00          LaTosha Jones-
                  Price, April Condia


11:00         Calvin Gore,
                  Josh Nuckols




NWBC is happy to send you the third in our series of E-Bulletins!  We hope you will enjoy getting bulletin information before Sunday.  As always, if you have questions, please respond to this email and I will be happy to help you.

The above picture is the Dakar, Africa Mission Team who have arrived safely in Dakar.
Shannon Reinhardt
Northwest Baptist Church
Praying for Our Family

10 members of our family are serving this week in Dakar, Africa and in Nicaragua.  Our job here is not done! Please spend time asking God to keep our family safe, to use them in mighty ways for His purpose, and to change lives during this mission! 
Africa Team:
Bob Murray, Pamela Engelmann, Ryan Hintenach,
Stephanie Hintenach, Richard Wolff, Megan Sherman,
Jason Wolff, and Dan Burns

Nicaragua Team:
Pastor Mark Wright and Rick Stuart


Saturday, May 4th, 9:00 am -1:00 pm at Garland's Garage.  Please contact Evan Proffen, 410-952-3319 to help (no experience needed). To make an appointment, please contact Ann Hintenach, 410-239-8733.

Clean-Up Day

On Saturday, May 4th, at 8:30 am please join us at the 320 Westminster Road church property to clean out the garage and work on the grounds. This will a time of togetherness as we better the property that God has gifted us with.  Everyone is welcome to help!  

Student Ministry 


Paint Ball @ River Valley Ranch
Saturday, May 11th, 1:00-4:30 pm 
Cost: $25
Sign-up in the Student Center!
Friends are invited!



Lock-In Time!

Friday, May 17th, 6:00pm-Saturday, May 18th, 8:00am

Cost: $5
Both guys and girls are having a lock-in at this time, but they are held in two separate locations.
Invite your friends to this fun event! You will not want to miss this!!


Sign-up in the Student Center!
Mother/Daughter Banquet

 May 11th, 12:00 - 2:00 pm 


All women are invited to attend this time together sponsored by the Women's Ministry! There will be delicious food, entertainment by Rosalie's Vintage Hats, music, and plenty of fellowship! This event is completely free to you. To RSVP, click on the link below and turn it in to the church office.

Reservation for Mother/Daughter Banquet 

Baby Dedication 

On Sunday, May 12th (Mother's Day), if you would like to have your baby dedicated, please contact
Shannon, 410-833-7220.
During this time Pastor will pray over each child and ask parents and family if they will dedicate to raise their child to know Jesus.

Mega Sports and Arts Camp 2013

For Children going into 1st grade - going into 6th grade. 

Day Camp: June 24-28              Evening Camp: July 8-12
Click Below to download a copy of the registration sheet.

 Mega Sports and Arts Camp 2013 Registration 

Senior Explorers 


Tuesday, May 14th 
National Watch & Clock Museum   
514 Poplar Street, Columbia, PA 

Prudhommers Lost Cajun Kitchen 
50 Lancaster Avenue, Columbia, PA

Museum Cost:$7.00   10+ $5.00      Lunch:  $5.00 - $15.00


Sign-Up no later than Sunday, May 5th, at the Ministry Table.
The bus will leave NWBC at 9:30 am

Pastor's Sermon Points 

Dangers We Face, 1 Tim.6:1-5 




Why didn't the Bible ever attack slavery? Answer: had slavery been what it was in 17th century America, it would have.


[1] In Rome, positive reforms were being made to protest slaves.


[2] The early church was not interested in social reform because they felt Jesus was coming at any time.


[3] The Gospel message was leading many slave owners to free their slaves.


[4] Believing slaves were cooperating with their masters.


Problem in the church = It appears believing slaves may be causing trouble.


Fact: The Bible teaches that a master, supervisor, or teacher is worthy of your respect.


Where you work or go to school, or your mode of social media, is your primary contact with a needy world. It's where you spend most of your energy.


Slaves were to be subject to their masters and you are to be subject to your teachers, parents and bosses for the purpose of pleasing them and God.


A Christian today should be diligent, loyal, productive, and have a good attitude. A Christian employer should strive to excel in taking care of good workers. We and the slave are called to go the extra mile. Matt 5: 38-48


Healthy Christians focus on Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promises through Hhis atoning death, resurrection, and ascension.


If one loves controversies and word battles and likes to be the devil's advocate they are spiritually sick.


Vs 5 "Men of corrupt minds who have been robbed of the truth", they think that godliness is a means to financial gain. When they get to that point they are deranged and rotten.


When they fleece people they have hit rock bottom. The ministry is strictly a job or a living.


I hope and trust that Christian parents make Sunday School and worship a priority to the entire family. Wolves are waiting to devour them in a few years.