Where We Stand...
As Executive Director of a nonprofit that supports a diverse group of nonprofits serving a diverse group of individuals across the Virginia Peninsula, we want to be very clear that
Black Lives Matter
and we stand firm in support of this important message.
is committed to supporting, valuing, and learning from Black voices and experiences, always. While we are still navigating the work to be done, we want to share our first steps with you and, as always, your input is valued.
has always worked to expand the reach of local nonprofits out into the communities they serve, and to connect them with resources and opportunities to help them grow. Because we believe this is critically important now, more than ever before, we will be sharing our platform with our nonprofits to expand the reach of their voice and their work with the Black community and other communities of color. These will be shared within the next few days on a dedicated page on our website.
, we are committed to building up our nonprofits and the valuable work they do every day. In the coming weeks, we will be working to gather our nonprofit leaders, and other community voices, to help us all better understand how we can move forward; how we can better ensure equity, diversity, inclusion, and justice in our sector and beyond; and how we can hold each other accountable to better work together, to the ultimate benefit of the people we serve and the communities in which we live.
In the meantime, we acknowledge the importance of being better informed and educated about what we can all do to be part of bringing justice to the Black community. We are working to put together resources for access on our site within the next few days. If you have resources we can add to this page, please
As always, please contact me with any concerns, comments, and/or suggestions as we all grow forward together.
Karen Dutro