As we close out this year, we want to say THANK YOU for your support of our nonprofits this year! Whether it was serving on a Board, making a donation, responding to a volunteer need, providing items needed, or attending a special event, your support was critical to enabling our nonprofits to continue the valuable work they do in our communities, especially this year.

We are particularly grateful to our Partners for their continued support of NetworkPeninsula and our programs. Thanks to them, we pivoted but we did not stop! Like everyone, we were faced with a challenge of how to continue to offer needed programs and services while also following restrictions to ensure the health and safety of all.
Because of Our Partners, we were able to do just that!

Our in-person workshops became webinars. Our coffees went virtual but were equally valuable. Our typical distribution of office supplies and computers turned into critical distribution of masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and cleaning supplies!

  • 11 Webinars - welcoming more than 200 participants representing over 150 local nonprofits.

  •  16 Peer to Peer Groups - including Executive Director Coffees and 8 Development Professional Coffees devoted to sharing ideas, challenges & encouragement for each other.
  •  2 TechKnowledgey Hours - held to share new online tools designed to maximize efficiency for staff, teams, and organizations as a whole.

  •  4 Board Training Classes - 28 community members learned more about the roles, responsibilities, and rewards of serving on a nonprofit Board.
  • 12 Nonprofit Management Institute Classes - welcomed 66 nonprofit staff and Board members representing 36 local nonprofits. Thanks to the Williamsburg Health Foundation, we were able to provide training funds for staff and Board members to participate. 

  • 50,000 Masks, 450 Gallons of Hand Sanitizer & Dozens of Cleaning Supplies - We partnered with American Pride AutomotiveUnited Way, and FEMA to secure these needed items to help nonprofits reopen and protect their staff and clients.

  • 55 Participants to Center Equityin November, we partnered with the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation to offer an introductory session on Equity, as part of our new FACES (Framework for Action to Center Equity in our Sector) Program which will continue in 2021. This deep dive journey of education and discussion will help to identify and create actionable steps for change.

  • $10,000! - last, but certainly not least, we secured a grant from Cox Charities that will enable us to waive ALL nonprofit memberships for 2021! Earlier this year, we received support from Community Knights that enabled us to waive 2020 memberships for 25 nonprofits.
We could not have done any of this without their support and we are grateful! We wish everyone a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year and we hope to SEE you in 2021!
NetworkPeninsula is a 501c3 organization helping nonprofits build their capacity to remain sustainable through continuing education, Board training, information sharing, and expanded outreach.
