ECOEA is the link between OEA, your local and you!
Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members.
Quick Calendar of Events:
- April 26-27-OAESP Statewide Conference, Mansfield
- May 4-OEA Day of Collaboration, Columbus
- May 4-Speak Life Resiliencey Run, Perry High School
- May 10-11-OEA Spring Representative Assembly, Columbus Convention Center
- May 15-OEA Lobby Day, Columbus
- June 17-18-OEA Summer Academy, Columbus Renaissance Downtown
- July 3-7-NEA Annual Representative Assembly, Houston, Texas
- July 15-ECOEA Summer Leadership Workshop, R.G. Drage Career Tech Center
- July 19-20-OEA Minority Leadership Training Program, Columbus
ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly was held on Saturday, April 13, at the Canton Professional Educators' Office with 48 delegates in attendance representing 18 local associations. Congratulations to the following ECOEA members for their election to the ECOEA Executive Committee:
- President-Julie Nelson, North Canton EA
- Vice President-Spencer Geraghty, Canton Professional EA
- Recording Secretary-Kelli Green, Perry Classroom TA
- Stark #1-April Chenault-McLeod, Canton Professional EA
- Stark #2-Morgan Steinbach, Canton Professional EA
- Stark #4-Julie Holderbaum, Minerva Local EA
- OEA Board of Directors Unit #3-Dr. Geneva Parker, Canton Professional EA
The RA endorsed the following candidates for OEA/NEA positions:
- OEA President-Scott DiMauro, Worthington EA
- OEA Board of Director At large-Dr. Deborah Jackson, Princeton ACE
- NEA Board of Director #3-Kim Richards, Cardinal EA
- NEA Board of Director #4-Angela Stewart, Newcomerstown TA
No position was taken on the endorsement for OEA Vice President.
The Representative Assembly also approved updated language for the ECOEA Constitution and Bylaws as submitted by the Executive Committee. The 2017-2018 financial audit and 2019-2020 budget were approved. Locals received Spring Public Relations Grants and Internal Organizing Grants were recognized for their projects and presented with their checks.
Delegates will next attend the OEA Spring Representative Assembly on May 10-11 at the Columbus Convention Center. Elections for OEA/NEA positions will be held. The RA will do the work of the Association through the agenda, hear committee reports, and debate and act upon New Business Items.
My School, My Voice-Help evaluate how the Every Student Succeeds Act has been implemented in your school by completing a brief survey here
School Checklist
. ECOEA can help your local association provide the Professional Development it needs to meet the needs of your school. We are identifying
Local MSMV Reps in each local association for training to take the lead in their school district. Data collected from the School Checklist surveys will be shared back to the Local MSMV Rep so PD can be planned. Interested in becoming a
Local MSMV Rep? Complete the
contact form so we can include you in the training!
OEA Day of Collaboration, May 4, at OEA Headquarters,
Beyond Awareness of the Opiod Crisis: Strategies, Supports and Resources that Make a Difference. Speakers, resources and collaboration to learn more about the crisis that faces our students and parents.
Click here for the flyer and more information!
OEA Lobby Day
is coming May 15! After a briefing at OEA headquarters, visit your scheduled appointments with legislators to talk about the issues you face in your classroom and with your students. Tell your personal stories about how overtesting is affecting your students. Be sure to
register with OEA
and make your appointments with your legislators prior to participating.
OAESP Statewide Conference will be held on Friday, April 26-Saturday, April 27 at the Holiday Inn, Mansfield. This conference is for OAESP members-Education Support Professionals and scholarships are available. See the
OAESP Conference flyer for complete information.
OEA Summer Academy will be held in Columbus at the Columbus Renaissance Downtown on June 17-18. Great Professional Development sessions, keynote speaker and pre-conference yoga! OEA District Leaders will have an FCPE fund-raising reverse raffle too! Don't miss this opportunity to meet other educators from across the state. Register today at this link:
ECOEA still has scholarships to attend the OEA Summer Academy that cover your conference registration fee, one night at the hotel and all conference meals. Don't wait, apply today because when they are gone, they are gone!
O.N.E.-Ohio's New Educators is a community of young educators within OEA who support and empower their members to become effective teachers and leaders. This summer, O.N.E. has planned Classroom Management Training professional development at OEA Headquarters on July 10, 22, 23, or August 6. Register here:
For more information about becoming an O.N.E. member download their
Speak Life Resiliency Run is a collaborative effort of the Perry Local Schools District and the Perry students in response to the tragedies at Perry last year. This is a chip-timed 5K that will benefit Akron Children's Hospital (Psychiatric Ward) and Coleman Professional Services (Mobile Crisis Unit), organizations that were chosen for their support of those in need. The race begins at Perry High School on Saturday, May 4, 2019.
OEA Minority Leadership Training Program will be held July 19-20 at the Columbus Marriott University Area with the theme
We Design the Paradigm. Registration is $10 and includes conference fees, meals, and overnight accomodations if needed. Reigistration opens April 1 on the OEA website. Click the flyer picture to download more information about this event. Contact Demetrice Davis at OEA for further information ( The MLT Program targets ethnic minorities and provides training for inclusive leadership in our association.
Get ready for a full day of leading and learning opportunities on Monday, July 15, at RG Drage Career Tech Center, 2800 Richville Rd SE, Massillon. There is something for everyone, whether you are a new educator, an ESP member, or an experienced member lookiing for some Professional Development in the topics of today! You will enjoy a continental breakfast, a delicious brown bag lunch, door prizes, and a PD certiicate for your session hours. FREE to all members! Non-member guests may attend for a $15 fee. Come connect with ECOEA for a mid-summer day of networking and PD. Sessions run from 9 AM-3 PM. Session descriptions and workshop details are on the ECOEA webpage.Register today at this link:
California Casualty provides insurance products to educators and other public service providers. NEA Member Benefits offers
NEA Auto & Home Insurance in partnership with California Casualty. Special coverage perks include waiver of deductible if your auto is vandalized on school property and personal property coverage at school.