ECOEA is the link between OEA, your local and you!
Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members.
Quick Calendar of Events:
and it is FREE!
Get ready for a full day of leading and learning opportunities on Monday, July 15, at RG Drage Career Tech Center, 2800 Richville Rd SE, Massillon. There is something for everyone, whether you are a new educator, an ESP member, or an experienced member lookiing for some Professional Development in the topics of today! You will enjoy a continental breakfast, a delicious brown bag lunch, door prizes, and a PD certiicate for your session hours. FREE to all members! Non-member guests may attend for a $15 fee. Come connect with your friends at ECOEA for a mid-summer professional day. Sessions run from 9 AM-3 PM. Session descriptions and workshop details are on the ECOEA webpage. Register today!
FIVE HOURS OF PD-Build your session selections from the following:

Morning sessions 9:00 AM-11:00 AM:
  • STRS Fiscal Fitness-for all certified members, especially early-mid career!
  • Getting to Know SERS-for all classified SERS members
  • OEA Treasurers' Workshop
  • Communication as an Equity Tool
  • Building Rep Training
Mini-session 11:15 AM-12:15 pm:
  • OEA Treasurers' Work Session
  • Mandatory Reporting is Not Just Common Sense
  • Build Your Contact Wishlist
  • Legislative Update
Afternoon sessions 1:00 PM-3:00 PM:
  • Local Leaders Roundtable
  • Google Your Way to a Stress-free Day
  • 2019 Code of Conduct Update-What Good Teachers Don't Know WILL Hurt Them
  • Wearing Red is Not Enough; How Educators Can Change Their Schools
Last year, ECOEA welcomed over 100 members to the Summer Leadership Workshop from local associations in Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscawaras, and Wayne Counties. Members gathered at Jackson Memorial High School for a variety of PD, lunch, door prizes and networking.
Join us this year at RG Drage on Monday, July 15 for even more session offerings! FREE to all ECOEA members!
OEA Summer Academy will be held in Columbus at the Columbus Renaissance Downtown on June 17-18. Great Professional Development sessions, keynote speaker and pre-conference yoga! OEA District Leaders will have an FCPE fund-raising reverse raffle too! Don't miss this opportunity to meet other educators from across the state. Register today at this link:
OEA Summer Academy Registration closes June 4.
SCHOLARSHIPS ARE STILL AVAILABLE to attend the OEA Summer Academy that cover your conference registration fee, one night at the Coumbus Downtown Renaissance hotel and all conference meals. Don't wait, apply today because when they are gone, they are gone!
O.N.E.-Ohio's New Educators is a community of young educators within OEA who support and empower their members to become effective teachers and leaders. This summer, O.N.E. has planned Classroom Management Training professional development at OEA Headquarters on July 10, 22, 23 , or August 6.
Register here:

We are happy to have Morgan Steinbach, Canton Professional EA as our ECOEA O.N.E. Ambassador. We look forward to your leadership, Morgan!
OEA Minority Leadership Training Program will be held July 19-20 at the Columbus Marriott University Area with the theme We Design the Paradigm . Registration is $10 and includes conference fees, meals, and overnight accomodations if needed. Reigistration opens April 1 on the OEA website. Click the flyer picture to download more information about this event. Contact Demetrice Davis at OEA for further information ( The MLT Program targets ethnic minorities and provides training for inclusive leadership in our association.
California Casualty is offering Music & Arts Grants of $250 to educators to offset cuts in school funding for the arts. Application is on-line and easy!
California Casualty provides insurance products to educators and other public service providers. NEA Member Benefits offers NEA Auto & Home Insurance in partnership with California Casualty. Special coverage perks include waiver of deductible if your auto is vandalized on school property and personal property coverage at school.
The OEA SPRING REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY was held in Columbus May 10th &11th. ECOEA was well-represented by 52 delegates from 16 local associations and OEA-Retired who did the work of the association over the two days of sessions. Delegates were in attendance from the following ECOEA locals:
  • Alliance EA
  • Canton Professional EA
  • East Canton EA
  • East Holmes EA
  • East Liverpool EA
  • Education Association of Orrville
  • Fairless EA
  • Jackson Classified PA
  • Jackson Memorial EA
  • Minerva Local EA
  • Newcomerstown TA
  • North Canton EA
  • Perry Classroom TA
  • Rittman EA
  • Southern Local TA
  • Wooster EA
Congratulations to Newcomerstown TA member Angela Stewart who was re-elected as NEA Director #4 at the OEA Representative Assembly. Angela is a Past President of ECOEA.
She will represent NEA in Thailand this summer through Education International. We are so proud of your good work Angela, and for being a positve reflection of ECOEA on the state, national and now international level. Congratulations Angela!
We are ECOEA proud to announce that three local treasurers received the OEA Fiscal Fitness award. Congratulations to Brian Richeson of Plain Local TA (left), Gretta Patrick of North Canton EA, and Mary Grunder (right) of Minerva Local EA for putting in the extra time to document their best fiscal practices and submitting their work for award consideration. Accepting the award for Gretta was North Canton EA President Julie Nelson (center).
Introducing New Business Item #1 was Minerva Local EA member Julie Holderbaum. Julie is a frequent blogger for OEA's Voices of Change and member of the ECOEA Executive Committee. In speaking to the motion, Julie spoke eloquently for the need to eliminate the over-testing of students. New Business Item #1 provides an action plan to support the Testing Reduction Act and reduce over-testing in Ohio. The NBI passed with much support from the assembly. Good job Julie!
The winner of the ECOEA basket in our non-dues fund drawing was Kelli Green, President of Perry Classroom TA. Kelli won the basket which contained Ohio products along with an ECOEA Red for Ed T-shirt. Proceeds go to support ECOEA member campaigns when seeking state and national association offices.
Congratulations to the Education Association of Orrville and the East Holmes Teachers' Association. These two locals applied for the ECOEA Rep Assembly Incentive Grant of $250 for locals who have not elected and sent delegates in the past five years. Both locals fulfilled their obligation and have been awarded the $250. If your local has not sent delegates in the past five years, why not make this a priority in the fall and get your local active on the district and state levels? Make your voice heard!
Receiving the OEA ESP Aspiring Teacher Scholarship was Rosemary Chewning of Wooster EA. Rosemary received her award at the OEA RA which provides a $4,000 scholarship to an ESP member currently enrolled in an undergraduate teacher program. Congratulations Rosemary!
My School, My Voice -Help evaluate how the Every Student Succeeds Act has been implemented in your school by completing a brief survey here School Checklist . Results will help ECOEA provide PD for locals whose results indicate a need for training to meet ESSA.
Check us out on Social Media! ECOEA is everywhere!